Gu Baiyi said solemnly: I will never fail.

A burst of cold soul power with infinite sword intent burst out, making the Evil Emperor of the Undead shudder uncontrollably.

You soul clan actually have such an idea. I am a close aide of the God of Death. The Evil Emperor of the Dead said angrily.

The people of the Xuantian Realm deal with them in order to eliminate them, but the Soul Clan is so ambitious that they try to devour their souls.

So what? The ants in the Xuantian Realm are afraid of the God of Death, but we, the Soul Clan, are not afraid. The master of the Soul Clan said coldly.

Do you really think that a brat from the Soul Clan can do anything to defeat me? Don't lose your wife and lose your troops when the time comes. This body is quite good. I like it. The Evil Emperor of the Undead sneered.

Rather than sit still and wait for death, it chose to attack Gu Baiyi proactively, and rushed towards him with its soul power containing the aura of death.

Gu Baiyi's soul power turned into a transparent sword to attack.

Bang! Two powerful soul forces collided together, the gloomy death energy and the sharp sword energy intertwined.

His Royal Highness Han has never experienced the cultivation techniques of the Soul Clan since he was a child. Now, devouring the soul power of the Evil Emperor of the Undead is completely head-on. I'm afraid there is no chance of winning. A master of the Soul Clan said.

Even if His Highness Han is defeated, his body cannot be occupied by the Evil Emperor of the Undead. Don't forget that there is also His Highness Jue. His Highness Jue was trained by the Master. Another soul clan master said.

We, the Soul Clan, have not yet succeeded in devouring evil spirits of the dead, but the success rate of the two Your Highnesses is very high. If we succeed, our Soul Clan can possess the power of the God of Death, then we, the Soul Clan, will definitely be able to defeat the God Clan.

This is a method that the Lord came up with from the very beginning. The soul of the Evil Emperor of the Dead cannot escape.

In the past, Gu Baiyi majored in swordsmanship. He had strong soul power but was not proficient in the art of soul cultivation. The method of devouring was learned not long ago by his mother who awakened the soul memory. Now facing this difficult evil emperor of the undead, He had to dig out what another soul had written deep in his soul and use it.

Gu Baiyi had cold sweat on his forehead. The task that the woman had given him was indeed not easy to complete. It was too dangerous to devour the soul of the Evil Emperor of the Undead. There were traps everywhere, and it was extremely difficult to counterattack.

But he can't lose. Xi'er is in the tomb of Emperor Xuantian. Once his soul disappears and Beigong Jue comes out, she will be in great danger as she is attacked from both sides.

The powerful thoughts made his soul power stronger, and he quickly mastered the secret techniques that Bei Gong knew he didn't understand.

Hey! His Highness Han's talent is so amazing. Someone said in surprise.

The elders of the clan have always been optimistic about His Highness Jue, who was raised by the Lord himself, rather than His Highness Han, an abandoned son. Now it seems that the result may not be certain...

Rumble! A deafening sound came from the first sealed place, and the death struggle of the Undead Evil Emperor was of no use at all.

The formation with the power of life was going to consume him completely. He wanted to shrink back into the formation. Instead of disappearing completely, it would be better to be trapped in that formation and wait for the Lord God of Death to come. He would definitely If you have a way out, it's better to die than live.

No, he was so desperate that he wanted to hide back in that space. In this way, we won't completely eliminate him. We may not be able to pass Emperor Xuantian's test perfectly, Mu Fengyun said.

Jing Jingying said: It's okay, let it hide in! It's just a trap.

Ah ha ha

! Human beings, it is impossible for you to want me to disappear completely. No one can stop the coming of the God of Death. The Gods watched with cold eyes last time, but it is the same this time. You are destined to perish. After successfully hiding back, the Evil Emperor of the Dead laughed wildly.

His laughter had just stopped, and the next moment she felt that the whole space was going to be distorted.

Hide in my space. You are so weak now. It's easy to kill you. You can disappear. A voice as soft as water came, but it made people feel the fear deep in their souls. are that woman... Necromancer thought of the mysterious woman in blue who did not participate in the battle. are...


Boom! The entire space was shattered, and the Evil Emperor of the Undead was crushed by the space storm, leaving no residue at all.

This space was formed by part of the power of one fragment of Jing Ying. Now Jing Ying has the power of three fragments to crush it easily.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead has completely disappeared, and the aura of death here has completely disappeared.

