Mu Qianxi left the cell and went to look for someone together. In such a short period of time, it felt like they had been suffering for thousands of years as they were begging for death.

Light appeared at the door, and six figures approached. They were as excited as if they had seen a savior who could free them.

The silver figure flashed, and Feng Qi'er was already standing in front of them.

What secrets do you know about our Qilin clan? Tell me! Feng Qier said sharply.

Their bodies were all very damaged, and they all vomited blood when faced with such terrifying Qilin pressure.

The man stood holding the wall and said hoarsely: I... I heard the patriarch talking to someone not long ago, saying... saying...

They discovered something in the Qilin world. The Qilin tribe was completely wiped out at the beginning, but we actually didn't beat them to death. They seemed to have used secret methods to retain the last glimmer of vitality, and they all regressed into Qilin eggs and were sealed in a place.

For so many years, our family has been preparing to treat the Qilin World as the second territory of our curse master family. We searched for all valuable things in the Qilin World, and we only discovered this secret recently.

The patriarch said that because Lord Jiuye is strictly guarding all walks of life and does not allow us to have the opportunity to come to Xuantian Realm, he went to Qilin Realm to find those eggs. Even though they may be dead eggs after so many years, after all, they were hit in the first place A powerful spell that will inevitably lead to death. But it is also an opportunity. We really want to return to the family of spells.

They wanted to go back, but the Lord himself disliked the Curse Clan and refused to go back.

The long-cherished wish of their curse master clan may never be fulfilled.

Ahhh...that's all I know, kill me! Kill me!

Feng Qi'er waved his hand, and terrifying power exploded.

The entire cell was instantly razed to the ground, and the three members of the curse master clan were naturally wiped out.

Death is not the most terrifying thing. They have experienced things more terrifying than death. They were laughing happily before they died, and they were finally free!

Madam! Mu Yan hugged his wife tightly, feeling her body trembling.

She had tried her best to hit her just now, which showed her anger and heartache.

Mu Fengyun said: Father, please comfort mother.

Make mother happy. Mu Fengling also said.

Mu Yan was very good at coaxing his wife. Feng Qi'er came out of her sadness in half a day, and she called everyone over.

Feng Qi'er said: When the Qilin clan suffered a catastrophe, because I was the youngest, my father seemed to have expected something extremely dangerous to happen and sent me away early.

When I went back again, I found that the Qilin clan had been completely wiped out, and not a single clan member was found. I didn't participate in that battle. I wonder what happened to them?

Her eyes became moist. Even if she didn't know, looking at the devastated Qilin world, not a single clan member was left, she also knew how tragic the war was, and she became a deserter.

She hated herself so much that she wished she could kill the curse master clan and fight them to the death.

Then I wanted to take revenge, but I met a clan of curse masters who were searching the Qilin world. They were very happy to see me and said they didn't expect the Qilin clan to be wiped out. There was also a little Qilin who slipped through the net. I fought with them. , but was injured by their spells, and had to flee! I want to avenge my tribe, so naturally I cannot die at the hands of these little miscellaneous fish.

r\u003e After that, all the curse masters knew about my existence and kept chasing me. As a result, I grew up quickly, and then I met your father when I was hiding in the Xuantian Realm.

She met someone who boldly pursued her and she fell in love with him, got married and had children.

Those were the happiest years she had ever lived, as she had a bloody feud and was hunted down by powerful enemies.

I have dealt with all the pursuers who came to Xuantian Realm. I don't want them to destroy my home. However, not long after meeting Lao San, their clan leader personally took action and cast a very terrifying spell on me. Although I escaped But the spell has no solution.

Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling also understood what happened next.

That's why their mother and father were so homeless and didn't care much about their young children and their seriously ill third brother.

Because my father and my mother tried their best to find a way to solve the curse, and they didn't want their enemies to come to their door.

Because at that time, their mother, who was under a spell, could no longer protect them, and their father was really not strong.

Mu Fengling's eyes were already filled with red murderous intent. He hated his father at first and was sad and lost because his mother was no longer by his side.

And the culprit is the ruthless and unscrupulous family of curse masters.

