Yunji and his troops were discovered hiding on the western border. The trip to the Nine-Turn Medicine Realm made Yin Sizhan shift his focus to studying Bei Gongjue, and his reaction was slower.

Mu Qianxi said: This time you accompany me to deal with Bei Gongjue. Now that something big has happened to the army, I should also contribute! And letting the Donghuang Dynasty succeed will not be of any benefit to me?

Yin Sizhan replied: No! My foster father will definitely not agree.

Oh! Then I'll kill them first and then tell them. When Wudi, Xiaohong, and Xiao Momo come out, which one do you think is cuter? I'll leave them by your side to monitor you. A slight smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's mouth.

Yin Sizhan's mouth twitched slightly, You are too cruel!

No way! You are all experts in snitching, so you have to guard against it. Mu Qianxi waved her hand.

I have defeated you. Yin Sizhan finally surrendered.

They headed to the western border as quickly as possible, and Yin Sizhan transformed into a military advisor and returned to the Zhenbei army camp.

Late at night, a figure appeared outside the military advisor's tent, and Yin Sizhan asked, Who?

It's me! General Helian's deep voice came.

I said General Helian will age faster if he goes to bed too late! Mu Qianxi said with a joking smile.

General Helian strode in, glared at Mu Qianxi and said, I'm still young?

Yeah, yeah! You're young. General Helian can still have eighteen concubines to give birth to a brood of younger sisters for the eldest lady. Mu Qianxi said cynically.

Can you, this kid, be a little more upright? General Helian said angrily.

However, because of Mu Qianxi's commotion, the deep emotions that had been lingering in her heart dispersed a lot.

He sat down directly and said: Get out of here, you kid. I have important things to discuss with the military advisor.

Yin Sizhan said: I

He can listen to things that can be heard. What's going on with General Helian? Might as well say it.

This boy... General Helian also trusted Mu Qianxi. Although this boy always made him angry, he was his daughter's savior and worthy of trust.

General Helian sighed: Hey! You must have received the secret order. His Majesty's spies found traces of an army in the west! The number is not small, and it doesn't look like the army of the Beigong Dynasty.

There is such an army in the territory of our Donghuang Dynasty. They must be rebels. Since they are rebels, His Majesty ordered me to destroy them and also brought in another large army.

I still don't believe in your strength. Are you troubled by this? Yin Sizhan asked.

Of course not! But I heard that this kind of rebel army is actually the army of Prince Fengyun. Your Majesty does not completely trust me and is also afraid of Prince Fengyun's strength, so he sent such a large army. If it is Prince Fengyun's army, it will definitely They are a group of powerful soldiers, and I...I really don’t want to face them.”

Such a legendary Prince Fengyun was admired by many people in Xuantian Realm.

Unlike Bei Gong, who has a very bad reputation nowadays, Mu Fengyun's growth and everything he does are not false at all, which makes people convinced.

General Helian also admired him and didn't believe he was that kind of person.

He had seen the powerful momentum of the soldiers led by Prince Fengyun before. It was not an exaggeration to say that one could defeat a hundred. Unfortunately, they suffered a devastating blow twenty years ago.

He also very much hopes that the powerful soldiers of the past will rise again, but unfortunately it seems that they have not yet risen, and they are already being hit again.

Yin Sizhan said: The general doesn't want to go with him

They face each other.

I believe that Prince Fengyun is not that kind of person, and those soldiers are also tough men. However, the emperor's order cannot be violated.

With His Majesty Dong Huang's character, he will definitely deal with them ruthlessly.

He is not afraid of life, but he still has a daughter and his soldiers...

Yin Sizhan replied: I don't want to fight either.

Military advisor, you...

General Helian has always felt that the military advisor has a good mind and is very smart and unfathomable. He and he are completely different people, but they are both sensible and consistent in this regard.

I will think of a way to get the best of both worlds? Yin Sizhan said.

Okay! I'll wait. I believe your brain will be fine. General Helian patted his shoulder.

After General Helian left, Yin Sizhan said with a bitter smile: General Helian really thinks of me as a god! Donghuang is too careful, but General Helian's situation is relatively simple. I'm afraid he sent another team... …”

That's natural, because he suspected that his opponent was Prince Feng Yun, so he had to be careful. Prince Feng Yun's strength was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it also made him feel scared. Mu Qianxi said with a smile, with a look of pride on his face.

Yin Sizhan took out a map and drew a route on it.

This is the retreat route. We retreat to the Xilian Mountains. The white tiger's contracted beast Xuantian Beast King will open the way. The spiritual beasts from the Xilian Mountains can also help. This is definitely the way with the least loss for us. But we originally wanted to be unnoticed. His plan to retreat to the Xilian Mountains fell through, but we are not afraid of him when we reach the Xilian Mountains.

The plan changed and it was not perfect, which made Yin Sizhan a little distressed.

If I hand this unsatisfactory answer sheet to my adoptive father, I'm afraid he will be disappointed.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who made Donghuang's dog have such a sharp nose? We have found it. Mu Qianxi said.

She felt that they were well hidden, but Donghuang Daoxing was not shallow, not to mention that this was the territory he controlled.

The next day, the army sent by Donghuang had arrived.

Their number is similar to that of General Helian. It seems that Donghuang has concentrated a large part of his troops to wipe out Bai Hu and his army.

But you're right, if you don't eliminate him for a day, it will be like a stick in your throat.

General Liang Helian sat across from him, a tall man like a bear.

His face was also very hairy, and with a dark face he said to the military advisor: I've always heard that the military advisor is a genius, tell me how to fight this?

The military advisor said: First, we must determine their location, cause them to panic, and let them reveal themselves.

The location has probably been determined. It's in this large area, just waiting to be killed. General Xiong said.

This area is not small, and you may not be able to find the target if you kill it. However, if it is here, once the opponent knows that he is exposed and wants to retreat, he will definitely go to two places! One is to retreat to the desert. After entering the desert, there are Enough geological advantages to get rid of the pursuers. The other is to enter the Xilian Mountains. There are many dangerous spiritual beasts in the Xilian Mountains. An army rushing in will probably suffer heavy losses. This possibility is extremely small. Yin Sizhan slowly said Analyze it for them.

General Xiong said: Obviously they will escape to the desert. Although the environment in the desert is a little worse, it is better than going to the Xilian Mountains to feed the spiritual beasts. I want to guard the desert and fight.

This is my home court after all! Of course I will be the one guarding the other side of the desert. General Xiong has come all the way here to do some easy work. General Helian did not give in.

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