The gratified voice of Emperor Xuantian came, You have done it. Next, I will send you to the place of inheritance.

Golden light enveloped them and they disappeared on the spot.

The battle in the second sealed place came to an end. Mu Linlang brought a lot of treasures from the Holy Realm with him to help them a lot.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead was wiped away by the holy light, leaving only a black dot. After finally breaking the seal and running out, he wanted to escape back, but was completely pierced by a holy sword.

Emperor Xuantian said that if you want to disappear, you must disappear completely. I will be the one who passes the test perfectly. The inheritance of Emperor Xuantian must belong to the Donghuang Dynasty.

They passed the test and were sent to the same place.

His soul seemed to have fallen into endless darkness, and the rotten smell tortured his nerves, and he could never escape.

The soul felt extremely depressed and heavy, but there was still a faint light. Gu Baiyi seemed to see a figure in that light.


In an instant, the cold sword tore through the darkness, chopped the soul of the Evil Emperor of the Dead into pieces, and was swept away by Gu Baiyi's soul power.

This force became stronger and stronger, and the people from the Soul Clan said in surprise: It's incredible, His Highness Han succeeded. He is the first person from our Soul Clan to achieve this.

This is only the first step. When the breath of death enters the soul, it is not easy to resist.

It was very difficult. Gu Baiyi now felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe.

He took out countless potions and drank them. These were all prepared by Xi'er for him. Gu Baiyi felt much better.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead disappeared completely, and Gu Baiyi's side of the East Emperor Dynasty also passed the test. They were transported to the place of inheritance, and Gu Baiyi fell into a deep sleep.

His Highness Han has benefited a lot this time. It is normal for him to sleep and integrate completely. We must protect His Highness Han and let the people of the Beigong Dynasty do as they please.

Yes. Those who were dealing with the Undead Evil Emperor Beigong Dynasty did not participate and did not dare to approach. They did not know exactly what happened.

But now it seems that His Highness the Crown Prince is injured and may have to give up the fight for the inheritance of Emperor Xuantian.

My lords, please rest assured to take care of His Highness the Crown Prince. We will definitely not let the inheritance fall into the hands of others. they said. Gu Baiyi said solemnly: I will never fail.

A burst of cold soul power with infinite sword intent burst out, making the Evil Emperor of the Undead couldn't help but shudder.

You soul clan actually have such an idea. I am a close aide of the God of Death. The Evil Emperor of the Dead said angrily.

The people of the Xuantian Realm deal with them in order to eliminate them, but the Soul Clan is so ambitious that they try to devour their souls.

So what? The ants in the Xuantian Realm are afraid of the God of Death, but we, the Soul Clan, are not afraid. The master of the Soul Clan said coldly.

Do you really think that a brat from the Soul Clan can do anything to defeat me? Don't lose your wife and lose your troops when the time comes. This body is quite good. I like it. The Evil Emperor of the Undead sneered.

Rather than sit still and wait for death, it chose to attack Gu Baiyi proactively, and rushed towards him with its soul power containing the aura of death.

Gu Baiyi's soul power turned into a transparent sword to attack.

Bang! Two powerful soul forces collided together, the gloomy death energy and the sharp sword energy intertwined.

His Royal Highness Han has never experienced the cultivation techniques of the Soul Clan since he was a child. Now, devouring the soul power of the Evil Emperor of the Undead is completely head-on. I'm afraid there is no chance of winning. A master of the Soul Clan said.

Even if His Highness Han is defeated, his body cannot be occupied by the Evil Emperor of the Undead. Don't forget that there is also His Highness Jue. His Highness Jue was trained by the Master. Another soul clan master said.

We, the Soul Clan, have not yet succeeded in devouring evil spirits of the dead, but the success rate of the two Your Highnesses is very high. If we succeed, our Soul Clan can possess the power of the God of Death, then we, the Soul Clan, will definitely be able to defeat the God Clan.

This is a method that the Lord came up with from the very beginning. The soul of the Evil Emperor of the Dead cannot escape.

In the past, Gu Baiyi majored in swordsmanship. He had strong soul power but was not proficient in the art of soul cultivation. The method of devouring was learned not long ago by his mother who awakened the soul memory. Now facing this difficult evil emperor of the undead, He had to dig out what another soul had written deep in his soul and use it.

