After hearing Feng Qi'er's words, Mu Qianxi's eyes flashed brightly.

Under certain circumstances, we might actually find a place.

Before they got close to that colorful place, they heard the presence of other people approaching.

Quan Wei was stunned, Someone actually found this place, and it seems that they arrived before us. I hope the other party is not too strong, otherwise...

When these people stood in front of them, Quan Wei's face darkened.

This group of people is not simple! Stronger than anyone they had encountered before, and Mu Qianxi felt the same way.

Which clan are you from? Which branch are you from? they asked arrogantly.

Mu Qianxi glanced at Quan Wei, signaling for him to answer.

Quan Wei said: We are a branch of the whole family.

When they heard that it was the whole family and a collateral branch, the eyes of these people became even more contemptuous.

A mere member of the family is actually lucky enough to come here. It seems that you are quite lucky. I advise you, if you don't want to die, go back the way you came! This is not a place for you to come.

Tch! I thought it was some direct lineage coming? We could use an extra helper, but we didn't expect that a bunch of trash from the sidelineage came, wasting our time.


After hearing this, Quanwei knew that they were not on the same level as the people in front of him.

The other person must be a direct descendant, and probably not from their entire family.

They turned around and left, Quan Wei said: Miss.

Mu Qianxi did not answer, but just passed by.

Regardless of whether there was any danger here or whether there were direct descendants of the curse master clan, their grandmother could sense the Qilin's aura here, so they naturally wanted to take a look.

Miss, wait for us! Quan Wei also caught up.

Having come this far, they would not back down just because of a few direct clan members who looked down on them.

And you need to know this person

The strength of the eldest lady is no worse than that of those direct ladies.

They are not afraid of hugging such a thigh.

Tsk! I reminded them with good intentions, but they actually asked for their own death.

A bunch of things that don't know how to live or die.


Seeing that Mu Qianxi and the others did not leave, those people before said sarcastically.

It turns out that the place where the colorful light shines is a lake.

This lake is extremely beautiful, but it seems to give people a very dangerous feeling.

Not far ahead, there are two teams.

Someone saw them and said, We're about to take action. Let those sideline trash stay away and stay out of the way!


Quanwei repeatedly agreed to their requests.

Miss, there must be some good things or unicorn eggs in this lake, but there are also very powerful ferocious beasts here. So the two direct relatives are joining forces and are ready to take action. What should we do? Quan Quan Wei Lai said.

Stay far away and wait and see how powerful that beast is? Mu Qianxi said calmly.

There are people who are willing to take the lead and take risks, just let them be helped.

The two direct descendants took action instantly and placed a powerful spell on the lake.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and a huge thing broke out of the water.

Bang! Their spells didn't stop it for long, and soon they had to face this ferocious monster at close range.

This is a dark dragon with four heads.

Feng Qi'er said: These seem to be four black dragons. They are quite dangerous beasts. I didn't expect that there is also one in the Demon's Nest Forest.


Feng Qi'er knew the indigenous ferocious beasts of the Qilin world very well. She said: Those bastards from the curse master clan are no match for this black dragon.

Rumble! The violent aura spread.

As soon as the two sides fought, Mu Qianxi was sure that all the people in his direct lineage combined were no match for the black dragon.

Disperse and continue to arrange spells!


They were also surprised to face such a powerful beast.

However, the more powerful the beast is, the more it means this place is not simple.

They will not back down, no matter what, they must defeat it and find the treasure here.

Facing these desperate guys, a ferocious light flashed in the eyes of the four black dragons, and they attacked even more fiercely.

Puff puff! Their spells were unable to break through the scales of the four black dragons, and they had no real effect.

It's so powerful and difficult to deal with that some people have already been hit hard by it.

Quan Wei and the others had a look of fear on their faces, This ferocious beast is too strong. Those direct descendants who told us not to come here are right.

So many direct masters are no match for it, my God!

They looked at the powerful eldest lady. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady still looked very calm when seeing such a powerful beast.

Ah—— A scream came.

Not only were some people seriously injured, but some were eaten by four black dragons.

The ferocious beast tasted meat and became more and more greedy and cruel.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, and the faces of the direct lineage men and horses on both sides are getting more and more ugly.

The strength of this ferocious beast has exceeded their expectations. They have used their special skills to still not hurt it.

What should I do? Do you want to give up?


br\u003e “How could you give up? Maybe you can find unicorn eggs here!”


There is a huge disparity in strength between the two parties. What solution can they come up with?

Someone caught a glimpse of Mu Qianxi's side, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

He said: Master, this ferocious beast looks very hungry and wants to eat. Let's lure it over and let the waste be used as food. We can arrange a more powerful spell while it is eating. Trap it first...

This is a good idea. Those weak side factions who can't help but are determined to join in the fun now can be put to use, so it's not in vain for them. Anyway, if our entire army is annihilated, they won't be able to escape.

Once you have a plan, implement it quickly.

These direct masters and black dragons rushed over unexpectedly, and the terrifying pressure made people weak.

Quanwei and the others were about to cry, I... We've all hid so far away, why did we still come? Run away!

Mu Qianxi said calmly: Don't you see? They lured them here on purpose.

Quan Wei's face was completely drained of color, They didn't lure them here because they wanted to...

What should I do? They are all from the same clan. Quanwei can also guess what their plan is?

Mu Qianxi said calmly: Of course it's a fight! After all, we can't defeat this black dragon with those rubbish, so we'll do it ourselves.

Quan Wei's eyes widened, the eldest lady's tone was too calm.

It seems that the ferocious beast that the two direct lineages can't deal with is a piece of cake for her.

Before the ferocious beast could get close to them, Mu Qianxi exploded with the power of a spell, and a spell was instantly condensed.

Bang! The four black dragons had broken all the spells of those direct descendants before, thinking that this kind of power was very weak.

I didn't expect it, but now I have fallen hard.

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