You've been seriously injured like this, so of course you have to listen to the alchemist. You have to agree even if you don't agree! Mu Qianxi sneered.

The Eastern Emperor Mu Feng was strong in strength, body and bloodline, which was not a problem for Mu Qianxi.

Anyway, he is now a piece of meat on the chopping board, and she can do whatever she wants.

Puff puff! With a movement of his slender fingers, countless medicine needles were about to pierce him into a hornet's nest.

In addition to highly toxic medicine needles, there are also various poison powders, poison potions, poison pills, etc...

Anyway, Mu Qianxi used all the poisons that could be used on her body to torture Donghuang. are so cruel!

You are her daughter, how can you be so vicious? She will be very disappointed if she finds out.

That person was a saint from the saint clan, the most beautiful woman, a dazzling existence that seemed to be able to shine, and also had a very kind heart. .??.

The daughter of such a woman is so vicious. Mu Fengyun must have taught her bad things.

Mu Qianxi said: I'm just asking for interest from my father. This is not enough revenge for your persecution of my father for so many years. If my mother were here, she would definitely support me, so shut up!

Ah ah ah - Even if Donghuang tried to ensure his dignity, he still screamed in pain at this time.

Ho ho ho! However, his screams were drowned out by the roar of the beast.

Those spiritual subordinates who dealt with the divine beasts wanted to save their majesty from the fire and water, but they couldn't get out.

On the other side, Mu Fengyun and Feng Changyu were fighting.

Feng Changyu is much weaker than Donghuang. Even though his shadow skills are very strong, Mu Fengyun also understands shadow skills very well and knows his flaws, so it is not too difficult to deal with him.

Poof! Feng Changyu had been injured by Mu Fengyun.

His eyes darkened, but he was still not as good as him!

Mu Fengyun, you were obviously a waste before, why did you want to recover?

Boom! Two

A black figure collided with a white figure in the air, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Every time they separated, Feng Changyu's injuries became more serious.

Mu Fengyun said: Feng Changyu, I will kill you. I will take your head and place it in the Feng family's ancestral grave, so that you can always apologize to the dead souls of the Feng family.

I'm not wrong. Brother, they all died because of you. Whoever made them stubbornly loyal to you is all your fault! Blame you! Feng Changyu said gloomily.

Bang bang bang!

They had been fighting each other for a long time, and it was only a matter of time before Feng Changyu lost.

The silver thunder swept away mightily, rushing towards Feng Changyu's vitals.

Feng Changyu's face darkened, and he mobilized his shadow to block the fatal blow.

Poof! He still spurted out blood.

He used the shadow technique to hide in the shadows of the beasts and disappeared without a trace.

You can't kill me! Even if I die, I won't be willing to die in your hands, Mu Fengyun. The person I hate the most in my life is you! Feng Changyu's voice came from the distance.

Let him run away again! Mu Qianxi said.

Mu Fengyun glanced at Donghuang's confidants with cold eyes. He looked at Mu Qianxi and said, After these guys are dealt with, daddy will take you to a safe place.

Yeah! Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

These spiritual gods were beaten by a group of beasts and were unable to do anything at all.

Mu Fengyun passed by like lightning, and the fatal blow suddenly came.

When the spirit god discovered it, it was too late to dodge. His heart was instantly penetrated and blood flew out.

He fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, eyes wide open.

Prince Feng Yun's assassination methods are actually so powerful.

Mu Qian

Xi smiled and said: Dad is so awesome!

Donghuang was dying, and he watched helplessly as Mu Fengyun killed a dozen of his capable men in an instant, leaving no one behind!

Poof! Donghuang vomited blood again.

After dealing with Donghuang's henchmen, Mu Fengyun returned to Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi asked: Dad, there is still him left. He still has one breath left after being poisoned. Should he be decapitated or chopped in half, or be chopped into pieces with a thousand swords and divided into five pieces...

Listening to the vicious words spoken by the stunning girl, Donghuang felt horrified.

Mu Fengyun said: I'm too lazy to do it myself, let these mythical beasts do it! ??

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, That's fine!

An! Mu Qianxi greeted An and retreated away from the divine beast.

Donghuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw countless behemoths rushing towards him.

He roared: Mu Fengyun, you are so cruel! So cruel!


Mu Fengyun said coldly: I know you are invincible, so what? How many lives you have, I don't mind letting you try any number of ways to die, Mu Feng!

Donghuang will live and die in the future, but this part of his soul will not be destroyed.

He watched helplessly as countless ferocious beasts tore his body into pieces with their fangs and claws, and crushed his own head...

The scene was very miserable anyway. If Donghuang had this memory, he would probably have a psychological shadow.

Donghuang's body was devoured by the beasts without any trace, and An took action to take these beasts back into the Tower of Eternity.

He said: Master, if you have anything else to do, just ask me, I will go back first.

Now the power is too small after all, just mobilizing such a small number of divine beasts. The other beasts in the Beast Taming Tower began to run rampant and wanted to rebel, and they had to be suppressed.


This wave of the strongest pursuers has been cleared, and even Donghuang's clone was killed.

The remaining pursuers may not be able to come back for a while, but they are now safe.

Mu Qianxi and the others went to a small town and met Xuanwu.

Xuanwu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them returning safely, It's great that my adoptive father and Qian Xi are fine. You guys have a good rest.

Before they arrived, Xuanwu received all kinds of information every moment. The situation was too thrilling and made him uneasy.

This time, the adoptive father and Qian Xi played a big game and made the whole Donghuang Dynasty shake. They did a great job.

Mu Fengyun said: There are still some things that need to be ordered, please arrange them immediately.

Father, please tell me!

Yeah! Let's just say that Donghuang and many spiritual masters were chasing me, but I killed him instead.

The other thing is to gather our people with the blood of the Mu clan. I want to select people to prepare for entering the ancestral land.


After giving instructions one by one in an orderly manner, I heard Mu Qianxi pulling her father and saying: The rest are just small things. Let's wait until dad has rested.

This trip to the capital was not easy for Dad.

He had to guard against Donghuang's various spies, and he had to set up various large formations, and then he had to run away and fight desperately to face off against Donghuang and Feng Changyu.

Mu Fengyun naturally did not dare to anger his daughter, so he had to obey her orders.

He said: Xuanwu, you have some discretion in some small things. But you have to remember that at this time, you can't make mistakes even in small things!

Xuanwu nodded and said: Father, I understand, I will never let you down.

Not only Donghuang is good at spreading rumors, Xuanwu, who controls the lifeline of Donghuang Dynasty, is also good at it.

Soon news came that shocked everyone in the Donghuang Dynasty, His Majesty Donghuang is dead!

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