Mu Qianxi and the others moved towards the ninth rotation area as quickly as possible.

After they left, a sigh came from the lavender peach forest.

Hey! Your Majesty's taste is really changing with each passing day! Now I like silly white and sweet vases like this.

Under Bei Gongjue's methods, Mu Linlang's resistance was somewhat ineffective and she couldn't hold on any longer.

A fiery red light burst out, and the Yan Zun Ding had been summoned by Mu Linlang.

The faces of several people in the Holy Realm darkened. Is this medicine cauldron going to be destroyed in Mu Linlang's hands?

You must know that this is one of the major cauldrons in their holy realm!

Jiuzhuan Lingding said: Finally there is a medical cauldron that can be seen. The Deling Cauldron was so weak the other day.

The Nine-turn Spiritual Cauldron rushed towards the Yanzun Cauldron. When Mu Qianxi and the others rushed over, they hid their aura and observed the situation on this side first.

As a result, they happened to see Mu Linlang's medicine cauldron being swallowed.

She was naturally happy to see Mu Linlang's misfortune, but Bei Gongjue's move gave her a very bad feeling.

At this time, Aoki said: Is it the method of feeding the cauldron soul?

What evil method is this? Mu Qianxi frowned slightly.

Qingmu explained: The method of feeding the cauldron soul was researched by an extremely powerful elder of the Soul Clan. He fed the cauldron with the soul of ten thousand cauldrons, hoping to create a divine cauldron that surpassed the Lord. In the end, this matter was revealed by the Lord. You know, the furious Lord killed the Soul Clan and made the Soul Clan restless. The Soul Clan was forced to execute this elder, and this secret method was also destroyed.

I didn't expect that this one is still there and has been obtained by the master of Jiu Zhuan. No wonder Jiu Zhuan can consume himself unscrupulously to help Bei Gongjue complete the Super Divine Pill. It turns out that it is because it has already been able to recover! The Lord once This extremely disgusting evil method, how dare it... Aoki, who had always been calm, was very angry at this time.

\u003e The Yan Zun Ding has almost been devoured. Bei Gongjue turned his attention to the others, I won't waste time with you, take them all out, otherwise...


The people in the Holy Realm felt cold all over, and they chose between their own lives and the medicine cauldron.

Medicine cauldrons were summoned one after another, which were much inferior to the Yan Zun cauldron, making the Nine Turns Spirit Cauldron disgusted.

Although the food is a little bad, it can be used at least.

The people in the holy realm were so angry that they vomited blood. This guy got an advantage and acted like a good boy.

Mu Qianxi's face showed a solemn look, Are the people in the Holy Realm so useless? I thought they could consume some of Bei Gongjue's power! In the end, Bei Gongjue and his people were unscathed. They had already It’s about to end.”

It stands to reason that Beigong will never be able to defeat someone from the Holy Realm in such a crushing manner. Prince Beigong must have a strong trump card. It seems that we can't go head-to-head with Prince Beigong no matter what. Yin Sizhan also said: With a sad look.

While Bei Gongjue is busy here, I'll go find Shengzhi! Five Elements, you guys, lead the way.

In an instant, Mu Qianxi disappeared.

She sent a message: You stay and meet us.

Bai Ze and Yin Sizhan wanted to chase him, but this would make it easier for them to be exposed.

Yin Sizhan said depressedly: Very good! Just kill it first and then play it.

Shengzhi's location was obvious, and she sneaked in quietly.

Mu Qianxi looked at the huge peach blossom in front of her and said, This is the Ningshuang Yue Peach.

What a pity! She has no results yet.

Beigong Jue is just using Shengzhi as a cover, and his real purpose is probably everyone's medicine cauldron, including Aoki and the others, or even his whole life.

The purpose is to restore the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron and even surpass the Eternal Cauldron.

Without Shengzhi, this is a complete trap. Let's retreat quickly before Bei Gongjue can deal with others!

Mu Qianxi was about to leave when walls of flowers suddenly appeared around her.

Bang! This flower wall looks very beautiful, but it is harder than ten thousand years of ice. Mu Qianxi cannot break it at all.

Countless petals were wrapped around Mu Qianxi, and she felt like her body was freezing.

The fire element's spiritual power exploded instantly, preventing her from falling into the ice.

This is not Bei Gongjue's strength, but Ningshuang Yuetao's strength.

Little sister, don't resist! I just want you to do a favor for my sister. came a voice that was deep to the bones.

Miss Yuetao is very beautiful, and she is also a super powerful Shengzhi. I am willing to help. What do you want me to do for you? Mu Qianxi said.

I need your body! You are quite beautiful, and I have taken a liking to you now. With your body, I should be able to leave the Nine-Revolution Medicine Realm! she replied.

In an instant, an overwhelming cold air came, accompanied by a powerful soul attack.

Miss Yuetao's voice was very gentle, and her moves were unambiguous.

Very strong! Really strong!

The fire element couldn't hold it anymore. At this time, Five Elements rushed out and yelled: Ningshuang Yuetao, stop it. Do you know who the master is? You dare to attack the master.

A burst of cyan light blocked the wisps of cold air, and the Aoki Divine Cauldron said:

You've gone too far.

The Death Wheel Soul Cauldron began to crazily devour this guy's soul power. Although it could not hurt the owner, it could just give it a full meal.

You are the Five Elements Holy Cauldron, the Death Reincarnation Cauldron, and the Eight Desolate Green Wood Cauldron. Ningshuang Yuetao said in surprise.

After all, she was a holy plant raised all her life. She still knew several major points of the cauldron, but she was not as familiar with the Nine-Turn Reincarnation Cauldron.

Ningshuang Yuetao said: You three are actually following the same master. Who is she?

Waves of cold air rose all around, making people feel chilly all over.

The Five Elements Holy Cauldron said: The master is the most...

Mu Qianxi interrupted Wu Xingdao: I am a lifelong disciple.

Ice-cold murderous intent burst out instantly, and a cold voice said: Disciple! Brother Sheng has never accepted a disciple. What on earth did you, a vixen, do to seduce Brother Sheng?

Can you also call your biological brother by his name?

You are brave! Aoki said coldly.

You three, get out of here!

Boom! The ground cracked.

This Yuetao's attack was completely fatal, and the three medicine cauldrons were unable to block it and were blown away.

Black Wing Shield! Mu Qianxi's strength naturally couldn't stop him, so he could only use the Black Wing Shield.

Bang, bang, bang! The Black Wing Shield temporarily blocked her attack.

What exactly does Brother Sheng like about you? You are so weak, like an ant. Do you think you can save your life by hiding in a turtle shell? Ningshuang Yuetao said murderously.

Death Reincarnation Cauldron said: You little peach blossom is crazy! If you dare to hurt a hair of the master, the master will definitely not let you go.

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