This process will be somewhat painful, but it is within the range that Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling can bear.

Mu Qianxi gave Feng Qier the pill to restore her spiritual power, and her complexion improved a lot.

Mu Qianxi asked: Grandma, how long will it take for dad and uncle's bloodline to fully awaken?

She already felt that a group of people had gathered outside, preparing to break through the protective formation of Qilin's main hall.

The less blood there is, the more time it takes. So according to my guess, it will take at least ten days and a half for Feng Yun and Feng Ling. I hope the formation in the main hall can hold it. Feng Qier said solemnly.

She knew that it was not an easy task for her two sons to awaken their bloodline in the Qilin main hall under the eyes of the curse master clan.

Then I will prepare the medicine, hoping that they can regain their vitality faster. Mu Qianxi said.

It was impossible for people from the curse master clan to break in so quickly. It was safe for the time being, so she would do what she could.

Mu Qianxi went to the side hall, took out the Cauldron of Eternity, countless elixirs, and began to prepare the potions.

Pour the potion into each container, and then place eggs inside.

After coming out of the space to the main Qilin hall, this Qilin egg seemed to react.

This is a place they are very familiar with!

The potion has been refined and the effect is pretty good. Ah Ting's space is indeed good, but since they feel more at home in the main Qilin Hall, they can stay outside. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Next, she began to try her best to refine potions with better effects.

Feng Qi'er also came over to take a look at them and found that their condition was getting better and better, and a smile appeared on her face.

Xi'er is the best!

I'm also very happy to be able to help you, grandma. Mu Qianxi smiled.

It's a pity that my grandmother is not strong enough to help only four

You, who is only one part of the bloodline, can awaken the Kirin bloodline. Only the clan leader can do this. Feng Qier felt that she was too disappointed.

Mu Qianxi replied: My cultivation has progressed very quickly. There is not much benefit if it increases too much. Grandma asked Dad and the others to awaken their bloodline. It has been a lot of hard work for me! I will talk about it when I have the opportunity.

Feng Qi'er suddenly felt a weak aura. She looked at a unicorn egg and felt an extremely cordial feeling.

Feng Qi'er injected her own power into it to help it, but there was still no response.

Time flies, three days passed quickly.

Mu Qianxi's medicine and vitality are of great benefit to the unicorn eggs. In addition, this is the main unicorn palace, so all the unicorn eggs are out of danger.

There are no surprises. Give them time to accumulate enough strength and they will be able to break out of the egg.

The vitality is strong enough. Next, we need to change the formula so that you can gain strength quickly. Mu Qianxi muttered.

Not long after the new potion was used, a loud and earth-shaking noise was heard outside.

That waste is trapped. Jiuye said in a low voice.

It's not easy for Zhizhi to hold on for so long. There are quite a few people from the Curse Master clan! All of them are top-notch in strength. Mu Qianxi's soul power spread out, and she naturally found that the people outside were all very powerful.

Mu Qianxi went to the altar. The awakening ceremony for her father and second uncle was not over yet.

Feng Qier's face showed a solemn look and said: It seems that there are many masters from the curse master clan. This large formation can last for a day or two at most.

Don't be afraid if it's broken. The worst I can do is fight with them. No matter what, they

Don't even think about disturbing my son's awakening of his bloodline.

Feng Qi'er was filled with murderous intent, and Mu Yan said: Madam, this formation belongs to your Qilin clan. Is there any way to reinforce it? Or other formations, if all are used, it should be able to block it for a while.

This... Feng Qier felt a little embarrassed.

I was quite playful when I was a child. My father said that there are many formations here, but I forgot!

She suffered the disaster of annihilation of her family at the most innocent and carefree age, and she didn't know much about many important things in the clan?

Now I regret that I didn't listen to my father's teachings before and even disliked him, Luo Liba Suo.

Mu Qianxi said: No matter what? Let's look carefully.

The curse master clan has a strong lineup, and there are only a few people on their side.

The father and the second uncle cannot participate in the battle. Even if Jiuye can fight one against a hundred against a thousand, accidents will inevitably happen.

We must try our best to prevent them from coming in until my father and second uncle completely complete their bloodline awakening.

Feng Qi'er said: Okay, let's look for it!

Just as they were about to set off, Feng Qier suddenly heard a voice in his head.



The familiar voice made Feng Qier's eyes filled with tears. She rushed to the side hall like the wind and found a unicorn egg.


No wonder she felt such a familiar feeling. It turned out that her father was sleeping in this egg.

You're still fine, that's great. The voice was hoarse and tired, but it was filled with relief.

Father, you will be fine. My granddaughter is very skilled in medicine, so you will be fine.

The leader of the Qilin clan was slightly startled, I even have a great-granddaughter? Has it been many, many years?

Although he hasn't seen his father yet, Feng Qier is already ecstatic to be able to talk to him.

I learned from my father that the Qilin clan experienced a catastrophe after sending her away.

The curse master clan came prepared and used insidious methods, but they fell into trouble.

However, the Qilin clan was not willing to be exterminated. Several ancestors and elders in the clan thought of a way.

They exhausted all their strength and turned the seriously injured and dying ones into unicorn eggs, hiding them in the most powerful formation of their unicorn clan.

Taizu and the others were completely wiped out, but they retained a glimmer of hope for most of the tribe.

Even if it can never be discovered, even if no one can make this unicorn egg full of life, even if it is very likely to be discovered and swallowed by leeches, they still hold on to this little bit of hope.

I never thought that God would bless our Qilin clan. We will still wake up one day, and their sacrifices were not in vain. The Qilin clan leader cried with joy.

Feng Qi'er also talked about the current situation. His two grandsons are awakening their bloodlines. He has no ability and can't contribute at all.

Now, many powerful men from the Curse Master Clan are surrounding the main hall of Qilin, and the formation in the main hall can no longer hold up.

Once they get in, they're in danger.

There are several blessing formations. You take me with you and we will go there. The leader of the Qilin clan said.

Okay! Feng Qier nodded.

The entire Qilin main hall is extremely large, and the formations are extremely secretive.

If the leader of the Qilin clan hadn't woken up and led them the way, they probably wouldn't have been able to find him for three to five days.

However, when I found it, it was a bit disappointing.

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