Facing the deadly and terrifying force, Mu Qianxi did not panic at all.

She said: Shadow, come back!

The next moment, a shadow appeared behind her.

The force of destruction struck, but was blocked by a light blue light.

Boom! A earth-shaking sound erupted, making everyone's hearts beat.

His Highness Qian Xi, the number one genius and number one alchemist in Xuantian Realm, must not get into trouble!

Damn it! Mu Fengyun, Mu Wushuang and the others' auras became extremely dangerous, and they attacked Mu Lincang desperately.

At this time, Mu Wushuang had the urge to unlock his own strength. No matter what, he did not want Xi'er to be harmed by someone from the curse master clan.

Crystal Ying's absolute defense can naturally block the attacks of the curse master clan.

They looked at Mu Qianxi who was safe and sound. The spell masters said solemnly: She actually has such a powerful defensive artifact. We were originally afraid that she would die accidentally!

Continue to attack, increase your strength, and break this defense.

At this moment, a powerful attack fell from the sky, and violent power swept over.

These shameless and hateful people from your curse master clan dare to bully my granddaughter with so many people. You must be tired of living!

It was a woman with a heroic appearance and a very wild appearance. The spear swept across and pierced the heart of a spell master in an instant, and blood spattered out.

It's you! Qilin... The person in front of her was obviously not a human being, and she didn't even try to hide the powerful aura of the Qilin beast.

Mu Fengyun, Mu Fengling and Mu Wushuang looked at the figure blankly and said, Mother!

They haven't seen each other for many, many years. Ever since they were very young, their mother has not been in frequent contact with them because of the existence of the curse master clan, a big threat, and has been away from home.

Later, she fell under a spell cast by a clan of spell masters. Her father took her out to find a way to solve the spell, but they had no chance to see her.

They didn't think about it

Come, she will appear at this time and protect Xi'er.

You three, go deal with that bastard Mu Lincang, a member of the curse master clan. If you dare to bully my granddaughter and my son, I will break every inch of their bones. She said murderously.

They looked at her and said: Qilin, you were forced to hide your head and tail by us before, but now you have the courage to come out. Do you think you will be a match for so many of us? It seems that we have decided to deal with your son and lure you out. It’s correct, but it’s a pity that they are so good at hiding that we haven’t caught them for so many years.”

But we don't need you now. We already know who owns the Collection of Ten Thousand Curses.

They looked at Feng Qi'er fiercely, their murderous intent erupting to an extremely powerful level.

This is not about showing mercy to Mu Qianxi, but about using all his strength.

Because they found that the curse on this unicorn had been lifted and it was very powerful.

Let us make you, the last unicorn beast, disappear from this world!

One by one, they took out artifacts full of sinister power, filled with all kinds of dangerous spells.

They formed a formation and attacked Feng Qi'er with great fierceness.

Boom! A loud noise came out, and the forces of the two parties collided.

At this moment, a white figure passed over.

The long sword cut through the void and struck a person.

If one person is defeated, their dangerous formation can be broken.


Although he was not hit critically, he was severely injured and the formation was broken.

Feng Qi'er's powerful power roared towards the people of the curse master clan.

Bang bang bang! The curser

There were so many people in the clan, but they were knocked down by one person, and everyone was seriously injured.

Mu Yan said coldly: As a clan of curse masters, we and I will definitely settle a score with you this time.

Mu Yan! Mu Feng's face showed shock when he saw the man in front of him.

Mu Yan... A familiar person appeared, and Mu Lincang also regained some consciousness.

Different from the decadent impression, even though Mu Yan's strength is still not as good as his, he has become very energetic and much younger.

Feng Qi'er said: You go ahead and don't get in the way here.

Mu Yan felt aggrieved by being rejected by his wife, I'm pretty good now, I can help! Qi'er, just let me help you! Let's fight side by side to avenge you and your son.

Okay! Then be careful. Feng Qier said. It's not like he hasn't seen her husband's efforts over the years.

The next moment, her figure turned into a silver light and shot out.

The spear pierced the air and once again killed the spell masters.

This unicorn is so cruel!

Can Feng Qier not be cruel? After accumulating anger and hatred for so long, his strength has recovered quite well now. You are absolutely welcome to take revenge.

Mu Fengyun saw that his mother was so tough and there was no need to worry about people from the curse master clan hurting Mu Qianxi, so he naturally tried his best to deal with Mu Lincang and other Mu Fengyun's minions as quickly as possible.

Boom! The terrifying impact spread, and the curse masters were almost beaten!

Mu Qianxi blinked her eyes. When she first met her grandmother, she was still very weak. How could she not have imagined that her grandmother would be so strong?

The faces of the people of the curse master clan became more and more gloomy. They asked, What are you doing using curses to compete with Qilin?

The combat effectiveness of their spell masters was not their advantage. They used spiritual power to deal with Mu Qianxi before.

The power of the cold spell burst out, and they were condensing the spell.

Feng Qi'er once suffered a lot from spells, so he had to be careful and slow down his attacks.

At this moment, a crisp voice came.


Mu Qianxi's soul power poured out, causing the spells that the curse masters had finally condensed to instantly disintegrate and suffer backlash.

Mu Qianxi said: Grandma, just leave their spells to me. Just attack them.

Feng Qi'er smiled brightly and said, My dear Xi'er is awesome!

There was a flash of silver light, the air was torn apart, and a spell master was stabbed through the throat.

The curse masters condensed their spells, but Mu Qianxi broke them easily, and even used spells to attack them secretly.

The two divided their labors and cooperated, and they were invincible against the people of the curse master clan, which made the curse master clan feel that the end was coming.

Mu Yan held the sword and flew through the air with a look of helplessness on his face, My wife and granddaughter are so powerful that I can't even use them!

With a flash of silver light, Feng Qi'er attacked again.

The hairs on the bodies of these spell masters stand on end. I wonder who will be the next person to die at the hands of Qilin?

If the most powerful and deceitful spell cannot be used, how can it be as powerful as the Qilin beast?

They were very anxious. If they had known that they would meet someone with a more powerful spell than them, if they had known that Qilin had lifted the spell and his strength had recovered to this point, they would have brought more clan members over.

However, there is no regret in taking medicine in this world!

Control that little girl first. If she didn't help Qilin break the curse and use the spell to sneak attack us, with the ability of our family, we can deal with Qilin.

If the fight continues like this, none of them will survive.

Naturally, we must find a solution and change the situation.

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