You have done a good job. I feel relieved to leave them to you. Next, let me help you! came a rich voice.

Mu Qianxi felt an extremely powerful soul force covering the entire army. It was the soul of Marshal Sirius!

The majestic life force burst out, wanting to help Marshal Sirius.

But he said: They have complete souls, so the power of life is effective! And I am just a little bit sad, you don't need to waste your energy on me.

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled, it really didn't work!

I'm very grateful that you can help them. I thought that after this battle, their souls would completely dissipate. Because of your treatment, their souls can continue to survive and continue to complete themselves. mission! Thank you very much.”

After Marshal Tianlang sincerely thanked Mu Qianxi, the next moment, a terrifying fighting spirit burst out.

The leader of the death troll was also shocked, How is that possible? still have such ability.

The surging fighting spirit swept over him, and Marshal Tianlang's final blow was very terrifying. ??

The entire space was distorted and trembling, and this force was extremely terrifying.

Xuanwu Qinglong and White Tiger all retreated, Mu Fengling's eyes were a little hot.

Is this the ability of a six-star army commander? It's amazing.

Mu Fengyun nodded and said, Yeah! It's amazing.

No! No! I will not lose. I will welcome the Lord God of Death to the world again in the most solemn way. The troll roared unwillingly after being completely suppressed by the puppet army.

You have no chance! You were defeated by me before, and you are the same now! Marshal Tianlang said coldly.

Boom! The endless fighting spirit tore the giant monster's huge body into pieces.

The power of death is getting weaker and weaker, so that it cannot be condensed into a huge thing at all


The scattered death energy was dispersed, and the monster's heart-rending screams could be heard.

I can't disappear, absolutely not!

It tried its best, gave up a large part of its power, and turned into a small wisp of black energy and quickly escaped.

I want to run! I'm dreaming! Mu Qianxi teleported and stood in front of the black energy. The pure power of life entangled the black energy in time.

If it were in peak condition, it would naturally not be afraid of Mu Qianxi.

Now there is only a weak strength left, and he is completely defeated by Mu Qianxi!

Ahh! I... I actually want to disappear in the hands of a weak human like you, damn it! He roared angrily.

No matter how he roared, he still couldn't control his remaining strength from being purified by the power of life.

The enemy's last vestige of strength was shattered, and the aura of death here completely disappeared.

Marshal Tianlang said: Thank you very much for helping me accomplish the last thing I wanted to accomplish.

If it wasn't them who came, but a group of mediocre people, then today's undead monster's conspiracy would probably succeed.

And I thought that many comrades would disappear, but now they are all fine.

Mu Fengyun said: We should thank you, otherwise it would be difficult for us to escape.

They will leave it to you. I think you will not let me down! That little girl is very powerful. Maybe you can live well! I wish you the best. Marshal Tianlang looked at Mu Fengyun and said.

Having such a person and the people around him is definitely a blessing to the Xuantian world.

Yes! I will definitely live well. Mu Fengyun

He nodded.

Marshal Tianlang smiled with satisfaction and disappeared completely, and Mu Qianxi could not sense his soul aura.

The wish is gone, and the remaining soul is gone forever.

The puppet army was well preserved. Mu Fengyun said: Bai Hu, Feng Ling, you each take half of this puppet army.

Bai Hu said: My foster father is the commander-in-chief of this army.

Of course I have my own plan. The army is separated to avoid any emergencies. When I fully recover and have the ability to lead, they will naturally become my fierce generals. Mu Fengyun said solemnly.

Okay! Then I will keep it for the time being. Mu Fengling readily agreed, and half of the puppet army was taken into his space.

Bai Hu also nodded and said: Okay!

The turmoil in this space is even greater. Mu Fengyun said: The ruins of the Six-Star Legion are also going to disappear. Let's leave here immediately.

The greatest wealth left by Marshal Sirius is his soldiers. Now that his soldiers have waited for the second person who is qualified to command them, the remains of the Six-Star Legion without soldiers should also disappear.


By the time they left, the place was instantly in ruins.

The relics are gone, but the majestic appearance of the legionnaires will surely reappear on the battlefield in the future.

When Mu Qianxi came out, she felt a familiar force. Mu Qianxi stood in front of Mu Fengyun calmly.

A cold light flashed across Mu Fengling's face and he strode out.

He is from the curse master clan. Mu Fengling had a solemn look on his face.

The person who came was indeed a member of the curse master clan. Now they had just experienced a terrifying battle. It would be really troublesome to encounter such a powerful enemy again, especially with the eldest brother still there.

They must not let them discover Big Brother! \u003c


Mu Fengling said: Xi'er, these people are here for me. I will lure them away. You go to find the Seven Star Ruins. You can't waste your time because of this bunch of bullshit and let the two dynasties take the lead.

Damn it! Who are you calling a bitch? came an angry roar.

The people of the Curse Master clan were approaching. They glanced at the other side of the ruins and said, A six-star ruins have been destroyed. You should get some good things after entering the six-star ruins. But these are not as important as him. Let him Come with us and we won’t make things difficult for you.”

As a member of the curse master clan, they believe that the most precious thing in the world is the Collection of Ten Thousand Curses, and they still look down upon the treasures of some six-star ruins.

Mu Fengyun said: It is absolutely impossible to hand him over!

Mu Qianxi had used a spell to temporarily cover up the spell on Mu Fengyun, so that the people of the spell master clan could not detect it for the time being.

They stared at Mu Fengyun coldly and said, This is not up to you.

No one can stop what our family of curse masters are going to do!

Boom! They all rushed towards Mu Fengling. Mu Fengyun gave the order and took action.

Boom! The spiritual power surged into the sky, and the power of the curse exploded.

Mu Qianxi guarded Mu Fengyun, fearing that the spell they unleashed would affect the troublesome spell in his body.

Mu Fengling was also worried that something would happen to his eldest brother. He attacked the curse masters crazily and rushed out in an instant.

If you want to arrest me, you have to see if you have the ability! He stormed out.

Xi'er! Don't worry, I will join you after I deal with these bullies. Mu Fengling was determined to lure away the curse master clan alone.

Mu Qianxi said: Do it! Stop as many of them as you can! Try your best to stop them! We are not vegetarians either.

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