Fortunately, I met Xi'er! The sad Feng Qi'er showed a smile on his face and wanted to hug his lovely granddaughter.

As a result, her grandson-in-law didn't give her any face, so he took her away.

Feng Qi'er is a strong woman. After telling her sad things, she became so bright and dazzling.

The curse master clan is very strong, and now my son, your mortal enemy, the Beigong Dynasty, is also eyeing you. The gods are also interested in you. Mother also wants you to become stronger. Your strength is improving very quickly, and you want to become more powerful. If so, there is one way to go, and that is to completely awaken the Qilin bloodline, but this has to go to the Qilin world.

She is Qilin, who has awakened a powerful bloodline since birth.

The sons only have half of the unicorn blood, so they have to return to the unicorn world to use special methods and treasures to completely awaken the bloodline.

Feng Qi'er sighed: Although I have this idea, my mother is also afraid of returning to that place. When I think that there is no clan member there anymore and it is desolate, I... I am afraid that I will not be able to bear another blow. So I have been I avoided it and put it off again and again, but now that I know this news, I have to go back.

Even if I am the only one left in the Qilin clan, I will never let the Curse Master clan get involved. Also...if the clan members really left eggs, even if there is only a slim chance, I want to find them. I want to They're back. Feng Qi'er's voice became hoarse again, but his whole body was burning with burning fighting spirit.

Mu Fengyun knew that his mother was going to the Qilin Clan to fight against the Curse Master Clan, but he would not stop her.

He said: Then mother takes the second brother to revive the bloodline, and then brings Xi'er. If the tribe really has a chance of survival, Xi'er's medical skills should be able to find a way. And bring the Lord of Nine Nights, he can send Use it. As for father, you can take him with you if you want!

Even if he dislikes this future son-in-law, he will not deny it.

With him here, whether it is the baby daughter, mother, or brother, they will be safe.

Mu Yan was angry, What do you mean you can take him with you if you want? Fengyun! Is there anyone who despises my biological father like you?

No! What about you? Why didn't you arrange for yourself? Mu Yan reacted and asked. Mu Qianxi left the cell and went to look for someone together. In such a short period of time, it felt like they had been suffering for thousands of years as they were begging for death.

Light appeared at the door, and six figures approached. They were as excited as if they had seen a savior who could free them.

The silver figure flashed, and Feng Qi'er was already standing in front of them.

What secrets do you know about our Qilin clan? Tell me! Feng Qier said sharply.

Their bodies were all very damaged, and they all vomited blood when faced with such terrifying Qilin pressure.

The man stood holding the wall and said hoarsely: I... I heard the patriarch talking to someone not long ago, saying... saying...

They discovered something in the Qilin world. The Qilin tribe was completely wiped out at the beginning, but we actually didn't beat them to death. They seemed to have used secret methods to retain the last glimmer of vitality, and they all regressed into Qilin eggs and were sealed in a place.

For so many years, our family has been preparing to treat the Qilin World as the second territory of our curse master family. We searched for all valuable things in the Qilin World, and we only discovered this secret recently.

The patriarch said that because Lord Jiuye is strictly guarding all walks of life and does not allow us to have the opportunity to come to Xuantian Realm, he went to Qilin Realm to find those eggs. Even though they may be dead eggs after so many years, after all, they were hit in the first place A powerful spell that will inevitably lead to death. But it is also an opportunity. We really want to return to the family of spells.

They wanted to go back, but the Lord himself disliked the Curse Clan and refused to go back.

The long-cherished wish of their curse master clan may never be fulfilled.

Ahhh...that's all I know, kill me! Kill me!

Feng Qi'er waved his hand, and terrifying power exploded.

The entire cell was instantly razed to the ground, and the three members of the curse master clan were naturally wiped out.

Death is not the most terrifying thing. They have experienced things more terrifying than death. They were laughing happily before they died, and they were finally free!

Madam! Mu Yan hugged his wife tightly, feeling her body trembling.

She had tried her best to hit her just now, which showed her anger and heartache.

Mu Fengyun said: Father, please comfort mother.

Make mother happy. Mu Fengling also said.

