Bei Gongjue looked at Mu Qianxi and said: What about Qianxi, what about you! I know you like the Holy Plant very much. It is possible to encounter a Holy Plant more powerful than the Beiling Jiutian Linglan in the Nine Revolutions Medicine Realm. .”

Beigong Jue, are you really so kind? Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows.

Good things have to be shared, right? And I don't have the ability to monopolize the Nine-Turn Medicine Domain by myself. I might as well benefit the entire alchemist world.

Mu Qianxi muttered in her heart, believe it or not. ??

Mu Qianxi said: I won't give you an answer yet. If I go on that day, it means I have decided to go. If not, you can play by yourself!

After saying that, Mu Qianxi turned around and left calmly.

Bei Gongjue wanted to know an accurate answer, but she didn't want it.

Beigong Jue's eyes dimmed, and he was not sure whether Mu Qianxi would go?

Although Shengzhi is attractive, his actions have aroused her vigilance.


Death Reincarnation Cauldron said: I think Lao Jiu has become more and more evil since he followed that Beigong Prince. Master, let's not play with them!

Last time, he used the holy plant to design the master. If the master didn't have the power of the three realms, it would be dangerous. This time they may have some conspiracy against the master. Aoki said solemnly.

Can the Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron control the Nine-turn Medicine Realm? Mu Qianxi asked.

Qingmu replied: The Nine-turn Medicine Realm is in a closed state because the master fell into a deep sleep. It is probably growing wildly now. The Nine-turn Spirit Cauldron has management rights but no control rights. I don't know what authority he has? But these The authority only applies to the elixir inside, not to people. Now it should be because the master has awakened and his strength is recovering quickly, so the nine-turn medicine field can be opened.

The Death Reincarnation Cauldron said: At the beginning, the Lord was most optimistic about the Nine-turn Spiritual Cauldron.

Now, he is the only one who can manage the Nine-Revolution Medicine Realm. I didn’t expect that this guy would actually harm the Lord’s contractors, bastard!

Mu Qianxi was discussing the Nine-Turn Medicine Realm with Qingmu and the others. She was sure that Beigong Jueyi had taken action and had sacrificed so much profit to take action. There must be a bigger plot.

Soon the news spread that Prince Beigong wanted to use his medicine cauldron to open the legendary Nine-Turn Medicine Realm.

Prince Beigong is so righteous! This compensation is so sincere.

Prince Beigong's magnanimity...


All the previous negative news disappeared because of Bei Gongjue's move, and everyone was full of praise for him.

This Prince Beigong is a good at winning people's hearts! Yin Sizhan came to the Ghost Doctor Building to find Mu Qianxi and said with emotion while drinking tea.

Mu Qianxi looked at Bai Ze beside him and said, Bai Ze, what do you think about this nine-turn medicine realm?

Yin Sizhan put down his teacup and said, After my adoptive father heard the news, his first reaction was to run over and stop you. He wouldn't let you go.

But the adoptive father is also a rational person. He understands people's hearts and understands you, so he sent us here. If you go, Bai Ze will go. If you don't go, Bai Ze will naturally not go.

Mu Qianxi said: I knew it.

That person was very, very worried about her, but would not interfere with her too much.

how about you?

My foster father said that Prince Beigong has ulterior motives and is evil. He should feel more at ease with my military advisor by his side to keep an eye on you. I was thrown here because I couldn't stay in the army. Si Yin Zhan said helplessly.

I see you are quite willing

I am willing!

Of course, I'm also looking forward to fighting someone like Prince Beigong! After all, it's been a long time since I've seen my adoptive father rate someone so highly.

That's fine, it will be much easier for me to fight against that guy with you.

I heard that Prince Beigong has plotted against you countless times. Tell me so that I can study this person's behavior. Yin Sizhan said curiously.

Mu Qianxi sat down and drank a cup of tea, and said: I probably can't finish this all afternoon, but I have to be careful about this person, so I am willing to discuss it with you. Let's start with our first meeting... …”

Before, she found it extremely difficult to face Bei Gongjue, but after experiencing the terrifying Abyss mode against Wuya, Bei Gongjue's hell mode opponent was not too troublesome, not to mention that now there is a resourceful one. military advisor to help.

Yin Sizhan's palms were sweating after hearing this. It was thrilling every time.

This question was also asked because the adoptive father wanted to know. He really told the adoptive father the truth. The adoptive father loved Mu Qianxi so much and protected his shortcomings. He probably wanted to attack the Beigong Dynasty directly.

The biggest problem you face now is that you can't kill Bei Gongjue! Yin Sizhan said with a headache. .??.

Facing Bei Gongjue, this is probably the biggest and most difficult problem he has encountered in his life.

It's best not to go. Yin Sizhan spat out these four words.

No, is this what you really want? Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows.

Yin Sizhan was dumbfounded. There was probably a Shengzhi there who could save his adoptive father's life!

We will send other alchemists there.

Then do you think they can win against Bei Gongjue?

Shengzhi is definitely the most sought-after treasure in the Nine Revolutions Medicine Realm, and Beigong Jue has probably already regarded him as the one in his pocket.

can have that

It is estimated that it would be difficult for several elders of the Alchemy Guild to snatch treasures from Beigong Jue.

Let's talk about it later! I'll take a good rest first. Mu Qianxi said lazily.

The next day, many alchemists had already responded.

They read a lot of classics about the Nine-Revolution Medicine Realm. Even a god-level alchemist would not have the chance to enter such a treasured place.

Now, with such a God-given opportunity, they would go in and take a look even if they lost their lives.

If you go in, doesn't it mean you are closer to the Cauldron of Eternity?

All capable alchemists signed up the next day, and Mu Linlang was also going.

Not only was Mu Linlang going, but she also brought an alchemist from the Holy Realm with her.

Even the alchemists from the Holy Realm of the Seven-Star Power want to enter the Nine-Revolution Medicine Realm, which shows how attractive this medicine field that has been tinkered with in a lifetime is.

After the defeat of this battle, Mu Linlang had little interest in refining medicine and did not want to participate.

The Donghuang Dynasty had raised so many alchemists and it was enough for them to come, but they didn't expect that the Holy Land would send someone after getting the news.

With the help of people from the Holy Realm, if Mu Qianxi dares to go, let her die in the Nine-Revolution Medicine Realm! Even in the Prison Realm, there is no evidence to prove that we did it. Donghuang said to Mu Linlang.

Mu Linlang was full of confidence at the thought of being able to kill Mu Qianxi and having a Saint Realm master by his side.

Bei Gong could never refuse, but he agreed.

Envoys from the Holy Realm are naturally welcome. They are looking up to me, Bei Gongjue! But the premise is that spiritual gods cannot be sent in, otherwise it will be unfair to our alchemists from the Xuantian Realm.

Okay! People in the Holy Realm are very confident. Even if there are no powerful spiritual gods, the spiritual masters in the Xuantian Realm cannot compare with them.

Yin Sizhan said: These two enemies are sharpening their knives. You should continue to stay in the Ghost Doctor Building to rest. Don't go there!

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