Everyone was in an uproar, As far as I know, there is only one fourth elemental spiritual master in the entire Xuantian Realm!

Yes, there is only one person! That person is the ghost doctor Mu Qianxi, Mu Fengyun's daughter.

She...how dare she?

None of them could believe this was true. If the other party was Mu Qianxi, how could she dare to come here? How dare you challenge Donghuang? Take action against Donghuang?

You must know that His Majesty Donghuang used the power of the entire Donghuang Dynasty to get rid of the father and daughter!

Donghuang had always treated the two brothers with contempt before, but when he saw Mu Qianxi's powerful elemental skills, his murderous intent suddenly increased!

Boom! The four series of elemental spiritual skills had enveloped him, and Donghuang, whose strength had been suppressed to the peak of the ninth level of spiritual master, was shaken back.

His spiritual power suddenly burst out and he no longer suppressed it, wanting to kill Mu Qianxi.

However, in the next moment, more powerful three-series elemental skills came towards him from all directions.


This is a spiritual skill that belongs to the spiritual god level and is not ordinary powerful.

Everyone said: Wind, fire, thunder! The spiritual god of the three elements, he... he can't be Lord Fengyun, right?

Who else could it be but him?

Donghuang asked them to make three moves, so in the third move, Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun burst out with real power and super lethality.

Poof! Donghuang took countless steps back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Mu Qianxi's spiritual skills did little harm to him, but Mu Fengyun's attacks made him suffer.

If this competition platform wasn't spacious enough, he would have been blown away.

Donghuang stared at the two brothers, father and daughter, with burning eyes, with endless murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Mu Fengyun, you've hidden yourself so well, but to be exposed here is simply self-destruction. Donghuang's eyes boiled with murderous intent.

Activate the formation! Take action!

He thought he was a talent worth recruiting, but now that he knew he was his mortal enemy, he would naturally kill him by any means necessary.

Naturally, he would not fight Mu Fengyun one-on-one if his injuries were not healed. He had fallen into his trap and was dead!

The formation that caused Bei Gongjue to suffer a big loss was activated. However, when that formation was activated, a new formation was activated on the competition stage.

Bang bang bang! After this formation was activated, Donghuang's men seemed to be blocked by a powerful barrier and could not get close to the competition platform where Donghuang was.

Boom! No matter how they attacked, it was useless.

This formation was so powerful that their attacks were even bounced back, causing them damage.

The formation outside can control the enemy, but when the formation on the competition stage is activated, it will have no effect on the people in that formation.

Array within an array, using the power of the outer array to support the inner array, it's really mysterious and wonderful! Some of the people watching the competition were also proficient in arrays, and they couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing such skill.

I have long heard that Prince Fengyun is proficient in formations, but I never thought that his formation attainments could reach this level. I wonder if there is any formation master in the entire Xuantian Realm who can match him?


The formation they had deliberately created was not only useless to Mu Fengyun, but was also used by him. Donghuang's face turned darker than the bottom of the pot.

Donghuang said: Leave Mu Fengyun to me first, you go find the formation master to break the formation first! Hurry!

Yes, Your Majesty!

The competition stage became closed, with only Mu Qianxi and Mu Feng

Father and daughter Yun and Donghuang.

Donghuang said gloomily: Mu Fengyun, don't think that you can defeat me without my helpers. I have no helpers, and you have no helpers either. Our strength gap is so big, I don't believe that you can be my opponent alone.

Mu Fengyun said: I am not fighting alone, but I am teaming up with Xi'er to deal with you! Today, I will defeat you in front of everyone present! Mu Feng.

Donghuang said: A little girl at the level of a spiritual master can help, but you think too highly of your daughter! Mu Fengyun, go to hell!

The strong wind whipped up crazily, and Donghuang took the initiative to attack.

Mu Fengyun's spiritual energy flowed out and attacked Donghuang.

Boom! The two forces collided together, which was very terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, they had gone through many moves.

Everyone looked on dumbfounded, unwilling to let any scene go even if they couldn't see clearly.

This is the strongest person in the Donghuang Dynasty and the master of the Donghuang Dynasty. The battle with the once arrogant Prince Fengyun will definitely be very exciting.

When Mu Fengyun and Donghuang fought, Donghuang obviously had the upper hand. After all, Donghuang had a higher level.

However, his injuries have not fully recovered, and Mu Fengyun is well aware of his strength.

Boom! Terrifying thunder and lightning erupted, and nine silver dragons tore through the air and charged towards Donghuang.

The next moment, Donghuang also burst out with extremely astonishing power.

Bang bang bang... A steady stream of majestic spiritual power filled the competition stage, and the two men fought fiercely.

Donghuang's face was gloomy. Since the last battle with Mu Fengyun, he felt that Mu Fengyun's strength had improved a lot.

And he was injured by the mysterious man in black and has not yet fully recovered.

He was absolutely unwilling to lose to Mu Fengyun in front of so many people. If he lost, it would not let them know that he was inferior to Mu Fengyun, and that Mu Fengyun was the most suitable person to become the Eastern Emperor.

He must win! must!

This time Donghuang desperately wanted to kill Mu Fengyun, and Mu Fengyun also tried his best to fight back, using powerful spiritual skills and various secret methods in endlessly.

The violent spiritual power vibrated in this space, with astonishing power.

Lord Fengyun is so strong! He is so many levels lower than Your Majesty, but he is on par with His Majesty. If he is at the same level as Your Majesty, then...

With such a deep understanding of various spiritual skills, he is worthy of being the astonishingly talented Prince Fengyun.


Mu Fengyun's battle made many people admire him.

But Donghuang's mood became worse and worse.

Why haven't those pieces of trash broken Mu Fengyun's formation yet?

All the formation masters from the Donghuang Dynasty were dispatched, but so what?

They looked at this complicated formation without any clues, and were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Your Majesty...we...can't we break this formation?

Your Majesty, believe us, we will definitely find a way.

Mu Fengyun was working on this formation when he participated in competitions before.

Finally, when the formation on Donghuang's side was activated for the second time, this formation was completed, trapping Donghuang and preventing his helpers from getting close.

Dong Huang was so angry that he vomited blood, Mu Fengyun, you are so scheming.

Mu Fengyun replied: This is not the first time you know this. Do you want to admit defeat? If you admit defeat, you will save yourself one more death.

Donghuang roared: Mu Fengyun, the winner has not been decided yet, so don't talk too much.

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