Bang bang bang! The powerful bloodthirsty alien plants danced wildly, immediately making them dripping with blood.

The unexpected attack disrupted their position, and under the leadership of Mu Qianxi, they counterattacked beautifully.

Rumble! There was another fierce battle at the exit of the valley.

Poof! A long red sword suddenly penetrated the heart of the opponent's leader, and his soul seemed to be pulled out of the body and swallowed by the red flames. dare to kill me!

Your master underestimates me too much. It's not enough for people like you to want to destroy my Guiye mercenary group!

Mu Qianxi quickly withdrew the Flame Dragon Soul-killing Sword, and the crimson flames completely turned him into ashes.

The eldest prince Donghuang and Bei Gongjue probably never imagined that the knives in Mu Qianxi's hands were once trained by the first diviner of the God Clan to deal with her, but now she has adopted them for her own use.

Even if the Xuantian Realm suppresses their power, once they come out of their sheaths to protect their master, they cannot be underestimated.

Bang bang bang! The valley had been reduced to ruins.

Outside the valley, the corpses of the enemy were piled up.

The swords of the Ghost Night Mercenary Group are unsheathed and invincible. Those who stand in their way must be prepared to be torn apart by the sharp blades.

Mu Qianxi said: It's done, return to the city quickly.

Yes! After winning two battles in a row, everyone was extremely excited and kept up with the leader as quickly as possible.

At this time, the guards at the gate of Xiyue City gathered together to make a bet, I'll put down a hundred Xuan Crystals and bet that the Seven Sounds Mercenary Group will be the first to arrive.

I press...

There are people betting on several major four-star mercenary groups, but absolutely no one is betting on the Guiye mercenary group.

At this moment, everyone felt a flash of golden light, and a man in very luxurious and exaggerated clothes walked past.

Lai said: I'll bet ten thousand Xuanjing on the Ghost Night Mercenary Group.

President Wanqi!

The president of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce.

These few soldiers took a gamble on the poor, but they did not expect that the richest man would intervene.

In order not to be too exciting, the bet they placed was relatively small, only ten thousand.

This is purely to give them money and help the poor!

In fact, they want to say that they are not afraid of being intimidated, and they will welcome President Wanqi's offer of one million or ten million.

A slight smile appeared on Yun Ji's lips. This guy never misses an opportunity to make money.

Ever since the battle for the Mercenary King began, President Wan Qi had secretly opened a gambling game in Xiyue City and made a lot of money.

But it's not enough. The money earned is not enough for Mu Qianxi's recent consumption in Xiyue City.

He had to rely on Mu Qianxi to make more money to make him feel more comfortable.

Wan Qiyan looked into the distance. Mu Qianxi, who had returned from the outside, was stronger and had a deeper foundation. The people around her were also unfathomable.

But the people she had to deal with were not ordinary people. There were people who were secretly making trouble. After hearing the news, they couldn't sit still and came to the city gate to see it.

Someone is coming! said the sentry from above.

A mercenary group swept over quickly, and everyone was in high spirits. The leader was a peerless and dazzling girl. Everyone soon knew that this was the Guiye mercenary group.

Gui Ye Mercenary Group, Gui Ye Mercenary Group was the first one to come.

How can this be?

Those in the Evil Valley are guilty of serious crimes.

How can such an evil guy be so easily dealt with?

Are they really a three-star mercenary group? They are obviously a five-star mercenary group pretending to be pigs and eating tigers!

When the Guiye mercenary group arrived at the city gate, they had to accept this fact.

Wan Qiyan looked at the soldiers and said, If you lose, give me money.

Every one of the soldiers collapsed. President Wanqi is not a good person who helps the poor, but is obviously a profiteer and a bastard.

If you are willing to admit defeat, money must be given.

Mu Qianxi's mouth twitched wildly when she saw it, and she said, I'm talking about you being a miser! How much money have you made from my Guiye Mercenary Group? Remember to split the accounts afterwards!

Wan Qiyan glanced at Mu Qianxi and said calmly: Don't even think about it. ??

The Guiye mercenary group completed the first mission of the four-star mercenary group competition as quickly as possible. Mu Qianxi's return safe and sound made Bei Gongjue a little disappointed, and also made the eldest prince Donghuang very angry.

He ran over angrily and said, Mu Qianxi, where are my people?

Mu Qianxi said calmly: Kill him!

How dare he answer? Dare to admit it? It's like eating a bear's heart and a leopard's courage.

Mu Linlang can't even handle me, First Prince, you better save it! Mu Qianxi waved her hand.

You mean I'm not as good as the Emperor's sister? His eyes were spitting fire. What was the strength of the talents that the Emperor's sister sent out in the first place? The person he sent was the Spirit Master!

He didn't know how amazing Mu Qianxi's growth and power he had accumulated in just a few years was. The number of people he could mobilize was really not enough.

He wanted to take action now, but a cold and sharp breath approached him. When he turned around, he found Bei Gongjue standing behind him.

He felt hair on his back

Liang, he had a feeling that if he dared to attack Mu Qianxi rashly, Beigong would definitely kill him with one move.

His idea was a bit puzzling, because he definitely didn't want to behave like Gong Jue, but he had such an intuition.

He glanced at Mu Qianxi gloomily and left. He had never felt so aggrieved.

Your Highness, this Mu Qianxi is an alien. Her existence will block the way of His Highness Linlang. I think we should send a message to His Majesty and ask His Majesty to send more powerful people to kill her decisively. , to avoid future troubles. An old man said in the ear of the eldest prince.

The eldest prince said: I have to ask my father to help me deal with a little girl at the Spiritual Saint level. Are you asking my father to question my ability? If I can solve someone who can't be dealt with by my sister, how much more should my father do? The young master will be impressed by me!

Your Highness, I didn't mean that. It's just that Mu Qianxi is too evil to keep. The old man said worriedly.

Why? As long as Beigong is by her side to protect her, it will be easy to deal with her. The final showdown of the Mercenary King is about to begin, and those guys will never let me down. The eldest prince of Donghuang said in a low voice. .

Well! Everyone in Qingcang is ready. The old man said.

The Ghost Night Mercenary Group won first place in all the four-star mercenary group battles, and naturally qualified for the final competition.

A three-star mercenary group, established less than three months ago, has achieved this level of success. It is definitely a legend that cannot be replicated in the entire mercenary world.

At this time, the Yuan Jue mercenary group followed Bei Gong Jue's instructions the day before the competition. Bei Gong Jue said: If you meet the Twilight mercenary group during the competition, beat me to death!


If we meet the Ghost Night Mercenary Group...

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