Mu Yan was very good at coaxing his wife. Feng Qi'er came out of her sadness in half a day, and she called everyone over.

Feng Qi'er said: When the Qilin clan suffered a catastrophe, because I was the youngest, my father seemed to have expected something extremely dangerous to happen and sent me away early.

When I went back again, I found that the Qilin clan had been completely wiped out, and not a single clan member was found. I didn't participate in that battle. I wonder what happened to them?

Her eyes became moist. Even if she didn't know, looking at the devastated Qilin world, not a single clan member was left, she also knew how tragic the war was, and she became a deserter.

She hated herself so much that she wished she could kill the curse master clan and fight them to the death.

Then I wanted to take revenge, but I met a clan of curse masters who were searching the Qilin world. They were very happy to see me and said they didn't expect that the Qilin clan would be wiped out, and there was also a little Qilin who slipped through the net. I fought with them , but was injured by their spells, and had to flee! I want to avenge my tribe, so naturally I cannot die at the hands of these little miscellaneous fish.

r\u003e After that, all the curse masters knew about my existence and kept chasing me. As a result, I grew up quickly, and then I met your father when I was hiding in the Xuantian Realm.

She met someone who boldly pursued her and she fell in love with him, got married and had children.

Those were the happiest years she had ever lived, as she had a bloody feud and was hunted down by powerful enemies.

I have dealt with all the pursuers who came to Xuantian Realm. I don't want them to destroy my home. However, not long after meeting Lao San, their clan leader personally took action and cast a very terrifying spell on me. Although I escaped But the spell has no solution.

Mu Fengyun and Mu Fengling also understood what happened next.

That's why their mother and father were so homeless and didn't care much about their young children and their seriously ill third brother.

Because my father and my mother tried their best to find a way to solve the curse, and they didn't want their enemies to come to their door.

Because at that time, their mother, who was under a spell, could no longer protect them, and their father was really not strong.

Mu Fengling's eyes were already filled with red murderous intent. He hated his father at first and was sad and lost because his mother was no longer by his side.

And the culprit is the ruthless and unscrupulous family of curse masters.

Fortunately, I met Xi'er! The sad Feng Qi'er showed a smile on his face and wanted to hug his lovely granddaughter.

As a result, her grandson-in-law didn't give her any face, so he took her away.

Feng Qi'er is a strong woman. After telling her sad things, she became so bright and dazzling.

The curse master clan is very strong, and now my son, your mortal enemy, the Beigong Dynasty, is also eyeing you. The gods are also interested in you. Mother also wants you to become stronger. Your strength is improving very quickly, and you want to become more powerful. If so, there is one way to go, and that is to completely awaken the Qilin bloodline, but this has to go to the Qilin world.

She is Qilin, who has awakened a powerful bloodline since birth.

The sons only have half of the unicorn blood, so they have to return to the unicorn world to use special methods and treasures to completely awaken the bloodline.

Feng Qi'er sighed: Although I have this idea, my mother is also afraid of returning to that place. When I think that there is no clan member there anymore and it is desolate, I... I am afraid that I will not be able to bear another blow. So I have been I avoided it and put it off again and again, but now that I know this news, I have to go back.

Even if I am the only one left in the Qilin clan, I will never let the Curse Master clan get involved. Also...if the clan members really left eggs, even if there is only a slim chance, I want to find them. I want to They're back. Feng Qi'er's voice became hoarse again, but his whole body was burning with burning fighting spirit.

Mu Fengyun knew that his mother was going to the Qilin Clan to fight against the Curse Master Clan, but he would not stop her.

He said: Then mother takes the second brother to revive the bloodline, and then brings Xi'er. If the tribe really has a chance of survival, Xi'er's medical skills should be able to find a way. And bring the Lord of Nine Nights, he can send Use it. As for father, you can take him with you if you want!

Even if he dislikes this future son-in-law, he will not deny it.

With him here, whether it is the baby daughter, mother, or brother, they will be safe.

Mu Yan was angry, What do you mean you can take him with you if you want? Fengyun! Is there anyone who despises my biological father like you?

No! What about you? Why didn't you arrange for yourself? Mu Yan reacted and asked.

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