I just see you as a lonely person. I don't want you to be bullied and act for them. I'm helping Bai Ze and Suzaku vent their anger on you. Do you really think I won't be angry? I, the ghost doctor, am not a good-tempered person. Lord, especially when facing a completely disobedient patient like you, your temper is even worse. Mu Qianxi stared at Mu Fengyun with an unkind look.

Mu Fengyun couldn't help but feel disappointed. It turned out...it turned out to be just acting...

Xi'er didn't recognize him and didn't know who he was?

Those few calls of daddy were just because of acting.


Puff puff! Several medicine needles flew over and sealed several major acupuncture points.

Stop talking and get treatment as soon as possible! Such torment is too heavy on your body.

Mu Fengyun's eyes dimmed and he finally did not say anything.

It is extremely risky to obtain the inheritance of Emperor Xuantian, and he is only 10% sure.

If he told Xi'er the truth now, Xi'er would probably be even more worried about him, frightened, cautious, and restrained. .??.

He clenched his fists. If he could leave the tomb of Emperor Xuantian alive, regardless of whether he received the Emperor's inheritance or not, he would definitely confess everything to Xi'er and wouldn't care so much anymore.

Mu Fengyun looked at his second brother, and there was still a tacit understanding between the two.

Mu Fengling was very helpless. Now that things are like this, isn't the elder brother planning to recruit someone?

Fortunately, this guy was careful enough and didn't damage his precarious body too much.

After Mu Qianxi adjusted her a lot, she was no longer so angry.

If you confess, you will be lenient, but if you resist, you will be lenient. How did you become a member of the Haoyuan Sect? And what's with that strength? Mu Qianxi said.

I was originally the ninth peak master of Haoyuan Sect, and I was also a good friend of the sect master. Because of my physical condition, he has been helping me collect

Various life-saving elixirs, the Ninth Peak has also been dissatisfied by other peak owners because it takes up too many resources. This time, entering the tomb of Emperor Xuantian as the peak master of Haoyuan Sect was not so eye-catching. Mu Fengyun replied.

Yes! You hide it very deep! Even Bai Ze and the others don't know your identity. You are so powerful! Mu Qianxi sneered.

Mu Fengling was stunned, thinking that his eldest brother seemed to have created several four-star forces, and Haoyuan Sect was probably one of them.

He didn't know much about the details at first, otherwise he would have found traces of him before entering the tomb of Emperor Xuantian.

As for my strength, this is it. I am not strong enough to deal with danger. Mu Fengyun took out a pendant from his neck. There was a small light blue sword on the pendant.

This is an artifact that can give me the aura of a ninth-level spiritual master. When in danger, I can burst out with the power of a peak spiritual master. There is no problem in protecting me.

Mu Fengyun had never been an impulsive person. If he could enter the dangerous tomb of Emperor Xuantian with a weak body, his safety would naturally be guaranteed.

The artifact can only be used nine times at most. You have already used it many times! Mu Fengling said.

Mu Fengling naturally knew about this artifact, which was given to him by his sister-in-law after his eldest brother's strength was destroyed.

The other three times, those who followed me here are all my confidants. They are very powerful and usually don't need it.

Mu Qianxi said: I already understand the situation, but I can only give you two choices. One is to leave the tomb of Emperor Xuantian immediately, and the other is to fake death and stay in my space.

Mu Fengyun wished he could be obedient to his daughter, but these two choices

He didn't want to choose any of them.

Xi'er, I'm sorry. I want to get Emperor Xuantian's inheritance no matter what. I have something I must do. Mu Fengyun looked firmly into his daughter's eyes.

Revenge is not something that must be done, reunion with family is.

If they are not strong enough, who knows how long they will have to wait?

Mu Qianxi's heart froze slightly. She could sense this strong man's determination to never regret, which made her reluctant to refuse. .??.

Xi'er, if...if his body can hold on, I hope he can try it out here himself. I don't want him to have any regrets. Mu Fengling knew her brother well, so she also spoke for him.

It's not easy to send it out now that you're here. The potion to fake death is not harmful to ordinary people, but you can't use it casually with a broken body. In this case, you can do whatever you plan to do! But I have one request, absolutely You can't leave my side. I'm a ghost doctor and I also have powerful spells. Unless you encounter other accidents, I won't let you die.

This guy made her second uncle soften her heart, but she had no choice.

There must be a lot of dangers in the tomb of Emperor Xuantian, and there are many powerful enemies. His body cannot be put at any risk.

Mu Fengyun said: Don't worry, Xi'er, I will definitely protect myself and not let you worry.

Mu Qianxi approached Mu Fengyun and placed her fingers on his eyebrows. Light blue light enveloped Mu Fengyun.

Crystal Ying, if his life is in danger, protect him.


A piece of defense from Eternal Guard was given to Mu Fengyun, so he was worried after all!

Afterwards, Mu Qianxi agreed to act together with the Haoyuan Sect, and the Haoyuan Sect leader naturally welcomed him


People in the competition arena continued to fight the puppets, but the number of puppets was getting smaller and smaller, and soon no new puppets would appear.

It seems that there are a certain number of keys. The Ghost Doctor got so many keys by himself, so there are not many left. Many four-and-a-half-star forces did not get the keys, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Sect Master, the people of Xiamen want to see the ghost doctor. At this time, someone said.

Sect Leader Haoyuan looked at Mu Qianxi. Mu Qianxi naturally knew their purpose and said, Let them come!

As soon as the Xia Clan leader saw Mu Qianxi, he said, Ghost doctor, hand over the antidote.

The people who attacked are from your Xiamen, the weapons are also from your Xiamen, and the poison is naturally the same. He stole the chicken and picked up an arrow in the rice. If you are poisoned, don't you come to me with the antidote yourself? Mu Qianxi asked Eyebrow said.

Our antidote has been used, but it has no effect. You must have done something to it? After all, you are the ghost doctor. At that time, they had been staring at the ghost doctor, and they didn't even notice when the ghost doctor took action?

However, the boy's condition now is that he has been poisoned by a strange poison, and the only person they can think of is the ghost doctor.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Oh! Congratulations, you guessed it right, but you people are responsible for it. If you want the antidote, I can give it, but you have to pay for it.

How much do you want?

I want the treasures Xia Clan collected after you entered the tomb of Emperor Xuantian.

You're like a lion, it's impossible! Clan Leader Xia roared.

If you don't agree, then get out! A strong aura erupted from Mu Fengyun's body.

I have to say that the artifact he possesses has a first-class bluffing effect.

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