Let's go! The closer he got to Mu Qianxi, the greater his reaction became, so he could only retreat first.

Your Majesty, do you let this little girl off so easily? A little girl who dares to do this to His Highness can get away with it. The majesty of our Beigong Dynasty...

Pfft! Before he could finish his words, a blood mark appeared on his neck, and blood spurted out.

Everyone was a little surprised. What they used just now was a sword energy, but the one that Prince Beigong used before was not a sword.

Bei Gong Jue was so angry that his body was shaking. He said sternly: I don't like anyone to question what I said, unless you want to die.

The current Prince Beigong was extremely angry. Naturally, they did not dare to touch His Highness, did not dare to say anything, and disappeared from Mu Qianxi's sight. .??.

Mu Qianxi wanted to keep him, but she didn't have the overwhelming strength to take down Beigong Jue, so she couldn't do it!

I underestimated Bei Gongjue's strength. He can reach this point now. Mu Qianxi murmured in a low voice.

After all, he is the heir to the throne of the Beigong Dynasty of the five-star power. The foundation of the five-star power cannot be underestimated, and the queen is not an ordinary person. Yun Ji said beside Mu Qianxi.

That queen, even her adoptive father spoke highly of her. She was a woman who couldn't see the depth.

What do you want to do? I will cooperate.

Well! Although I really want to catch Bei Gongjue, I won't take too many risks. He doesn't dare to touch me now, and I'm not absolutely sure of him. We should be in a state of peace for the time being.

Be careful! Yun Ji whispered.

Yeah! You too, Beigong Jue's visit here is not just a simple pass, there should be other actions.

Beigong never left Xiyue City and stayed at an inn owned by an imperial merchant from the Beigong Dynasty, which was not far from Linyueju.

The shopkeeper of Linyueju said: Miss Mu, do you want to find another place to live? Xiyue

There is a quiet and elegant courtyard outside the city.

Everyone in the city knew that Prince Beigong and Mu Qianxi had a vigorous fight, and it was dangerous to live so close to each other now.

No! I think it's good to live here.

As soon as Mu Qianxi arrived in the room, Tanlang and the others appeared, and they asked, What are your orders, Master?

You can't kidnap Bei Gongjue here even if you go. Guard the inn and don't let his people disturb my rest.

Yes, Master!

Bei Gongjue really wanted to send someone to deal with Mu Qianxi secretly. He couldn't do it himself, so he could always let others do it!

However, as soon as he had this thought, he had a splitting headache. He roared angrily: Beigong Han, that's enough! That's Mu Qianxi. The Eternal Cauldron is in her hand, and the Eternal Sword is in her hand. If I get it, , the queen mother will definitely be very happy. Even if you don’t think about you and me, don’t you also think about the queen mother?”

Bei Gongjue's words had no effect at all.

Most of the night, I didn't wait for Bei Gongjue to take action, but I waited for Yun Ji.

Mu Qianxi took a bottle of potion and stuffed it into Yun Ji's hand and said, That guy Bei Gongjue's action attracted a lot of attention. I didn't have time to give this to you, so you give this potion to your adoptive father in person.

Is this potion causing such a big sensation? If I leave and Bei Gongjue takes action again, you will be in danger. Yun Ji was slightly startled.

I didn't expect that either! This ghost doctor is so powerful! You have to watch him drink it before he comes back. Don't worry! I'm not that easy to deal with. Mu Qianxi said confidently.

Okay! Then be careful.

Beigong never sent anyone there in the middle of the night

, but Mu Qianxi sent people out for action in the middle of the night.

This time it was not just Pojun and the others who took action, but also Xizhi!

Boom! The inn where Beigong Jue was staying was turned upside down.

They were shocked: What the hell is this?

Protect Your Highness!


Beigong Jue said with a cold face: This is a strange plant, a seven-star strange plant with bloody thorns. There is no such thing in the Xuantian world.

The blood-red bloodthirsty thorns danced crazily, injuring many of them.

At this time, a confusing sound of the piano came out, and Ziwei and the others also showed off their skills.

A purple figure passed by, and silver rays of light flashed past, locking on Bei Gongjue.

Looking at the person coming, Bei Gongjue's eyes were cold, Mu Qianxi, don't go too far. I've let you go, but you don't know what's good or bad. Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?

You just don't dare? Try it? Mu Qianxi challenged.

Just when he was about to burst out his spiritual power to deal with Mu Qianxi, Bei Gongjue's expression changed drastically.

As a thief who wants to kill me against his master's will, Bei Gongjue, you can't seem to do it? With such a face, you dare to wander around in front of me. I won't give up until I snatch him away. You It's best to change him back. Mu Qianxi stared at him and said.

Impossible. I am the child that my mother has the highest hopes for. His existence is just a tool to urge me to grow rapidly. As long as I need it, this is my body. Why should I give it back to him?

You are looking for death! He made Mu Qianxi angry.

Terrifying spiritual power burst out, and Bei Gongjue used ice spiritual power to defend himself.

He just couldn't take the initiative to deal with Mu Qianxi, and he couldn't have bad thoughts towards Mu Qianxi, but his defense would not be affected.

Beigong Jue had a large number of men, and the sneak attack on Mu Qianxi in the middle of the night was unsuccessful, but the fight was enjoyable.

The next day, Mu Qianxi went to the Mercenary Guild.

I want to issue a mission.

You must know that the last mission Mu Qianxi released was a sky-high price mission. Everyone is curious about what kind of mission she will release this time?

Captain Mu, please speak!

I want you to help me steal someone, and that person is Prince Beigong, Beigong Jue! Mu Qianxi said.

At the same time, Bei Gongjue happened to come to the Mercenary Guild. When he heard Mu Qianxi issuing such a mission, his face became colder and colder.


Isn't this a good job?

No, Prince Beigong has a very high status, so...

As long as you can afford it, it's worthy of Prince Beigong. You can set a price.

How can this price be so easy to determine? That was Prince Beigong, the future heir to the throne of the five-star power Beigong Dynasty. How dare they offend a mere mercenary guild? No one dares to take on such a task.

Bei Gongjue said coldly: Mu Qianxi, have you had enough trouble?

As long as you are not what I want, I will never give up, Prince Beigong! Mu Qianxi said firmly.

Everyone also learned that the residence of Prince Beigong was demolished last night. The only person in Xiyue City who dared to do such a thing was Captain Mu.

Prince Beigong clearly had the opportunity to get rid of this person who dared to provoke him. After all, it would have been better if more experts from the Beigong Dynasty, such as Ruyun, were brought in, but he did not do so.

There are all kinds of grievances and entanglements in this that people can't help but delve into.

My patience has its limits. Beigong Jueyin said.

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