Mu Fengyun said: Feng Ling, take Xi'er and retreat immediately! I'll block here.

Dad! Mu Qianxi's expression changed drastically.

Xi'er, it's okay. I just died once, but I can still stay with you.

Donghuang Mu Linlang and the others had something to save their lives, and Mu Fengyun naturally had it too.

But dying in front of your own daughter is really bad behavior.

If he hadn't been forced to this point, he wouldn't want to.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared out of thin air, followed closely by eight people with very powerful auras.

I've solved some of the tails, I'm late. Chu Li said calmly.

The power of the spiritual gods of the Donghuang Dynasty was completely blocked. Mu Qianxi rushed over to support Mu Fengyun and said: Dad, it took a lot of effort for me to revive you. Nothing can happen to you! Even if you have done I’m ready for resurrection, but this body has my hard work.”

Mu Fengyun said dotingly: Yeah! Xi'er doesn't allow it. I will never let myself get into such a dead end in the future.

From the time when Mu Fengyun was preparing to destroy these four-star forces controlled by the Donghuang Dynasty, even when the Donghuang Association came, he knew that it was a dead end.

Of course, the deadlock can be broken, and the price paid is extraordinary.

Mu Qianxi said to Chu Li: Senior brother, I leave these to you!

Yeah! Chu Li nodded slightly.

Mu Qianxi came here with her senior brother, but she met a group of people on the way.

Mu Fengyun's first large-scale battle against the Donghuang Dynasty actually alarmed the people in the Holy Realm.

They also discovered that senior brothers and the others, the Saints of the Holy Realm are not like the ordinary spiritual powerhouses of the Xuantian Realm. They are the guardians of the Xuantian Realm and are very sensitive to the aura of the demons.

They realized that the senior brother and the others were demons that did not belong to the Xuantian Realm, so they took action without hesitation and dragged the senior brother and the others away.

Because she was worried about the situation on her father's side,

He came over first.

Fortunately, he came here early, otherwise the battlefield on this side might have ended and Dad would have to reshape his body.

Boom! Chu Li and the eight city lords under him fought back, looking vulnerable to Dong Huang and the others.

You...who are you? Donghuang was horrified.

They couldn't sense the fluctuations of spiritual power on their bodies, and the attacks just now were blocked with their physical bodies.

How can this be?

Chu Li and the major city lords are all big bosses in the demon world. If they really use demonic energy, I am afraid that the demonic energy will envelope the entire Xuantian Realm, and then all the saints and gods will be attracted.

Therefore, after Chu Li and the others came to Xuantian, they did not use demonic energy at all. They used absolute physical strength to overwhelmingly defeat the enemy.

How powerful the demon's body was was beyond Donghuang's expectations.

Bang bang bang! After a few rounds of fighting, those spiritual gods were instantly turned into blood mist.

Donghuang was also suppressed by Chu Li at this time, and Donghuang found that he could not move.

He was afraid of this man from the bottom of his heart, and even his legs felt weak.

As the leader of the Five-Star Dynasty, he felt ashamed to show such panic.

But he couldn't control himself. What kind of incredible helper did Mu Fengyun invite?

Chu Li moved his hand again and broke Donghuang's neck with a click!

Donghuang's eyes widened, he actually took his life without any hesitation.

Bang! The body was thrown aside, and he instantly turned into ashes.

Chu Li's eyes darkened, It's just a part of the clone, but I let go a little bit instantly.

The soul power, chasing after him, was enough to severely injure him. It’s just not enough to kill me, trouble!

After all, Xuantian Realm is not a place where he can use his power without restriction, otherwise Donghuang will die completely regardless of how many life-saving means Donghuang has.

Mu Fengyun also knew that Donghuang cherished his life very much. He came here to keep his trump card, and he did the same.

Mu Qianxi said: Dad, this is my senior brother Mo Li.

Senior brother, this is my father, Mu Fengyun.

Mu Fengyun was a little surprised. He had heard that Xi'er's senior brother was very powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

The spiritual masters of the Donghuang Dynasty were vulnerable to him, and he felt that he had not done enough at all.

This kind of strength is definitely not the strength that Xuantian Realm should have.

Chu Li glanced at Mu Fengyun indifferently and said lazily: No wonder he is the father of junior sister. You are the chosen one. But the fate of you and junior sister has deviated. This is good, otherwise I will definitely not meet him. I found such a good junior sister. ??

There is no one he can meet, or even anyone he can care about, and he sleeps endlessly.

Junior sister, I'm sleepy! I'm going back to the Demon Realm. The trouble has not been completely solved for you, but you must protect yourself. If something happens to you, I will take action even if the Xuantian Realm becomes a battlefield between gods and demons. Chu Li looked at Mu Qianxi and said.

The gods are staring at the demon world, and the saints, as lackeys of the gods, are also paying close attention to Xuantian.

This time I took action to sweep the tail clean, wasting a lot of his sleeping time as a cover, and because of his connection with Luo Yue Sect, he could get away with it, but it will definitely not be so easy next time.

Boom! Thunder sounded in the sky, but it did not fall.

Chu Li's eyes were cold, and he was not allowed to interfere in the affairs of Xuantian Realm, and he deliberately refused to deal with his junior sister.

If he continues to interfere, there may be more serious consequences.

Mu Qianxi looked at the sky and said, Why are you making such a fuss? It's just to scare people. You don't dare to chop because you know that it will be in vain!

Both Mu Qianxi and Chu Li are ruthless people, and no thunder punishment will be of any use to them.

Rumble! The thunder and lightning in the sky became louder, but of course they only became louder and did not fall.

Mu Qianxi said: Senior brother, don't worry, I don't think dad and I will lose against Donghuang.

Chu Li said: Yeah! Of course!

Amid the commotion of thunder and punishment, Chu Li tore through the void and returned to the demon world.

The gods are attacking the demon world, and Chu Li has no interest at all.

This matter was left to the major city lords to deal with, and he went back to his big bed to sleep.

He said angrily: It's not challenging at all to deal with those ants in Xuantian Realm. God Slaughter is more suitable for us demons!

Boom! The demon clan's counterattack against the gods began.

Mu Qianxi thought about the two hostages she had trapped, and said, Feng Changyu is a fast runner. If he is here, he should be able to get a lot of useful information.

Mu Fengyun said: Xi'er is worried about Yun Xiu.

Yeah! Mu Qianxi nodded.

Soon they continued on their way, and while Donghuang was now seriously injured, they took care of the remaining fish that had slipped through the net.

Mu Fengyun asked: Xi'er, can you tell me about your senior brother? He is not just the senior brother of Luoyue Sect, but a disciple of Brother Chu.

Such powerful strength and aura had only been seen in Huang Jiuye.

However, although he was indifferent and didn't care about anyone except Xi'er, he was much more pleasing to the eye than that kid Huang Jiuye.

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