Mu Fengyun's face showed a solemn expression and he said: Xi'er...

These dozens of lions condensed extremely terrifying power and were very dangerous.

Mu Qianxi teleported to the extreme, disappeared from the spot, and returned to the team.

Boom! Their attack failed.

Those lions looked down at them in the air, and they were warning.

If they dared to get close, they would pounce on them without hesitation and tear them apart.

They are very strong, giving them a very terrifying sense of oppression.

Xuanwu asked: Father, what are these?

Mu Fengyun said: General Sirius may have mastered a secret method. These lions were supposed to be spiritual beasts. They fought with the Sirius Legion and eventually died on the battlefield.

General Sirius has a way to preserve their souls, and they are willing to continue to protect Commander Sirius, so they stay at the entrance of the Commander's mansion to guard this mansion.

Their beliefs are very strong. If you want to go in, I'm afraid you'll have to fight them hard.

Mu Fengling said: A fierce battle is inevitable, so let's fight! I'm not afraid of them.

Whoa! The next moment, Mu Fengling rushed out without hesitation.

Roar! The lion began to attack Mu Fengling, and a fierce and fierce aura erupted from Mu Fengling's body.

These lions were stunned for a moment. They seemed to feel the suppression coming from the depths of their souls, which was the breath of the mythical beast Qilin.

Mu Fengyun smiled and said: I forgot that Fengling's bloodline has awakened very strongly. In this case, we should have some advantages.

Qinglong, White Tiger, take action!

Yes, foster father!

Many masters fought fiercely with these lions. Mu Qianxi thought for a while and said: Beast souls are also spiritual beasts, so try this!

The black seven-layer pagoda exudes dark power and covers the sky above. The influence of the Eternal Tower on spiritual beasts is extremely powerful.

Where the black light was, their fierce and bloody aura weakened.

There was such a big commotion here, and the six major forces that entered here also rushed to this side.

Ghost Doctor! We must not let the Ghost Doctor go. Dou Wang was rescued from the formation, but almost all of them were infected with the aura of death, which greatly reduced their strength.

All this is because they are not careful enough. Of course Dou Wang, such an arrogant guy, will not reflect on his mistakes and thinks that everything is Mu Qianxi's fault.

Bai Hu's side was fighting against the people of the Red Star Sect, and they found this mercenary group difficult to deal with.

Damn it! There must be a big harvest when there is so much movement on that side, and we are still wasting our time on this side. Thinking that others can harvest the more precious treasures of the six-star ruins, they don't even have a hair now. It makes me extremely irritable when I catch it.

Such a mentality is unacceptable in battle.

Bai Hu was naturally worried about his adoptive father and wanted to go over to help, but he remained calm and collected, which was completely opposite to the behavior of the leader of the Red Star Sect.

Boom! On the other side, the door to the coach's mansion opened, and Mu Qianxi and the others rushed in as quickly as possible.

The people from several major forces who came later continued to fight with the lion, their faces gloomy.

We are the top four-and-a-half-star force in the Xuantian Realm, and yet we were beaten in by a group of rabble-rousers.

In the extremely empty hall, there was a person standing.

They formed a whole row

Qi's phalanx exuded strong fighting spirit.

However, after taking a closer look, Mu Qianxi knew: They are not people, they are puppets, an army of puppets.

The quality of this puppet is extremely good, much better than the ones she owns.

Oh my God! There is such a powerful army of puppets here, and our Prince Yan's Mansion is going to attack this time. A wild laugh came.

Do you, Prince Yan, want to monopolize it? We want it too. King Dou and King Liu also came. .??.??

These are naturally dedicated to our Majesty the Eastern Emperor. The masters of the three major sects also came, and everyone looked at the puppet with extremely greedy expressions.

With such an army of puppets in hand, as long as they can all be taken away, it will probably be easy to overthrow the four-and-a-half-star forces.

If any army can be equipped with such an army of puppets to assist in combat, it will definitely become the strongest army in Xuantian Realm.

Destroy those bastards over there first. All eyes looked at Mu Qianxi.

As a vassal of the five-star forces, he thinks he is superior to others, so he naturally looks down on forces such as the Ghost Doctor Building and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce.


At this point, they reached a unanimous decision.

This is originally a contest between the two dynasties. Others are not qualified to participate, and the puppet army is not within their reach.

Rumble! At this moment, there was a vibration on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, those puppets moved and instantly surrounded the person who wanted to take action.

What's going on? Their faces changed in vain.

Mu Fengyun said: How can the mansion of Marshal Tianlang allow you to make mistakes?

They were slightly startled, You can't grab it, so how can you get this?

An army of puppets?

At this moment, a deep voice said: If you want to control the army of puppets, you must become a qualified coach. Please come forward, coach.

Mu Fengyun said: Xi'er, Feng Ling, I'm coming!

Xuanwu's face changed greatly and he said: Father, you should wait for Boss Baihu to come over. He is more suitable than you. Your body...

If he wanted to become the leader of the puppet army, he would have to go through a test, and it would not be easy. He was afraid that his adoptive father's body would not be able to bear it.

I taught Bai Hu, so I am naturally more suitable than him! Mu Fengyun stepped out and said.

The only coach on this side is Mu Fengyun. They have long regarded everyone as a whole, but the other side does not.

They come from six four-and-a-half-star forces, each working in their own way and all wanting a piece of the pie.

Six of them stood up.

The coach came out and the army was divided into seven parts.

The next moment, they disappeared from the spot and arrived on an ancient battlefield.

The puppets in front of him seemed to have turned into living soldiers, and their names appeared in Mu Fengyun's mind.

The opponent is an old rival, the fighting king of the Beigong Dynasty.

Are you leading the troops to fight? You must know that I, King Dou, am also a famous military commander in the Beigong Dynasty, and you are a weak and sick man. Compared with this, I am afraid that I will not be able to deal with you. King Dou said with a confident smile.

Mu Fengyun looked at Dou Wang indifferently and said, Compared to this, you Dou Wang is not qualified to be my opponent.

These words are extremely arrogant, but they give people the feeling that they should be like this.

The army controlled by Mu Fengyun struck preemptively and rushed towards Dou Wang with a thunderous force with extremely terrifying fighting intent.

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