The Evil King Addicts to Pets: Ghost Doctor and Mad Concubine

Chapter 3151 The Consequences of Watching a Theater

In an instant, Bei Gongjue and his subordinates disappeared, leaving Qin Yunluo behind who was cold and pitiful.

Qin Yunluo shouted: Your Highness the Crown Prince! Your Highness the Crown Prince, don't abandon me! I...

However, Bei Gongjue was very cold and completely ignored her. Such a ruthless man made Qin Yunluo feel cold in his heart.

Feng Yu... Feng Yu, obviously His Highness the Crown Prince cares more about Feng Yu.

Now that the token is gone and all her people are dead, she is destined to miss the position of crown princess, and her father will definitely punish her.

Qin Yunluo looked depressed and confused.

Princess You, who had received the token, rushed towards it, but she heard screams in a pile of rocks. The screams were extremely miserable and familiar.

Princess You's eyes widened, No way!

She didn't mind the excitement and didn't mind the big event. When she went over to see it, it turned out to be another exciting drama.

Mu Linlang! You bitch, you are like this and you still want to snatch the position of crown princess from me. What a dream!

The protagonists of this drama are Mu Linlang and Bei Gongluo.

Although Mu Linlang ran away before, he eventually fell into Bei Gongluo's hands.

What will be the fate of falling into the hands of Bei Gongluo? Naturally, it will inevitably be a bloody torture.

And because Beigong Luo didn't kill her, she couldn't use anything she had to save her life, so she could only be bullied.

Mu Linlang was very angry when someone discovered something like this.

A ray of holy light enveloped her, who was covered in blood, and all the wounds on her body were repaired.

It seemed that she had become pure and pure again. Even though she didn't have any clothes now, she could comfort herself.

Beigong Luo said: This restored treasure is very useful, not bad! I'm still interested in it. Your Highness, Linlang, are you still interested?

Bei Gongluo pinched Mu Linlang's chin and said

, now Mu Linlang is so weak that she can't resist at all.

Mu Linlang said coldly: Kill them! Kill them all without leaving any one behind. As long as you can do it, I will cooperate with you.

These people have seen all this and must die!

Mu Linlang's promise made Bei Gongluo very satisfied. The proud Princess Linlang begged him, and it seemed interesting to be obedient to him.

Beigong Luo rushed out with a terrifying aura, and Princess You was startled.

She hurriedly backed away and said: Uncle Luohuang, you won't be instigated by that woman to deal with me! You have watched me grow up since you were a child, how can you have the heart to kill me?

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Bei Gongluo's lips, Do you want to live? You don't want to be killed and quartered by me, right? How about going with Mu Linlang? Little You'er looks quite cute.

Oh! There is a beauty over there, not bad! Bei Gongluo laid his eyes on Feng Yu.

Feng Yu felt as if an insect was crawling on him, and his hair stood on end.

Princess You was trembling all over, and she said: No! No! I want to become the crown princess, and the person I like is the crown prince brother. Uncle Luo Huang, you can't.

It's really cute! You actually have such deep intentions for that ruthless man Bei Gongjue. The more you act like this, the more I want to destroy the belief in your heart. Don't be afraid! I won't kill you, at least for the time being. No. Beigong Luo slowly approached, and his bloodthirsty and cold aura made Princess You faint from fear.

She thought that Bei Gongluo would miss his old relationship, but she didn't expect that Bei Gongluo was so crazy and didn't even know what an old relationship was?

Princess You was so frightened that she cried, Mu

A hint of pleasure flashed in Linlang's eyes.

Let this guy be arrogant and watch the show, and soon she will be reduced to a situation even more miserable than she is, and there is no point in crying.

Princess You's arm was pulled and said: Why are you so dazed? Run quickly! Do you want to die?

In an instant, they distanced themselves from Bei Gongluo.

Princess You's two subordinates also reacted and rushed forward to block Beigong Luo.

His Royal Highness King Luo, do you want to make an enemy of King You? Please stop here, don't...

Ah! A scream came out.


He didn't take King You seriously at all. The two men didn't block him for long before they were bloody killed and their heads were missing.

Beigong Luo said: Princess Linlang, I will definitely do what I promised you. I will find you two sisters to accompany you right away.

Swish, swish, swish! Beigong Luo flew out, as fast as lightning.

Closer, closer!

Mu Qianxi said: You two, run quickly and go to the exit immediately!

A bright light flashed in Princess You's eyes, this result is quite good.

Anyway, she has obtained the token now. If Uncle Luo Huang kills her, there will be no way to stop her from becoming the crown princess.

You are so boring but like to watch good shows, and you have provoked a ruthless character like Bei Gong Luo. Princess You, you are very capable! Do you think that after I was killed by Bei Gong Luo, you can marry Bei Gong Jue? What a dream ! Just wait and die from the poison! Mu Qianxi's eyes were cold.

Princess You shuddered and said: I...I'm leaving first. You must survive! After all, you are so powerful.

Princess You was captured by the North

Gong Luo was so frightened by that ferocious guy. Someone stopped Bei Gong Luo from saving her, so she naturally sped up and ran.

Feng Yu was a little confused, You...

Leave! I will deal with it. Be careful yourself and Bei Gongjue. Mu Qianxi said.

That King Luo is too scary, and there’s nothing she can do to help him?

This was the person who made the eight young masters want to surrender and was placed in the heart of the master. She should have a way to solve this crisis, and Feng Yu also left quickly.

After the two of them ran some distance away, Bei Gongluo caught up and found Mu Qianxi.

You're such an ugly guy, you want to stop me? Bei Gongluo said disdainfully.

Mu Qianxi said: His Royal Highness, King Luo, you can play whatever you want, and don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke. Tell Mu Linlang that you have already solved us, and she can't verify it, right? I don't think you need to follow her. I fight.

Beigong Luo said: How dare a servant of yours speak to me in such a tone? Very good! I will cut you into pieces.

The terrifying power burst out, and Beigong Luo killed Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi stood there motionless, and Beigong Luo said coldly: Are you accepting your fate?

Mu Qianxi just uttered one word lightly and said coldly: Feng!

The power of the curse broke out, and Beigong Luo was able to show such evil power because of the power of the curse.

This is a spell that is blended into human blood and bones, making people stronger and able to cast spells to a certain extent.

She knows the spells well and has a complete collection of spells, so she naturally knows how to break them easily.

This power was obviously not as strong as Mu Qianxi's curse power, so Mu Qianxi only moved his hands slightly, and the curse power attached to him disappeared.

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