But if I sneak away, you don't seem to be able to care about me! Mu Qianxi said jokingly.

You bastard, your skin is itchy again! General Helian said angrily.

Cousin, tenth prince, stop him! I don't want to be beaten.

Originally there was Yin Sizhan protecting her, so General Helian couldn't do anything to her.

In addition, the tenth prince now thinks highly of Mu Qianxi because he saved his life.

Are you really going? Brother Feng! the tenth prince said.

That's natural. My cousin is going on an adventure. Why can't I stay in the military camp and enjoy the good food and drink? You know, my cousin hasn't married yet! If he really died in the battle, I wouldn't be able to see his father. . Mu Qianxi said very firmly. ??

Mu Qianxi wanted to go, but the Tenth Prince would not go. The last time one of his men was poisoned was a bloody example.

The risk was too great and he was not willing to take it.

Then I'll wait for you to return safely and prepare some wine to celebrate! the tenth prince said with a smile.

Yin Sizhan said, and in less than a quarter of an hour, the manpower had been selected.

Three hundred elite soldiers are too few! Why do we need three thousand? He Lianran said.

Instead of confronting them head-on, it would be more convenient for the three hundred elite soldiers to evacuate. Yin Sizhan said.

Naturally, General Helian could not defeat the military advisor, so in the end he had no choice but to send Yin Sizhan and the others out of the city.

After leaving the city, we walked quickly and soon saw the endless desert.

You must already know this, my little cousin. Yin Sizhan looked at Mu Qianxi and said.

First of all, I want to tell you that this matter definitely has nothing to do with the ghost world and the ghost king.

You seem to be very familiar with the ghost world.

What's wrong? Didn't you get any information you're interested in from Suzaku?

Suzaku came and went in a hurry, as if rushing to be reincarnated. He only said a few things to his adoptive father and then returned to the demon world.

. It’s normal for you to be familiar with the demon world. Are you also familiar with the ghost world?

To tell you the truth, I'm familiar with all three realms! I can't bear it that the Ghost Sand Clan wants the Ghost Realm to take the blame! I really want to kick them all in, Mu Qianxi said coldly.

I also hope your wish comes true.

It has nothing to do with the ghost world, but the death energy in the Guisha clan seems to be somewhat related to the God of Death who I always deal with.

The corner of Yin Sizhan's mouth twitched slightly, he always seemed so relaxed when dealing with the God of Death.

You know, that means being extremely close to death several times.

Death Qi, it will really be a headache without you. If you are here, I can give it a try!

Yeah! Get rid of it quickly. I don't want these ghosts to ruin the reputation of the ghost world.

Go that way! The prisoner pointed the way, and they moved forward as quickly as possible.

These three hundred troops were strictly disciplined and completely obeyed Yin Sizhan's orders.

Even late at night, we didn't give up on our way. We seemed to see flashing lights ahead.

Here we are, right over there, the prisoner said.

You are obviously telling us that there is a trap ahead, so jump in quickly! We will be dead by then, and you will be saved, right? Mu Qianxi said lightly.

If you find this place, you will be of no use and you can sleep in this sand forever.

Cough, cough, cough! They fell to the ground in convulsions, already dead.

Little Momo, invincible! Instead of sending people to investigate, it would be better to let her contracted beast explore the way.

Xiao Momo turned into a black dot and flew in the air, invincible like lightning, exploding over the desert.

And soon they came back.

There are very few people, but there are children! About ten or so. Wudi said.

That group of people are so bad, Xiao Momo went and burned them. Xiao Momo said angrily.

Okay! Let the little guy light a fire first and try to scare the snake away. Yin Sizhan said with a smile.

Go! Mu Qianxi waved her hand.

Puff puff! The black flowing fire streaked across the starry night in the desert and landed in the camp.

There is an enemy attack!

What is that? A flying mythical beast, a phoenix! It is absolutely impossible for such a flying mythical beast to appear in the desert! .??.

Knock it off!

Boom! A concentrated attack hit Xiao Momo.

Little Momo, come back! Mu Qianxi said.

Xiao Momo came back quickly, but the group of people chased him to a certain place but stopped chasing him.

A bright light flashed in Yin Sizhan's eyes and he said: There is indeed a trap, and the scope is right there.

Hahaha! Is the Zhenbei army coming? If you want to come, don't hide, just come and kill them! We Guisha Clan are not afraid of you, a bunch of lackeys from the Donghuang Dynasty.

A wild laugh came from that camp, which was Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Everyone remained silent, secretive, and made no sound.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu A child's cry came.

You guys are really tolerant and careful enough. I'll give you ten seconds to breathe. If you don't kill this little guy, your head will fall to the ground.

Don't you all say you want to protect the people? Now you don't care about this child's life. He is indeed a group of hypocritical soldiers.

Yin Sizhan whispered: I guess that area must be a trap. If

It's like quicksand. Can you freeze it for a while? I will lead the people to a quick victory.


The other party was very cruel and gave them no time to hesitate.

Yin Sizhan said coldly: Kill!

Three hundred elite soldiers suddenly rushed towards that area like a pack of wolves.

Those people showed evil smiles on their faces and said, It's really here!

When all of them got closer, the sand suddenly moved under their feet. It was obvious that this was a trap they had set.

As for the others, they ran around the tent, where the sand was stable.

You group of soldiers can't stand the excitement. If you could have saved your lives by not showing up at all, you are destined to be buried under the yellow sand with no bones left!

The dry desert suddenly became humid, and the temperature, which was already low at night, reached the extreme level at this moment.

The endless water elements spread to the quicksand area and condensed into layers of ice, preventing Yin Sizhan and the others from getting trapped.

Yin Sizhan said coldly: Kill!


It was a miscalculation that he still had this skill.

Faced with such changes, these people were also surprised.

The opponent has a hidden ice elemental spiritual master, no! It's not the ice element, it's just that the ice element can't do it, it's the water element!

Find that person, and the freeze here will naturally be broken!

Bang bang bang! The weapons on one side met, and Mu Qianxi also felt the enemy coming on the other side.

Puff puff puff! Several figures rushed out from under the sand, staring at Mu Qianxi gloomily and said, I found it, so you are hiding here.

Take back your spiritual power, and I can leave you a whole body.

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