The medicine produced by the Ghost Doctor House is definitely the best in Xuantian's healing speed.

The next day, everyone was back to their best.

Mu Fengyun gave the order and attacked the second city.

When the news came that Mu Fengyun's army was approaching, all of them turned pale.

The Ghost Doctor Building would not provide them with any elixirs or medicines, so their injured soldiers and horses did not recover much at all in one night.

Except for His Majesty's personal guards, all the rest of the army of the Donghuang Dynasty is here.

The Beigong Dynasty was helping Mu Fengyun again, so they had no reinforcements.

How can we fight without reinforcements?

Why are you all so cowardly? As long as I'm waiting, I can definitely stop Mu Fengyun and the others without opening the city gate to fight.

Without the support of the army, the masters did send a certain amount of troops.

In the eyes of these strong men, their strength is enough to kill countless ants with one move.

Therefore, whether the army can win the battle is not the most important thing.

However, such a battle, whether it is a battle between masters or soldiers, is crucial.

The current situation is not up to them.

It is hard to disobey the emperor's order. If you don't have confidence, you can only fight to the death.

Open the city gate and kill!

The White Tiger's legion and the Ice King's cavalry were fighting, and the situation was completely one-sided.

They gritted their teeth and fought, just as His Majesty the Eastern Emperor wished, risking their lives to stop him.

In the battle between masters, Donghuang lost a lot of people yesterday, and they are not recovering now.

Even with so many helpers, there is still only one result.


Mu Fengyun was too strong. Without someone to defeat him, it would be completely difficult for them to win.

In the end, these experts gave up and retreated.

They retreated even faster than the army below, which had always been at a disadvantage.

The general is heartbroken

Liang finally said: Withdraw!

The second city was captured. This time they suffered little loss and did not stop, but continued the pursuit.

Directly attack the last city at the junction between the west and the center.

There were no reinforcements, and there was a huge disparity in strength. Even the masters who came to help later fled back to the capital.

Mu Fengyun's power and ability to lead troops in battle were once again witnessed by the entire Xuantian Realm.

In the border crisis, Donghuang had no choice but to order those people to stop Mu Fengyun for a while even if they were all dead.

How long do I have to recover? Those losers can only stop him for such a short time. Damn it! Mu Feng said.

Don't worry, it's coming soon! the Holy Concubine replied.

The news coming from the capital chilled the soldiers.

The monarch they support is such a thing.

Their lives were also their lives. After some struggle, when Mu Fengyun's army came to the city.

The general ordered: Open the city gate and surrender!

Continuing to fight would only increase the casualties on their side.

Open the city gate and surrender!

Mu Fengyun also knew that they sincerely surrendered, not killing those who surrendered, and captured the last city without any blood.

The number of surrendered troops was huge, but they were not included because they were not familiar with Mu Fengyun.

You all guard the western border to prevent the Beigong Dynasty from taking action, Mu Fengyun said.

They were a little surprised. The Ice King's cavalry were all here. Mu Fengyun and Beidi should have a very close relationship. How could they be wary of the Beigong Dynasty?

Of course, the thoughts of emperors have been unpredictable since ancient times, and they did not want to go to the capital to attack the old master, so they said: Yes!

I wish His Royal Highness Prince Fengyun to be victorious and aspire to the throne.

His Royal Highness Prince Fengyun was benevolent and righteous, leaving them alive but not eradicating them, and entrusted him with the important task of guarding the border.

They hope from the bottom of their hearts that such a person will become their monarch.

The army entered the central hinterland of the Donghuang Dynasty, and some of the major cities in the central region resisted tenaciously.

However, they could not be stopped for long before the city was broken.

There were also some city lords who were admirers of Mu Fengyun. When they knew Mu Fengyun was coming, they opened the city gate early and waited.

Welcome His Royal Highness Prince Fengyun to the city!

There were still some city owners who were unwilling to compromise, but countless citizens who supported Prince Fengyun appeared and opened the city gates, allowing Mu Fengyun and the others to enter smoothly.

Mu Fengyun's army was getting closer and closer to the capital of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Mu Feng's position was already in jeopardy.

Among them, although Mu Fengqing didn't take action personally, he still took action.

He sent assassins to assassinate Mu Fengyun, but the entire assassin group was wiped out.

He was so sick that he went to the doctor to poison Mu Fengyun and the others. The ghost doctor was sitting under Mu Fengyun's army, so poisoning them would be completely ridiculous.

The overt moves are useless, the underhanded moves are ineffective, and Mu Fengyun is very close to the capital.

At this time, Mu Fenggao finally recovered, and the terrifying spiritual power burst out, shaking the entire capital.

It's the power fluctuation at the peak of the ninth level of the Spiritual God, coming from the palace. Your Majesty's cultivation has reached such a level.

Your Majesty made the breakthrough. Mu Fengyun is only at the seventh level. Even if he has the Supreme Throne, he is probably no match for your Majesty. It seems that the winner of this battle will be your Majesty.


Mu Feng's strength has reached such a level, and his face is full of joy, so he has some grassroots on his side.

If it wasn't enough, he directly asked the saints to come forward and asked some people to help.

They knew very well that although Mu Fengyun was strong and talented, it was not easy to deal with the strong men in the Seven Star Power Saint Realm, so Mu Fengyun was destined to lose.

Since Mu Fengyun was bound to lose, they naturally chose to side with Mu Feng.

Lest Mu Fenggao have to settle the score with them after his victory.

Mu Feng said: There are still some stubborn old people. When I kill Mu Fengyun, I will not let them go. Just wait!

The Holy Concubine said: It doesn't matter whether those people join or not. We have the Holy Clan to take action. One more of them will not be too much, and one of them less will not be a big deal.

The holy concubine is right.

Naturally, the information from the capital side also reached Mu Fengyun's side, and Tianzhi's face showed a solemn look.

Mu Feng's strength has recovered, and he has also broken through to reach the peak of the ninth level of the Spiritual God.

Bai Ze said: More than that, he relied on the support of the saints to make some spiritual gods who were watching choose to serve him.

They had won successively before because Mu Fengque retained most of his power.

When we get to the final battle in the capital, we will face countless powerful people, which is very thrilling.

Mu Fengyun looked unmoved, which was what he expected.

No matter how powerful his opponent is, he will not back down now and must win.

He said: Speed ​​up and head to the capital.

Mu Feng's strength has increased now. If you give him more time, he can get more losers to join him, so he must be quick.

Yes! everyone said.

Report! Your Majesty, Mu Fengyun has led his army and surrounded the capital. The battle report came to Mu Feng's side unexpectedly.

The speed of their arrival was much faster than Mu Fengqing expected!

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