Boom! Shengsheng punched him with a terrifying force of wind, and the defensive artifact was instantly crushed.

Poof! Bei Gongjue couldn't move at this time, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Kill or keep? Yisheng asked.

Knock people out, and let's slowly study the forbidden technique. Mu Qianxi said.

Now that Yisheng has woken up, they can join forces to see if they can obliterate Bei Gongjue's soul without affecting Xiao Bai.

Just when Sheng Sheng was about to take action, a powerful force suddenly burst out from behind Bei Gongjue and rushed towards Mu Qianxi. This force was enough to crush Mu Qianxi instantly.

Yisheng pulled Mu Qianxi to block this force, and the next moment Bei Gongjue had disappeared.

Yisheng's pupils shrank suddenly, It turned out to be the method of the Soul Clan. He is very powerful. It doesn't look like it will be easy for us to keep him!

Bei Gongjue disappeared, and the contract between him and the Nine Turns Spirit Cauldron was also erased.

Beigong will never show mercy to waste products that have no use value.

Even if Beigong Juebeng has such high attainments in refining medicine, the Nine Turns Spiritual Cauldron also has a great contribution.

With the intervention of a very powerful soul clan, that guy is not simple. It seems that my dear, if you want to save that pretty boy, you have to make long-term plans. Sheng Sheng said in a low voice.

Mu Qianxi was a little disappointed that Bei Gongjue was not caught this time.

She also knew that Beigong was not simple, and saving Xiaobai was not an easy task.

The Nine-Turn Spiritual Cauldron was suppressed at the bottom of the abyss, and Yisheng said: When I made the nine branching cauldrons, you were the one with the most potential, and you were also the stupidest one for not expecting it.

I don't accept it, I don't accept it! Why is Tiantian Fenghuaxueyue so good among women? And no matter how hard I try, there is such a big gap with you. Jiuzhuan Lingding said.

Strong people are too boring, and you don't know how to find a little fun. You can work hard to become better with your potential, and

It’s not just me who is jealous of the powerful. Yisheng said coldly.

You also did something wrong and set a bad example. Mu Qianxi said.

My dear, you are right. I will set a good example in the future. I will be dedicated and serious, and I will love only one person forever. Yisheng looked at Mu Qianxi and said with a smile.

There was too much dark history, and I knew all my life that the little baby didn’t believe it, so he changed the subject. What to do with it? Leave it to you, baby.

I want them to give Aoki and the others their power back. As for how it will be, it's up to you! As long as you don't become a monster in the future. Mu Qianxi said to him.

Well! It's a bit troublesome to get a secret method. A lifetime of soul power radiated out.

It's not just that the secret method is troublesome, I also found something on it. No wonder. Yisheng's face darkened.

I can't do this, Soul Killer, please come out and help. Yisheng said.

Crimson flames erupted, and a tall figure appeared stepping on the flames. He was filled with bloodthirsty murderous intent, and his eyes were as dangerous and beguiling as magnificent rubies.

If you dare to touch the little kitten, now that I've come out, I won't give you face. I'll just kill your soul. Soul Killer said coldly.

Let's melt it first and then talk about it! Yisheng said coldly.

Melt! You are going to melt me, you cold-blooded guys. This word made Jiuzhuan Lingding feel fear in his heart.

It's not the first time you've known about my cold-bloodedness, let alone the fact that you can't touch someone! Yisheng said indifferently.

Their eternal artifacts themselves are the most cold-blooded existences. They regard all ants and despise everything.

Of course, it's different now,

Their contractors add a lot of color to their eternal years.

But the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron hurt her! They will show no mercy.

Soul Killer raised his hand, and terrifying flames fell from the sky, turning into extremely hot magma and covering it towards the Nine-Turn Spirit Cauldron.

Ahhh! Being melted by the flames of the Eternal Sword is definitely the most terrifying torture for any artifact.

The body is melted by the flames, but the soul can feel it extremely clearly. This kind of pain is unbearable even with artifacts.

But Soul Killer remained expressionless as he intensified the flames, making the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron even more painful.

This is the price you pay for hurting the kitten. You must bear it.

Yisheng said: Baby, I see you are worried about those guys, they will be fine soon. .??.

A gust of wind carried the four medicine cauldrons. They woke up and said respectfully: Your Majesty!

Lord, we failed to protect our master.

Ahhh! The voice of the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron came, and they were stunned.

Aoki said: It's Lord Soul Slayer!

Oh my God! Hey, hey, Laojiu is so miserable. He has angered Master Soul Killer. Master Soul Killer is going to melt him. But I don't sympathize with him at all. He deserves what he deserves! Wu Xing said tremblingly, Soul Killer. That flame, sir, is terrible.

You will not live if you do your own evil! said the Death Reincarnation Cauldron.

One wrong step, every wrong step. The six-color glazed cauldron sighed.

Brother Sheng...Brother Sheng, you finally came to see me. A gentle voice came.

Sheng Sheng glanced at Ningshuang Yuetao lazily and said, Who are you? Don't call me that in the future.

Ningshuang Yuetao's heart was shattered into pieces, and the cruelty of a passionate man was terrifying.


Yuetao said hoarsely: Lord, it was me who overstepped.

Little demon... little girl, you said you would help me recover. You can't keep your word! Ningshuang Yuetao didn't dare to ask Yisheng for help. If he took action, she would recover quickly.

Bold! My little baby is my contractor. What is your name?

Contractor! She said she was your disciple! Ningshuang Yuetao said in disbelief.

Is there a problem? She is my little baby, my contractor, and my only disciple. Multiple identities make it more interesting, right? The corners of Yisheng's mouth curled up slightly.

Ningshuang Yuetao was heartbroken. She had never seen the Lord value someone so much.

The two of them still have a contractual relationship, and their relationship is even more inseparable. It feels like no third woman can get involved.

She felt sad and heartbroken at this time, and she was extremely jealous.

If the Lord wasn't here, she wouldn't be able to control herself, but in front of him, she had to show her best side.

Master, please give me medicine to detoxify me. Ningshuang Yuetao said with 100% sincerity.

This crazy little peach blossom who has unrequited love is also a bit miserable. After losing interest in others all her life, she destroys them with ruthless hands and shows no mercy.

Mu Qianxi said: Okay! We agreed before.

Mu Qianxi prepared the potion and even added life force.

When Ningshuangyuetao absorbed the power of this potion, the shattered branches recovered.

Although it is not as big as before, at least there is not a bare one left.

The next moment, pale pink petals bloomed all over the branches.

Yisheng looked at it and said, Oh! It turns out to be the Ningshuang Yuetao! It's been so long and you haven't gotten any results yet. Come and give me some fruits to give my little baby a taste.

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