Gu Baiyi had cold sweat on his forehead. The task that the woman had given him was indeed not easy to complete. It was too dangerous to devour the soul of the Evil Emperor of the Undead. There were traps everywhere, and it was extremely difficult to counterattack.

But he can't lose. Xi'er is in the tomb of Emperor Xuantian. Once his soul disappears and Beigong Jue emerges, she will be in great danger as she is attacked from both sides.

The powerful thoughts made his soul power stronger, and he quickly understood the secret techniques that Bei Gong knew he didn't understand.

Hey! His Highness Han's talent is so amazing. Someone said in surprise.

The elders of the clan have always been optimistic about His Highness Jue, who was raised by the Lord himself, rather than His Highness Han, an abandoned son. Now it seems that the result may not be certain...

Rumble! A deafening sound came from the first sealed place, and the death struggle of the Undead Evil Emperor was of no use at all.

The formation with the power of life was going to consume him completely. He wanted to shrink back into the formation. Instead of disappearing completely, it would be better to be trapped in that formation and wait for the Lord God of Death to come. He would definitely If you have a way out, it's better to die than live.

No, he was so desperate that he wanted to hide back in that space. In this way, we won't completely eliminate him. We may not be able to pass Emperor Xuantian's test perfectly, Mu Fengyun said.

Jing Jingying said: It's okay, let it hide in! It's just a trap.

Ah ha ha

! Human beings, it is impossible for you to want me to disappear completely. No one can stop the coming of the God of Death. The Gods watched with cold eyes last time, but it is the same this time. You are destined to perish. After successfully hiding back, the Evil Emperor of the Dead laughed wildly.

His laughter had just stopped, and the next moment she felt that the whole space was going to be distorted.

Hide in my space. You are so weak now. It's easy to kill you. You can disappear. A voice as soft as water came, but it made people feel the fear deep in their souls. are that woman... Necromancer thought of the mysterious woman in blue who did not participate in the battle. are...


Boom! The entire space was shattered, and the Evil Emperor of the Undead was crushed by the space storm, leaving no residue at all.

This space was formed by part of the power of one fragment of Jing Ying. Now Jing Ying has the power of three fragments to crush it easily.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead has completely disappeared, and the aura of death here has completely disappeared.

The gratified voice of Emperor Xuantian came, You have done it. Next, I will send you to the place of inheritance.

Golden light enveloped them and they disappeared on the spot.

The battle in the second sealed place came to an end. Mu Linlang brought a lot of treasures from the Holy Realm with him to help them a lot.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead was wiped away by the holy light, leaving only a black dot. After finally breaking the seal and running out, he wanted to escape back, but was completely pierced by a holy sword.

Emperor Xuantian said that if you want to disappear, you must disappear completely. I will be the one who passes the test perfectly. The inheritance of Emperor Xuantian must belong to the Donghuang Dynasty.

They passed the test and were sent to the same place.

His soul seemed to have fallen into endless darkness, and the rotten smell tortured his nerves, and he could never escape.

The soul felt extremely depressed and heavy, but there was still a faint light. Gu Baiyi seemed to see a figure in that light.


In an instant, the cold sword tore through the darkness, chopped the soul of the Evil Emperor of the Dead into pieces, and was swept away by Gu Baiyi's soul power.

This force became stronger and stronger, and the people from the Soul Clan said in surprise: It's incredible, His Highness Han succeeded. He is the first person from our Soul Clan to achieve this.

This is only the first step. When the breath of death enters the soul, it is not easy to resist.

It was very difficult. Gu Baiyi now felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe.

He took out countless potions and drank them. These were all prepared by Xi'er for him. Gu Baiyi felt much better.

The Evil Emperor of the Undead disappeared completely, and Gu Baiyi's side of the East Emperor Dynasty also passed the test. They were transported to the place of inheritance, and Gu Baiyi fell into a deep sleep.

His Highness Han has benefited a lot this time. It is normal for him to sleep and integrate completely. We must protect His Highness Han and let the people of the Beigong Dynasty do as they please.

Yes. Those who were dealing with the Undead Evil Emperor Beigong Dynasty did not participate and did not dare to approach. They did not know exactly what happened.

But now it seems that His Highness the Crown Prince is injured and may have to give up the fight for the inheritance of Emperor Xuantian.

My lords, please rest assured to take care of His Highness the Crown Prince. We will definitely not let the inheritance fall into the hands of others. they said.

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