Hunyuan Tianchi was filled with violent power, and the waves were rising higher and higher, which was extremely shocking.

If Mu Fengyun hadn't reacted quickly enough and told them to retreat quickly, they would probably have lost a lot of people here.

This behemoth was like a natural chasm lying on both sides of Mu Fengyun and Mu Fenggao.

At this time, Mu Fengqi was at the end of his strength, and now it seemed that the big thing in front of him was the most dangerous.

Mu Feng's face looked ugly, and they ran away desperately.

This big thing is so deadly that they definitely can't deal with it.

The full picture of this thing was also revealed. It was a very huge fish.

It has the shape of a fish, but has hundreds of octopus tentacles, making it look ferocious and terrifying.

It was strong, stronger than all of them here.

The people on Mu Feng's side were so scared that their legs were weak because of the violent force that this guy unleashed.

The monster rolled its eyes and spun around.

Then it ignored Mu Fenglang behind it and rushed towards Mu Fengyun.

It felt the very delicious taste of blood, but as for the people behind it, they didn't have much appetite.

A look of ecstasy appeared on Mu Feng's face, Mu Fengyun, you are dead. Even if you become more powerful now, you will never be a match for the monster. You will be dead.

As the monster rushed towards Mu Fengyun, he naturally ran away quickly, not wanting to stay any longer.

The reason why he stayed before was because the Holy Lord was considered to be on his side.

This time the monster would definitely kill Mu Fengyun first and then kill them, so naturally they didn't dare to stay.

It's just a pity that Mu Fengyun couldn't die in his hands. It's a pity that he couldn't enter the ancestral palace and the treasure that Mu Fengyun got.

Run! Mu Fenghe and the others ran away quickly.

Mu Fengyun rushed over and said, Fengling, take the people and find a way to leave Hunyuan Tianchi quickly. I will stop it.

This monster is too dangerous. Even if he tries his best, he will probably only be able to

It can give everyone a chance of survival.

Mu Fengyun asked: How can there be such a thing in the ancestral land?

The Supreme Throne said: I didn't expect this day to come so early. Hunyuan Tianchi is a magical space filled with the power of Hunyuan that was separated from the beginning of the world. Because this space is dead, some mutations will appear. Monster. But I didn’t expect that such a powerful mutated monster has already formed.”

Mu Fengyun had encountered some monsters before, but those were within the range that they could deal with.

I didn't expect that such a terrifying existence would appear now.

Boom! In the air, Mu Fengyun fought with the monster.

The monster swung countless hands to grab Mu Fengyun, then stabbed Mu Fengyun with its fish tail, and the attack was very fast and fierce.

Bang bang bang! After three strikes, Mu Fengyun was seriously injured and vomited blood.

The smell of blood makes it more violent and greedy.

Its intuition told him that as long as it ate this person, it would most likely dominate the entire Hunyuan space.

Countless attacks burst out, and it could also control the water in the Hunyuan Tianchi to turn into water columns to attack Mu Fengyun.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Mu Fengyun could not hold out for long.

Let's go! Mu Fengyun shouted loudly.

He knew that the monster's main target was him, so they had a chance to escape.

Mu Qianxi's face darkened when she saw her father was surrounded and his injuries worsened.

She made a wound, blood flowed out, and the soul power dispersed, she said: Let go of my father.

With the same delicious blood and an even more irresistible soul, the monster grabbed Mu Fengyun and rushed towards Mu Qianxi instantly.


Miss Qian Xi!

Their expressions changed drastically, and Mu Qianxi smiled and said, It's okay!

The moment the monster rushed forward, a light green figure stood on its back.

The next moment, time seemed to freeze.

Ah Ting said: Reverse time!

At the moment when time was reversed, the flow of time resumed, and everyone saw that the behemoth slowly shrank and turned into an ordinary fish and an octopus.

Mu Fengyun was also rescued, but his clothes were stained with a lot of blood, his face was pale, and he was seriously injured.

Everyone's eyes widened, it was so amazing that the giant thing turned into such a gadget.

Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi took action instantly and tore these two things into pieces with their sharp swords.

Ah Ting said: It was originally such a small thing, but it turned out to be so powerful. This dead Hunyuan Space must be sealed, otherwise it will become a disaster.

If there are more and more mutant monsters here and they rush to Xuantian Realm, no one in Xuantian Realm can stop them.

Rumble! Hunyuan Tianchi is still vibrating, and the movement is exactly the same as the thing that appeared before.

Mu Qianxi said in shock: There's more!

Swish, swish, swish! They quickly moved away, and a monster exactly like before appeared in Hunyuan Tianchi.

That monster has obviously been killed!

The Supreme Throne said: You are careless, this guy can have infinite clones. As long as there is still a part of his body, he can be resurrected instantly. He is worthy of being a mutated monster derived from the Hunyuan Space.

Ah Ting said: It seems that we can only kill her once more. This time, you have to set fire to the dead woman directly to avoid future troubles.


The monster's attack came again. This time it was very defensive against Ah Ting, and Ah Ting's power could not touch it at all.

Damn! This thing is too cunning. Ah Ting

said coldly.

The monster attacked A Ting, and its attack became even more violent. It knew that this boy gave it a strong sense of threat.

Only by completely dealing with him can it enjoy those two delicious gifts.

Boom! Boom! Boom! This attack was very terrifying, with countless tentacles dancing wildly and all kinds of bombardments.

Mu Fengyun said: I'll help him!

Supreme Throne, keep fighting!

But Dad, your injury...

No problem! Don't worry, it has to be solved.

Mu Fengyun and A Ting fought this monster for countless rounds.

Bang bang bang! Its defense was too strong.

Mu Fengyun's attack couldn't cause much damage to it at all, and he could only rely on Ah Ting's power of time.

Poof! Mu Fengyun did not hurt the monster, but was scratched by its sharp fish tail.

From the shoulder to the abdomen, there was a blood mark that was deep enough to see the bone, and blood burst out crazily.



My lord!

The injury looked terrible, with a lot of blood loss, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The surroundings are filled with the smell of blood. No matter how strong this monster is, it is still a fish or octopus, and it cannot resist the strong smell.

That weird guy is very powerful and difficult to deal with, so it’s better to have a good meal first!

Otherwise, when this human's blood is gone, it won't be so delicious, the monster secretly thought in his heart.

The monster rushed towards Mu Fengyun, grabbed him with its tentacles, and wanted to swallow Mu Fengyun.

And Ah Ting also found an opportunity, and the light green light enveloped it, This time, you can't escape!

Time stopped here, and only the time of his Eternal Pavilion and the contractors of the Eternal Pavilion flowed normally.

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