Naturally, they couldn't let themselves be dragged over, so they grabbed the rock wall and fell into another cave.

Bang bang bang!

After a lot of tossing, the surroundings finally calmed down.

Mu Qianxi leaned into Jiuye's arms and said, It's okay at last, but I'm separated from my father, second uncle, and the others.

Such an accident happened, but Mu Qianxi didn't seem to do anything from beginning to end?

Because Jiuye held her tightly in his arms, she didn't need any help at all. ??

By the time she reacted, Jiuye had already led them away from danger.

Jiuye took Mu Qianxi's hand and said, Let's go find them together.

Okay, gotta hurry.

She naturally knew that her father and the others were very powerful, but the legend of the Devil's Cave that her grandmother told sounded dangerous, so it was better to join them quickly to reassure her.

Mu Qianxi looked at the surrounding environment, her soul power spread out in all directions, and she could clearly feel how huge this underground devil's cave was.

There are various large and small holes inside, which are intricate.

Entering each cave entrance, the path taken is completely different.

Jiuye and her rushed into a cave in order to get rid of that force. They didn't know where Dad and the others entered?

Her soul power is very strong, but there is a powerful restriction here, which cannot cover the entire underground cave.

This underground devil's cave is even more difficult to navigate than the ultimate underground maze! Mu Qianxi sighed.

Jiuye said: There is something down here, something powerful. You can go directly to it. It should know a lot about this place.

Is it the thing that explodes with powerful suction, makes people dizzy, and pulls people into the devil's cave?

Yes! As long as it leaks its breath next time, we should be able to find it.


This devil's cave is too complicated, and it's useless to search blindly. This is the only way.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely not dare to look for it.

That's a dangerous thing.

If you look for it, it's like food delivered to your door.

But Mu Qianxi has Jiuye by her side, so she is not afraid!

They walked around the Devil's Cave casually, and Jiuye said: The stones here are all ancient ores. This Devil's Cave has existed for a long time.

The longer it is, the more unusual it is inside!

It was pitch dark here, and Mu Qianxi and the others didn't know how much time had passed, but soon they heard a sound like a devil's roar coming from everywhere.


Powerful suction force erupted from each cave entrance, and Jiuye stood in front of Mu Qianxi.

This force did not affect the two of them, and they still walked forward casually.

Found it! Jiuye said in a low voice.

Yeah! I felt it too, over there!

With Mu Qianxi's soul power, she was able to determine her position when the guy exploded with power.

Just as she was about to rush out, she felt nothing beneath her feet.

Jiuye hugged him and quickly disappeared from the spot, saying to her: It's faster this way.

Of course Jiuye's speed was much faster than hers, and she already felt that she was getting closer to that guy.

Mu Fengyun was very angry, That damn boy, he started so quickly, damn it! If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be separated from Xi'er.

When danger first came, Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling naturally subconsciously protected Mu Qianxi.

However, there was someone who was one step ahead of them, and that was Huang Jiuye.

Feng Qi'er got out of Mu Yan's arms and said: My grandson-in-law is so powerful, Xi'er is safe with him. Now let's talk about this egg...

Bang! Feng Qi'er smashed the egg directly.

What the hell? They used the breath of the unicorn to disguise the unicorn egg, causing our family to fall into the devil's cave. Feng Qier said angrily.

She was only temporarily confused before, but quickly discovered the problem.

Mu Fengyun said: Fake?

Feng Qier nodded and said: Yes! It's just a snake egg. Because it was contaminated with the breath of unicorn, I misunderstood it as a unicorn egg. And this breath of unicorn came from the devil's cave.

Feng Qi'er also felt very puzzled. Why did the dangerous place that his father and clan leader had specifically mentioned have the aura of their clan members?

There is a very weak aura. I am here to find out. Even if this is a devil's cave, I am determined to break through. Feng Qier looked ahead with a solemn expression.

Mu Yan said: Madam, whether it's a dragon's pond, a tiger's den or a devil's cave, my husband will accompany you wherever you go.

Mu Fengyun also said: This devil's cave is complicated. Although I am worried about Xi'er, I know that if I try to find someone here, I won't be able to find anyone even if I look for ten years. So we follow our mother's feelings. Maybe Xi'er will follow ours. The destination is also uncertain.”

Feng Qi'er said: Let's go! ??

Ah ah ah - bursts of screams came from various cave entrances, and there were countless echoes.

Mu Qianxi said: Oh! There are still people alive.

Mu Fengyun and the others were closer to the source of the sound than Mu Qianxi. Feng Qier said: There is danger ahead, very dangerous. But Qilin's aura is also ahead, so be careful.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun were strong, so they were not pulled to the end by the suction force. They broke free halfway.

However, other members of the curse master clan did not have this ability. They were dragged to the end, and then they saw an extremely terrifying huge monster, and they almost fainted from fright.

Except for spiritual beasts and ferocious beasts, there are always

It’s interesting to be able to eat something human-shaped. This huge creature looked at them with interest.

It could have swallowed them in one bite, but they were rare prey anyway. Wouldn't it be boring to just swallow them in one bite?

So it has to play with them slowly and enjoy their frightened expressions.

This... what kind of monster is this? they trembled.

Ouch! Miss, please help me!

However, they knew very well that although the eldest lady was very powerful, she... could never be the opponent of this monster.

Even if the eldest lady comes, she can't save them, they are dead.

Mu Fengyun and the others also came. Seeing such a huge creature, Feng Qi'er whispered: Leech!

Mu Fengyun was stunned and said: Leech!

One of the most ferocious beasts in ancient times, this thing is actually in the Qilin Realm Demon Cave.

It must be because of this rumor that the Qilin clan has such rumors.

Hahaha! I didn't expect that after I have disappeared for so many years, there are still people who can recognize me. Interesting! Interesting! It heard Mu Fengyun's words.

Oh my god! People from the Curse Master clan have also heard of the name of this ferocious beast, and their bodies are already crumbling.

This terrifying guy is difficult for even the powerful Protoss to deal with.

They are just little shrimps of the curse master clan. Why did they encounter such a terrifying thing?

Let's go! Feng Qier said eagerly.

This thing is not something they can compete with.

Boom! A loud noise came out, and the surroundings were surrounded by terrifying winds.

Zhizhi smiled and said: When you get here, you are my prey. You can't escape.

The air around him seemed to be frozen, making it difficult to breathe.

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