No way, we've all come here. They naturally refused.

Even if the other party's surname is Curse, it won't work if the young master is there.

Are you sure you want to anger us? These people were angry. They were all very powerful and really difficult to offend.

Young Master Curse Tan, can you let us go together? Some people did not dare to confront this group of guys head-on, so they made this request in a passive manner.

Can't you understand human language? Get lost - a cold and inhumane voice came, with a strong soul power to intimidate everyone. ??

Everyone's expressions froze, someone spoke over there.

We don't care about our own strength. We don't look down on you if we go together.

You have no self-awareness at all, it's ridiculous.


They were really angry. Although they didn't embrace any young master, they were still direct descendants, so naturally they were arrogant.

We won't leave. You explore yours, and we explore ours. They have nothing to do with each other.

Sure enough, you can't understand people's words. It seems that I want to show you some color. These people from the Curse Family were angry.

Young Master Curse Tan naturally didn't bother to take action. When the several curse masters beside him took action, they used powerful spells that ordinary direct descendants were not qualified to learn.

The other party took action directly, and when they used amplified moves, they were trapped before they could react.

Ah—— A scream came.

This spell won't kill anyone, but it will cause extreme pain.

Hmph! You know how much you weigh, right? Ju's family said arrogantly.

That's because of your sneak attack. They said unwillingly.

Even if we don't make a sneak attack, you still can't resist us.

What the other party told was the truth, and they were ashamed and angry.

Young Master Curse Tan hasn't taken action yet, only a few of his followers have taken action, and that's what happened to them. If he took action, they would definitely be dead.

There is still a leak

Fish in the net. Someone discovered Mu Qianxi and the others.

At this time, Wan Yan and the others were very excited. When the other party used the spell, the eldest lady stepped back.

It just happened to get them out of the control range of that spell, and they were now safe and sound.

They were sure that as soon as the other party made a move, the eldest lady would know what spell they were going to use? What is the range of the attack?

Aren't you willing to leave too? The Curse family glanced dangerously at Mu Qianxi and the others.

This group of people is weaker than the others. The reason why they can slip through the net is because they are farther away.

They must have been frightened to death when they saw the other consequences. They just obeyed and got out without saying a word.

Of course we won't leave. Beyond their expectations, a cold voice came.

Woman, what did you say? they were angry.

Even those who were not conjurers were stunned, This woman is crazy!

Several figures approached Mu Qianxi, but before they could unleash the power of the curse, they heard their young master shouting: Come back quickly.

Boom - Jutan also burst out with the power of the curse, but it still did not prevent these people from being blown away.

Bang bang bang! They were thrown to pieces.

Someone just took action.

And using the spell, we didn't even notice it.

Fortunately, the young master saved us, otherwise we would have been even worse than them.

Did you do it? Curse Tan stared at Mu Qianxi sinisterly.

The person who was beaten didn't know who was doing it, but he found out and stopped him, just a step slower.

Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows slightly. This young master level still has a lot of skills.


The younger generation of spell masters she met in the Qilin world were so powerful that she couldn't bear to look at them.

Yes! I was the one who made the move. Are you sure you want us to leave now? Mu Qianxi said calmly, but the soul power that was revealed casually made Curse Tan's face darken.

Very strong soul power, stronger than him.

Who are you? There is such a powerful master in the Qilin world, and it is impossible for her not to recognize him.

Who am I? Why should I tell you, either fight, or find each other in this Wind Ghost Valley. The fierce power of the curse burst out.

Mu Qianxi's intention was obvious, she would accompany him if he was beaten.

The people in the Curse family are so angry, and this woman is so crazy! But he was really strong, and they already felt that Mu Qianxi was dangerous.

This woman is very strong! No wonder Wan Yan is so diligent when calling her Miss. Others murmured.

Jutan weighed it in his mind. He came here to find the unicorn egg, and he didn't want to fight to the death with a woman who didn't know her strength or who was behind the scenes.

It seems that besides them, there are others from their clan who quietly came to the Qilin Realm in order to make great achievements and to collect the Ten Thousand Curses.

Let's go. Jutan did not choose to attack Mu Qianxi, and led the people as quickly as possible to the right side of Fenggui Valley.

Mu Qianxi and the others also left. Because the other person left, the spell was lifted and the others were naturally free.

Even though their whole bodies hurt, they still chased after Mu Qianxi without hesitation and shouted: Miss, wait for us.

Let's go together so we can take care of you.

“The more people there are, the safer it is.”

Wan Yan smiled angrily. Who was sarcastic to him before?

Is that what you call Miss? We, Miss, don't know you.

I said brother, if something good happens, don't forget me! They now

Being thick-skinned.

The first is that Mu Qianxi avenges them, and the second is that she can make Young Master Curse Tan fearful. With her, the Curse family will naturally not be able to drive them away.

Mu Qianxi didn't say anything to these people who followed and wanted to hug her, she just went her own way.

Wan Yan was actually not familiar with Mu Qianxi, so since the eldest lady didn't chase them away, she naturally didn't say anything more.

Wind Ghost Valley is very dangerous, and ordinary obstacles can be solved by direct descendants of the curse master clan.

When she encountered something she couldn't deal with, Mu Qianxi dealt with the spells one by one.

In order to convince them that she was a member of the curse master clan, Mu Qianxi did not let her father take action. It was enough for her to take action, and she only used spells.

Huhuhu... A strong wind roared, which was a normal situation in Fenggui Valley.

This wind is much stronger than before. If you can't defend yourself, you will be torn apart by this strong wind.

Mu Qianxi and the others would have no problem blocking it, but Feng Qi'er could smell the scent of his tribe in the wind.

Mu Qianxi was stunned, Then let's go upwind in the direction of the wind and look for it.

Seeing Mu Qianxi and the others rushing out, Wan Yan and the others were shocked: The eldest lady is so powerful. She can easily go upwind against such a terrifying ghost wind and move freely. Let's keep up.

With Mu Qianxi controlling most of the wind, it was obviously much easier for them to go against the wind.

The source of the wind was found. The entrance was a gap that could only allow one person to pass through. At this time, the group of young master Curse Tan also came.

Curse Tan was surprised that they found this place. Is it a coincidence?

You know, their family found here after refining a tool that can detect the Qilin aura based on the things left by the Qilin clan.

Could it be that they have something similar?

Young Master Curse Tan looked at Mu Qianxi with more and more fear.

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