Let Qinglong and Baihu deal with them immediately.

He doesn't know how to kill the envoy, but since he has left the territory of their Donghuang Dynasty, he can kill him casually.

Not to mention the provocation of those people, just threatening him to let Xi'er marry Bei Gongjue was enough to kill them ten thousand times.

A cold and calm voice came, No, I will go!

He dared to say that he wanted Xi'er to enter into a marriage contract with others and let them live for such a long time. It was just that he didn't want to leave Xi'er for the time being.

You... who asked you to mind your own business?

Xi's matter is naturally my matter. I am her fiancé.

You are too good at putting gold on your face! Xi'er said that she has a fiancé, but does she have a fiancé who is your prison realm lord Huang Jiuye? No!

It's me! Jiuye dropped these three words and disappeared.

A purple figure passed by, she caught up with Jiuye and said: This time you are going, take me with you!

Mu Qianxi threw herself directly into his arms. How could he let his beloved woman throw herself into the air? We can only continue.

Once you catch it, you can't shake it off.

Xi, I'm just doing some small things. I'll be back with you soon. Jiuye said in a low voice.

Mu Qianxiang raised his head slightly, stared into those ice-blue eyes, and said, Since it's a small matter, let's go together! Anyway, I don't have anything else to do now. Don't you want me to spend more time with you?

If you don't agree, then I can only ask Jingying Ying to help. My dear, you have pieces of my Jingying Ying on you. I can come to you immediately wherever you go? The corners of Mu Qianxi's mouth raised slightly.

Of course, Jiuye cannot defeat Mu Qianxi.

So, the two of them naturally left together.

Although all of the envoys from the Beigong Dynasty were seriously injured and their strength was completely disabled.

But there is ice king iron

Riding together makes them feel quite safe.

However, when they stepped out of the border between the two countries, they instantly felt the chill in their bones and souls.



They didn't even have time to call for help. When they saw themselves, the people around them turned into bones and disappeared into ashes.

It just happened in the blink of an eye, but it became the most terrifying memory in their lives.

By the time the Ice King Cavalry reacted, the envoys had disappeared.


problem occurs.

When something goes wrong, something goes wrong. It's important that we go back to meet His Majesty first. After all, when His Majesty sent them here, he didn't expect them to survive. Mu Fengyun waited until they stepped out of the country before taking their lives. It was very principled. . Their general said indifferently.

Mu Qianxi hugged Jiuye's arm and said, It was solved in an instant. Shall we go back to the palace next?

No! We have to go somewhere else.

Mu Qianxi asked: Where to go?

I'm going to the palace of the Beigong Dynasty, but I don't want Xi to go, and I don't want Xi to see him. I won't destroy his body, I'm just going to take care of him when I go to get Jingying's fragments, so Xi can go back and wait for me, okay? Ye also didn't want to hide anything from her and tell the truth.

He knew that Xi was worried about that person, not the one seeking marriage, but that person was also in the exorcism shell.

That queen is difficult to deal with. There was a problem last time. With me here this time, you are more sure, right? After all, I have three crystal fragments in my hand. Mu Qianxi said.

Emperor of Beigong Dynasty

Later, a crystal fragment was taken away, but the soul clan's abilities were weird and difficult to deal with.

And they have enemies on the side of the Donghuang Dynasty that they have yet to deal with, so it is not appropriate to take action.

Now that the internal problems of the Donghuang Dynasty have been resolved, it is not just Beigong Jue who is ambitious to annex the Donghuang Dynasty and unify Xuantian to deal with her.

She and her father also want to kill the Beigong Dynasty, defeat Beigong Jue, and take back the crystal fragments.

Xi, let's go! Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi tightly, cut through the void, and not long after, he arrived at the palace of the Beigong Dynasty.

Go to Bei Gongjue first, Mu Qianxi said.

Mu Qianxi still determined her location. In the study, looking at the person handling the memorial, Mu Qianxi was slightly startled.


Huang Jiuye's eyes became darker. This time, he couldn't beat this person.

Gu Baiyi was slightly startled, looking at the person who suddenly appeared.

Xi'er, I'm sorry, I...

I know you won and it's okay. I suddenly relaxed my vigilance and allowed him to regain control of his body and let him do such a thing. I have now revised the book to inform the Donghuang Dynasty that the Beigong Dynasty will never let him You marry.

Mu Qianxi said: I know it's not you. I thought it was Bei Gongjue who was here, and I was ready to torture him! I didn't expect that your situation is not as bad as I imagined. That's great. .”

Gu Baiyi smiled and said: Xi'er doesn't have to worry about me anymore. Now my soul power is on par with his or even stronger than his. He doesn't have many chances to get his body back! I won't let him hurt Xi'er and let him attack. Xi’er’s country.”

It's really thanks to you that you have been suppressing him, otherwise we...

The two of them were chatting in a good mood, but Jiuye suddenly interrupted: Since you accept it,

If we can't pick up that person, then let's pick up the other one, Xi!

If Xiaobai could always control his body and prevent Bei Gongjue from disappearing.

As long as they retrieve the crystal fragments, there will be no need for the two countries to fight.

Gu Baiyi said: You have to deal with her. She is very difficult to deal with and is unfathomable.

Well! I have an important treasure that was taken away by the queen. It is very important to me. I didn't get it last time. Let's try it this time! No matter what, I must try my best. Mu Qianxi thought of the broken and weak Jing Ying, now knowing the whereabouts of a fragment, she wants to take it back no matter what.

If five fragments are gathered, Jingyingying's condition should be better.

Do I know where she is? Let me lead the way for you! Be careful, I'm afraid I won't be able to help with anything else, because I'm afraid she will take action to release Bei Gongjue. Gu Baiyi said apologetically.

His soul is now stronger than Beigong Jue's and can suppress him. Their situations have been reversed.

But Beigong is definitely better than he was before. After all, he has practiced extremely powerful soul cultivation methods.

Just like when he was suppressed by Bei Gongjue, the only surprise was Xi'er, who gave him the determination to defeat.

As for Bei Gongjue, that woman was the only surprise.

Mu Qianxi said: Xiao Bai just protects himself well, leave the rest to us!

Mu Qianxi and Jiuye passed by, and they saw an extremely beautiful and charming woman in black.

She looked at Jiuye and said, His Royal Highness Jiuye is here again. If you pester me like this, I will think that you have other intentions for me?

Oh! I also brought a small dessert. Is this for me? Those eyes that could suck away the soul flashed a strange light as they stared at Mu Qianxi.

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