Mu Fengling said: Xi'er, in fact, there were many idiots who bullied my second uncle in the past. How about Xi'er also help my second uncle get revenge.

Mu Qianxi remained skeptical about this.

The corners of Mu Fengyun's mouth twitched slightly and he said, Second brother, it's true that you want Xi'er to stand up for you, but you should try to save some face.

Mu Fengling used to be a little bully in the Donghuang Dynasty, and with his elder brother here, how could anyone dare to bully him?

Mu Fengling complained: Brother, how can you dismantle me? It's obvious that you don't have the same taste. ??

Mu Qianxi said: I know! When the time comes when my second uncle and father don't like them, I will help you beat them up! After all, I'm pretty powerful now.

At this time, there were footsteps again, and it seemed that another team was coming, this time with a larger number of people.

Choose here and wait for them to come. Grandfather, let you watch how we clean up these bastards one by one! Mu Fengyun said sonorously.

A group of people came over in a siege, led by a man with bronze skin.

He looks like a giant elephant, and his physique looks very durable.

Mu Fengji, you are a loser. You fell down so quickly and were injured so badly. It is really an embarrassment to His Majesty. As soon as he came, he saw Mu Fengji, who had been beaten and was not human.

Mu Fengxiao looked very ugly and said, Mu Xiang, what do you know? They are still a bunch of perverts.

Don't make excuses for your weak self. Mu Fengyun is indeed powerful, but in the imperial mausoleum where I can't use my power, I, Mu Xiang, can easily crush him!

Mu Xiang clenched his fists and rushed towards Mu Fengyun like a cannonball with a rainbow-like momentum.

Dad... Mu Qianxi could feel that this Mu Xiang's physical body was very powerful.

At this time, Mu Fengling said: Xi'er! That, and that tall guy over there,

The one on the right, they used to say bad things about me, and I didn’t like them. You take care of them for me. Brother, he can handle it.

After hearing Mu Fengling's words, many people were shocked.

After all, Mu Fengling grew up in the Mu clan and everyone was familiar with him.

This was the first time they had met this complaining guy, and what was even more shameless was that he was complaining to a junior.

Mu Fengling must have been tricked!

Mu Qianxi said: Okay! Second uncle, I'll go take care of them right away.

Mu Qianxi rushed out like the wind, first beating up the people named by her second uncle.

As for her father, if he is in danger, she will go there immediately.

Thinking that Xi'er wanted to help him vent his anger, Mu Fengling was in a particularly good mood.

Of course, just because he is in a good mood does not mean that he will be merciful to the person in front of him.

Boom! A terrifying loud noise came out.

Mu Qianxi rushed towards the nearest target. When the other party saw Mu Qianxi coming, he said, I didn't expect that Mu Fengling is really becoming more and more useless. In the past, he relied on his genius brother to take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities. He is called a natural general. Now he doesn't even have the courage to fight with me, and he actually lets his niece fight with me.

Mu Qianxi said: You talk so much nonsense! My second uncle thinks you are too weak and too lazy to talk to you, okay? He asked me to deal with you because he doesn't want me to be too tired.

The other party was irritated, Little girl, how dare you underestimate me. I must show you some color.

This little girl's arrogance looked very much like Mu Fengyun's before, and he was completely angered.

A punch roared in, bringing

Extremely astonishing destructive power.

However, before this fist could get close to Mu Qianxi, it was intercepted by a hand.

Kacha! His arm was removed by Mu Qianxi.

Ah - It hurt, it hurt so much, it was even more painful than cutting off my arm with a knife.

He looked at the slender little hand with an incredible look on his face. How on earth did she do it?

While he was distracted, Mu Qianxi attacked again.

When he reacted, he found that his body was already flying in the air.

His face froze, trying to steady his body, but the next moment a girl appeared in the air above him.

Mu Qianxi said: You're really weak! My second uncle is too! I'm obviously so powerful.

Mu Qianxi kicked him in the air, and he felt as if a boulder weighing ten thousand kilograms was falling from an altitude of tens of thousands of miles.

Too strong, too scary! He will die.

Boom! There was a loud noise, he was hit, and his body slammed to the ground.

There was a hole in the ground, and cracks appeared in all directions.

The people in the pit have taken in more air and less air, and their faces are full of panic.

Mu Qianxi fell from the sky and said, Don't speak ill of my second uncle. This is a lesson for you.

Even though the situation on the battlefield is very chaotic now, Mu Qianxi remembers all the people Mu Fengling pointed at.

She would clean up without leaving any behind, and soon Mu Qianxi was approaching the next target.

On the other side, Mu Fengyun was competing with Mu Xiang. He was a guy who had practiced physical skills to an extremely high level.

In this place where spiritual power cannot be used, he is no better than Mu Fengque.

How much to pay.

He attacked Mu Fengyun again and again with amazing strength.

Bang bang bang... The two of them have fought countless rounds.

Mu Xiang was also surprised that this noble man could be so physically strong.

The next moment, he took out a bottle and poured bright red liquid into his mouth.

Mu Fengyun, you are indeed a legendary genius. Whether it is spiritual power or physical combat strength, there are very few people who can sustain so many moves under my hands without using spiritual power.

Even so, if you try to snatch His Majesty's throne, you must die.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and a bloody smile appeared on his face.

This Mu Xiang is Donghuang's confidant and swears loyalty to Donghuang to the death. He plans to do his best to fight Mu Fengyun.

His body grew in size again, becoming a giant, and his face and body also turned blood red.

Mu Fengyun said: The Heavenly Elephant Blood Steel Body! Mu Fenggao actually trained this for you.

Mu Xiang smiled bloodthirstyly and said: You are really talented and knowledgeable! You even know this, but since you know it, you should know it very well. You will definitely not be my opponent, suffer death!

A punch came towards him, but Mu Fengyun instantly avoided it, and his original position was shattered by the punch.

This is the body-training technique collected by their Mu clan, which can give people an extraordinary physical body.

And once you take the blood of the mythical beast and celestial phenomenon, your strength will skyrocket to an even more terrifying level.

Although Mu Fengyun possesses half of the Kirin bloodline, his bloodline power has not awakened much at all.

Against such a guy who has a strong body, is extremely powerful, and is still in a berserk state, his chances of winning are slim!

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