The leader of the Xia Clan was furious, but now that so many strong men were on the side of the ghost doctor, he could only hold it in.

This group of strong men are busy minding their own business now. When they have no time to take care of the ghost doctor, he must find an opportunity to show the ghost doctor some color.

Master Ghost Doctor, please come inside.

Mu Qianxi walked into that building and asked, I found that all the major forces gathered here. I wonder if there is anything discovered here?

Master Ghost Doctor, you just came here and you don't understand. The place we are in now is the outer city. There are not many treasures in the outer city. If you want to get powerful treasures, you have to enter the inner city. To enter the inner city, you must get the key, and this is A place to get a key.”

This four-and-a-half-star force occupies a floor here. Mu Qianxi is well-known, and her alchemy skills have reached the pinnacle in Xuantian Realm. She is highly sought after, so she occupies a high floor here.

From a high place, Mu Qianxi could see that the entire inner city was shrouded in a spiritual mist that could not even detect soul power.

There are countless forces outside the city, approaching the city gate one after another.

Below is a very powerful competition venue. There are countless puppets in the competition venue, and many young people are fighting with those puppets.


Some of these puppets were blown to pieces, some had nothing, and some had a key.

Sect Master, my disciple is lucky to have lived up to his command. The young man who got the key handed it over.

It turns out that there are requirements for the competition venue below, and there are certain age restrictions. Only young people under the age of thirty can participate.

This time the tomb of Emperor Xuantian was opened, and all the major forces brought their masters with them.

Most of them are above the high-level spiritual masters, and even fifth- and sixth-level spiritual masters are rare.

There is only one genius like Bei Gongjue in the Xuantian Realm, and he must be at least fifty years old to have cultivated to this point.


It is almost impossible to reach this level if you are under thirty years old.

Some sects will bring some young disciples to see the world. At this time, these sects are glad that they have made such a decision. Otherwise, even if they find a five-star city, they will have no chance of finding the treasures in it.

Mu Fengling said: These puppets are very weak and can overwhelm the strength of low-level spiritual masters. Xi'er can easily deal with them.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Yeah! So there's no rush. I've already asked people to find out clearly, and I have business dealings with a few prominent experts from other forces. But the Haoyuan Sect who was the first to come forward was a ghost to us. But there is no contact with the medical building. This sect is very low-key, so there is no reason for it to take action in such a timely manner.

With the crooked intestines of these old guys, they must want to take action when the Ghost Doctor Building is unable to solve the problem.

After all, providing help in times of need can make the ghost doctor remember their kindness even more.

What do Xi'er mean? A bright light flashed in Mu Fengling's eyes.

We came here to arrest people. We can't let go of any suspicion. I'll go to Haoyuan Sect's territory first to take a look.

Mu Qianxi acted as he said and successfully entered the floor where Haoyuanzong was staying. He heard a squeaking sound.

Master of the Ninth Peak, my daughter is amazing! This has given our peak the third key. It was agreed at the beginning that the keys for each peak will be provided to each peak. After all, the number is limited.

Second Peak Master, why is the Ninth Peak Master a lonely man with no daughter or son? He refuses to accept a disciple. If you had agreed to marry my sister, you might have been able to cultivate a genius long ago.

Master of the Ninth Peak, my son also got some keys.

You can get more later. If you, Ninth Peak, need it, just give me those artifacts in your hands, and I can give them to you.

There are nine peaks in the Haoyuan Sect, and almost half of the peak owners are bragging about how powerful their daughters, sons, and disciples are.

The same goes for other sects in this scene. After all, whether they can enter the inner city depends on the strength of the juniors.

If your juniors are powerful, then you will have a bright face, but you don’t have to work hard to be so powerful.

At this time, there was a girl on the Haoyuanzong floor. The girl had an unparalleled appearance. .??.??

Based on her appearance and temperament, this young girl completely defeated all the genius disciples from the major four and a half star forces below.

The leader of Haoyuan Sect came to his senses, This must be the ghost doctor!

Ghost doctor, the alchemist who was ordered by the Lord of the Ninth Peak to help him.

The number one alchemist in the medicine refining competition, the number one alchemist in the Xuantian Realm, I heard that she has strength that the Spirit Master can't match. What are you doing here to join in the fun? She wants the elixir. With her talent in medicine refining, someone will help Emperor Xuantian by then. I got a good elixir from the tomb, why don’t I rush to her and ask her to refine the elixir? Isn’t it necessary to take such risks?”

Is it possible that such a little girl got the first place? After all, our sect's chief alchemist did not participate in the alchemy competition because he was in seclusion?

Mu Qianxi turned her eyes to look at the Ninth Peak Master who had stood up for her before. Staring at that pair of eyes like bright stars, the Ninth Peak Master exuded the powerful pressure of a ninth-level spiritual master.

Mu Fengling followed Mu Qianxi and was slightly startled. Did they make a mistake?

The eldest brother has no strength at all and cannot be the ninth peak master.

The Xuantian Realm Medicine Refining Competition, although some seniors are in retreat and did not attend, there is no doubt about the ghost doctor's strength. After all, have you heard of it?

Has any alchemist in Xuantian Realm successfully refined a super divine elixir? The Ninth Peak Master said.

It's said to be a super magic pill, but it's just a big noise, and no one has eaten that super magic pill. Who knows if it's really that powerful? An angry voice came out.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Ninth Peak Master, Mu Qianxi said: How good is my ghost doctor in refining medicine? A smart person will know better. There is no need to waste energy on waking up people who think they are pretending to be asleep. I came here to thank you. The Lord of the Ninth Peak came forward for me before and let us get rid of Xiamen’s entanglement.”

It's just a small effort, no need to thank you. He said calmly.

Mu Qianxi approached the Ninth Peak Master and said, Can I stay and watch the following competition with you?

When Mu Qianxi approached him, he took a step back and said, Sorry, I don't like to be close to others.

It's okay, I just need to stay away from you. Mu Qianxi sat down three feet away from him.

He didn't know what to say, and it was impossible to drive people away, so he turned his eyes to the competition venue below.

Mu Fengling also stared at this man with burning eyes. Xi'er was suspicious of this man, so he naturally believed in Xi'er's judgment.

Underneath, a pretty little girl in white smiled and said, Daddy, I got another key.

The second peak master smiled and said: Hahaha! My Qin'er is really outstanding. Ninth peak master, you have no daughter or disciples. You can't enter the inner city of Tianlian City this time. Why don't you go back home? Look for opportunities elsewhere. Just watching here makes me unhappy.

Who said he has no daughter? Dad, just tell me how many keys you want and I will get them for you right away.

Mu Qianxi couldn't help it anymore because of the previous attacks by the peak masters and the provocation of the second peak master in front of her. Her current number one patient couldn't be bullied by anyone.

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