He didn't feel comforted at all. Now he couldn't run away. No matter how scary the opponent was, he could only fight.

Although the opponent's fighting power is strong, she is just a little girl with a first-order spiritual master after all. He can definitely solve it.

I will fight with you! Even if he risked his life, he would drag this little girl with him to be buried with him.

A battle in which a spirit god risked his life put a lot of pressure on Mu Qianxi.

With the cooperation of the four elements and the seven layers of blood seals, Mu Qianxi also used all her strength to fight back.

Boom! The two people's spiritual powers collided, causing loud noises in the air.

The battle for the others has ended. After all, there are seven city lords and the killing city lord sitting in charge. These people from the four-star sect and the four-and-a-half-star sect in Xuantian Realm are too vulnerable.

Xi'er is still busy! Mo Tier laughed.

Arrogantly said: This woman is getting more and more perverted.

The whole army has been wiped out, the whole army has been wiped out! .??.

On the entire battlefield, there was only one lonely spiritual god left on the Donghuang Dynasty's side, and his heart was trembling.

Before taking the order to fight, he thought they were just a group of easy-to-deal with minions, but he did not expect that they were a powerful enemy.

The Prince of Feng Yun is indeed the Prince of Feng Yun. Even though he has been beaten into dust, he can still come back strong and make His Majesty sleep and eat uneasily.

Damn it! His eyes were red, and he tried his best to fight Mu Qianxi.

Bai Ze's heart was lifted, Mo Tier smiled and said: Why are you nervous? Xi'er is about to advance.

After being promoted to Spirit Master, it is very difficult to advance. It will be difficult to advance to one level even after practicing for ten years or a hundred years.

However, Mu Qianxi realized her potential with the attack and murderous intention of the spiritual god, and not long after she was promoted to the spiritual master, she was promoted to the second level of spiritual master.


In the future, you will definitely become as big a problem as Prince Feng Yun, so die!

\u003e He risked his own life and pledged his allegiance to the Donghuang Dynasty, approaching Mu Qianxi like a terrorist bomb.

Mu Qianxi attacked quickly, and countless powerful spiritual powers rushed towards him.

Bang bang bang!

All these attacks were blocked, and he said: It's useless, it's useless! I'm going to drag you and bury you with me, along with the others.

In the first battle in the south, they were completely defeated.

I hope his self-destruction will kill more people so that they won't lose too miserably.

Mu Qianxi said: It's impossible to break through your defense in such a state from the outside, but what about from the inside!

Puff puff! He had not yet exploded with the power he had gained at the cost of his life, but the inside of his body felt like countless knives.

He wants to control, but he can't!

Poof! A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Not only was his mouth bleeding, his eyes, nose, and ears were all bleeding.

Bang! His body staggered, fell from the air, and barely stood firm.

You forgot, I am a ghost doctor! Mu Qianxi chuckled.

This spiritual god's eyes were dull, It turns out...it turns out that I have been poisoned a long time ago. The ghost doctor...is such a ghost doctor!

Bang! The last chance to fight back was taken away. He fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

Mu Qianxi asked: Bai Ze, how is your man's recovery from his injuries?

about there.

Then let's meet up with Master Chu first, and then quickly resolve the matters on this side of the four-star battlefield. The sooner the better, I'm worried about dad!

me too!

Luoyue Sect

Everyone has almost recovered from their injuries. After joining together, they began to sweep away some of the remaining forces from the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Their side has become the dominant force in the four-star battlefield, and all the scoundrels of the Donghuang Dynasty cannot escape.

Those neutral forces had no choice but to surrender when they saw them.

Bai Ze said: My foster father said that you have the freedom to choose neutrality. But if you dare to stand on the side of the Donghuang Dynasty and become our enemy in the future, we will not be polite.

They looked at this perverted team. Young Master Bai Ze had the courage to lead, the ghost doctor was shocking both in his use of poison and his strength. What was even more terrifying was the senior brother of the Luoyue Sect, whose strength was unfathomable.

This is something they can't afford!

They had no intention of getting involved in this war between the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Compared to Dong Huang, they even expected Prince Feng Yun to win.

At least Prince Feng Yun is capable and kind, and is not as overbearing and unreasonable as Dong Huang is now.

The cleaning was very clean, and the strongest sect on this side of the four-star battlefield was the Luoyue Sect.

In other words, the Luoyue Sect not only advanced from a three-star power to a four-star sect, but also became the strongest sect in the south.

There are many four-star sects under Bai Ze, but they absolutely obey the Yue Sect to get this title.

There is nothing else, because the two younger disciples of the Luoyue Sect are so strong that they cannot defeat them all if they all go out. If the Luoyue Sect is not first, who will be first?

The Luoyue Sect, which once had no guarantee of its three-star status, became the strongest sect in the southern part of the Donghuang Dynasty. It only took such a short time. This is something that no one could have dreamed of. This is absolutely unprecedented.

Mu Qianxi asked: Brother, do you still have time? I will take you to see my father. I found him.

Chu Li nodded slightly and said: My strength should

We should still be able to cover up for a while.

Then let's go! Bai Ze, be careful. I'll leave the cleanup task to you. Mu Qianxi said.

Bai Ze knew very well how powerful Qian Xi and Chu Li were. He nodded and said: Okay! Don't worry! Because of your help, this side is easier than we thought. After leaving here, I will give them three stars first. The sect’s base camp is done, let the adoptive father relax.”

Mu Qianxi left the battlefield as quickly as possible, and someone sent news: Master, Master Fengyun has destroyed thirty four-and-a-half-star four-star sects. Now Master Fengyun is in the four-star sect, Yun Bingmen.”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: Dad is quite efficient, so there are only a few four-stars left.

They rushed to Yun Bingmen!

At this time, in front of Yun Bingmen, Mu Fengyun led his troops to attack directly from the front of their sect.

Boom! Mu Fengyun knew the flaws in the Protector Formation very well, and soon Mu Fengyun broke through it.

Like the previous sects, most of the masters were sent out because Donghuang demanded that they must eradicate Mu Fengyun.

There were only a few left, so they solved it easily.

Even if all the old monsters in seclusion are eliminated, the background of a four-star sect is still vastly different from that of a five-star sect.

Even those at the old monster level were not strong enough and were defeated by Mu Fengyun.

It can be said that all the trump cards hidden by the major four-star sects were used by Mu Fengyun, who had just recovered and became a spiritual god like a rocket, as training tools to help him stabilize his strength.

Prince Feng Yun, I have always thought that you are an upright person. I never thought that you would be so despicable and shameless, taking advantage of our sect leader's participation in the war to destroy our sect. Unable to defeat them, they were so angry that they had no choice but to talk.

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