The Lan family is not the only medicine refining family that owns the medicine refining tower. There are seven or eight such families in Xuantian Realm.

Although they heard that the Ghost Doctor Tower was cruel, it could not stop them from coveting the Medicine Refining Tower.

If they could have one more medicine refining tower, they would definitely be able to outdo other medicine refining families. Why would they be willing to let it fall into the hands of the Ghost Doctor Building?

I heard that all the family heads want to see me? Mu Qianxi appeared in the reception room of the Ghost Doctor Building.

Everyone saw a very young, harmless girl, and it was hard to imagine that this was the rumored ghost doctor.

The Lan family has committed their own sins, and they deserve this end. However, the Lan family's medicine refining tower is a treasure in the medicine refining world. Do we, the Shui family, know how to warm and maintain the medicine refining tower? I wonder if the ghost doctor can take care of the medicine refining tower? Is the medicine tower placed in our Shui family?

The Medicine Refining Tower does not belong to your Ghost Doctor Building in the first place. Even if the Lan family no longer exists, it is too shameless for your Ghost Doctor Building to take it away like this. This belongs to our entire medicine refining world, and you must hand it over.


Some were forceful, some were tactful, and some were arrogant. They all had the same meaning, asking Mu Qianxi to hand over the alchemy tower to them.

The Medicine Refining Tower was really not taken away by her on purpose, but by its own decision.

These people didn't know the situation, so they came to make righteous accusations and wanted to take the medicine refining tower as their own.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: I probably understand what you mean, I want the Lan family's medicine refining tower! Yes!

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and Mu Qianxi continued: If you have the ability to take it away, I have no objection to it?

Everyone's expressions darkened. They used all kinds of righteous and lame excuses to get the Ghost Doctor Building to hand over the medicine refining tower, but they didn't dare to actually use force.

They didn't know the details of the Lan family's destruction, but they also knew that the Ghost Doctor House must not be offended.

Although they didn't dare to use force, they had other options.

Someone said: Master Ghost Doctor, if

You are willing to put the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower in my Lan Family for a hundred years, and I am willing to offer several rare magical medicines...

Me too……

Let it go for a hundred years. After such a long time, they will default on their debts. Then the medicine refining tower will naturally become theirs?

This group of people was really difficult to deal with. Even if Mu Qianxi didn't care much about the Medicine Refining Tower, she wouldn't let them get what they wanted. She had an idea in her mind.

The elixir you gave me really moved my heart, but there are so many of you, it doesn't matter which family you give it to, how about you compete fairly?

Fair play, refining medicine?

Mu Qianxi said: No! Let the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower choose. Each of you will send people to the medicine refining tower. If you can enter the core of the medicine refining tower, you will win if you get that ancient elixir recipe. What? ?”

Something happened to the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower before. If we enter again, I'm afraid... Someone hesitated.

You are even afraid of entering the Medicine Refining Tower. What qualifications does your family have to get the Medicine Refining Tower? The last time was just an accident. Someone set up a trap. I promise that nothing will happen again? Do you dare? If not, just leave the Ghost Doctor Building. , don’t bother me. Mu Qianxi said calmly.

They hesitated for a while and finally decided: Okay! That's it, the medicine refining tower will definitely become my Shui family's.

Well! Even if we fail, we still get a chance to enter the medicine refining tower.

Not bad!

Since you want to participate in the competition, you will naturally have to pay a participation fee. How about those magic medicines you proposed before? Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows.

That was their treasure in exchange for the Medicine Refining Tower, but in the end they only exchanged the qualifications for the competition. You, the Ghost Doctor Tower, might as well grab it! them

I cursed in my heart.

Is that too much? Or are you not confident that you can beat the others? Mu Qianxi's lips curved into a slight smile.

Who said it, we can definitely win! This is our participation fee.



Let them compare and pay the fees very easily.

Mu Qianxi said: Okay, in three days, you can start competing and carefully select some powerful geniuses.

Okay! See you in three days.

When the masters of the family walked out of the ghost doctor building, a cold wind blew, which made their minds clear up a little. .??.??

I was deceived by the Ghost Doctor Tower to steal a bunch of precious elixirs, but in the end I didn't even see the shadow of the medicine refining tower.

The Ghost Doctor Building is too dark! It seems that you can't lose in that competition. If you lose, you will suffer a big loss.

Damn it! Why did you fall into the trap?

One by one, they wanted to hit the wall. At this point, they couldn't go to the ghost doctor's building to get the magic medicine back, so they had to accept it.

Pfft! You keep saying that Ayan is a profiteer, Qianxi, why don't you give in too much! Seeing the group of family heads being cheated, Yin Sizhan couldn't help but gloat.

They were the ones who wanted the treasures that didn't belong to them. They deserved to be tricked.

What will you do next? Are you sure no one can pass the test? The medicine refining tower is not in good condition.

That's why I gave you three days to practice! Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

She was an alchemist and a half-baked weapon refiner. Three days was enough to repair the dilapidated alchemy tower, which made the alchemy tower like her even more.

After the power of medicine in the entire tower has been improved by several levels, the tests in it have also increased in difficulty. Some geniuses from major families want to

Passing the level is almost impossible.

This was something the Medicine Refining Tower had changed on its own. After finally hugging it, it didn't want to be with some mortals.

Three days have come and all the major medicine refining families gathered in the Ghost Doctor Building.

Ghost Doctor, we are all here, please come out of the medicine refining tower!

no problem!

In an instant, a medicine refining tower appeared in the sky above the Ghost Doctor Building.

This medicine refining tower exudes the power of ancient medicine with a strong aura, causing ripples in the air.

The appearance of the medicine refining tower is filled with the light of wood spiritual power, exuding a good aura.

Everyone wiped their eyes and said, Is this... is this really the medicine refining tower of the Lan family? Is there any mistake?

We've seen the Lan family's medicine refining tower before. It's in tatters. Could it be that the ghost doctor got a fake medicine refining tower from somewhere else?


Mu Qianxi said: This is indeed the medicine refining tower before the Lan family. Because some accidents happened, it got the opportunity to reach nirvana once, and it became like this. If you don't believe it, let people go in. After seeing it for a while, you will naturally believe it, and I, the ghost doctor, don’t even bother to lie to you.”

Even they don't know that the medicine refining tower will undergo Nirvana and take on a new look.

Look at this medicine refining tower, and then think about the one in their family. I wonder how much higher it is.

They wanted to get the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower before, but now they wanted it even more.

Disciple, we must win!

We must win. This alchemy tower is a great treasure. We must move it back to our own home.

The heads of the major families were very motivated and determined to win the greatly changed Medicine Refining Tower.

The corners of Mu Qianxi's lips curled up slightly, Medicine Refining Tower, open the door!

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