It would be better if I cripple you. Mu Qianxi slowly uttered the last few words.

It turned out that Mu Qianxi picked up a knife on the ground and threw it away.

This move was extremely accurate, and it was so accurate that it completely destroyed Captain Yellow Snake's treasure that was passed down from generation to generation.

The leader of the Yellow Snake was bleeding profusely, and all the men present felt a coldness creeping up from the soles of their feet. They all looked at the peerless girl with dumbfounded eyes.

Too cruel! If this knife destroys that area, it would be better to wipe the neck with a knife.

The face of the leader of the Yellow Snake Group was twisted in pain, and his face was full of ferocity.

He roared angrily: Hurry up and catch this woman, as well as the people in the Guiye mercenary group, kill them all! Kill, kill, kill!

Yes, leader!

The one in front of me is just a fourth-level spiritual saint, but they have six or seven levels. With so many people, it is easy to take her down.

Even though these guys are ugly, they still think they are beautiful.

When Mu Qianxi's water and dark element skills exploded, these weaklings were blown away one by one.

Simply vulnerable!

What a powerful spiritual skill!

It turns out that he is a dual-system elemental spiritual master, and he also has rare dark elemental spiritual power. No wonder he is so powerful.

Come on! You bunch of losers, hurry up and come on! Even one woman can't solve this problem.

During their first encounter, they realized Mu Qianxi's superior combat power, and each of them hesitated to attack. They just wanted to retreat.

However, how could Captain Yellow Snake calm down when dealing with a woman who turned herself into a eunuch? There was no thought of retreat at all.

Next, it's my turn to attack.

Dark Light Blade!

Dark Lament!

The darkness shrouded, for these people in the Yellow Snake Mercenary Group, it was like

If the end comes.

Puff puff! Everyone was hit hard and fainted, and the only one left was Captain Yellow Snake.

The elixir used by Captain Yellow Snake has taken effect, the bleeding has stopped, and I don't feel any pain.

But the emptiness made him feel that he no longer had the dignity of a man.

He became irritable and angry, saying, Woman, I'm going to kill you! Kill you!


His strength has skyrocketed to the eighth level of spiritual saint. The difference of four levels is difficult for even dual element spiritual masters to overcome.

Mu Qianxi's face was very calm, and she controlled the water element to fight against the dark element.

From beginning to end, she crushed this guy without even using her sword.

Puff, puff, puff! Blood spurted from his head and now blood spurts from his mouth. The other party is extremely unwilling and angry.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: Remember, the one who is dealing with you is the leader of the Guiye mercenary group. I will not kill you today, because they will personally deal with you in the future.

Can you still leave? If you can, go back to the camp to heal! Remember, you will have to defeat them with your own hands in the future.

Yes! Captain!

Their injuries were really serious, but since Mu Qianxi was back, it wasn't a big problem.

After a few injections of medicine, their injuries were well controlled.

Yun Ji and the others also came back, and he said: There was a big shot who needed our help, so we left the camp. I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack your mercenary group! This was my mistake.

This matter has nothing to do with you, and I'm not sure it's time to come back. You can't keep waiting for me to not go on my mission. But what happened today is a reminder.

Now that Shengzhi has been found, it’s time to strengthen the strength of my mercenary group.

I'm going to Xiyue City to officially register. Before I leave, why don't you stop by and hand in the mission?

Hand in the mission? Yun Ji was slightly startled.

Mu Qianxi handed Ten Thousand Wheels Moon Fire Grass to Yun Ji, This is the mission assigned by the sponsor before. You must have forgotten it! Go and submit the mission, refresh the record of the most expensive mission, and Yuan Jue will be so angry. Wouldn’t the Corps be better?”

Because she later learned about Mu Qianxi's identity, Twilight didn't apply to cancel that task, and it is now pending.

But this was not accomplished by our Twilight Mercenary Group, but by you relying on your own strength. Yun Ji said.

Do you want to pay a fine? Fines are not cheap. Don't you want to rank higher than Yuan Jue in the highest value task completion list? Even if you don't care about this, do you listen to the order of the funder? I am the funder. I have the final say. If you feel bad about it, you can just pay it back to me after you get the money, although I am not short of these mysterious crystals. Mu Qianxi said calmly.

Okay, I understand. I'll hand in the task immediately. Yun Ji took the Wanlun Moon Fire Grass.

Wanlun Moon Fire Grass said: Yes, yes! Hurry up, the spiritual power outside is really too weak. I want to continue to practice in the space, so don't delay me.

Where is your military advisor? If your military advisor was here, he would never be dilly-dallying like you. Mu Qianxi said.

A Zhan has a lot of things to be busy with, not just the mercenary group. Unless there is something important, he will come over to make suggestions. Yun Ji said.

Yun Ji quickly handed over this sky-high price mission that shocked the entire mercenary world, making everyone feel incredible.

The Twilight Mercenary Group really found Sheng Zhi?

They actually did it less than two months after the mission was released.

I found Shengzhi in just a short time, my God!

It is indeed the strongest mercenary group and deserves its reputation.

Even though this is the largest camp in the Xilian Mountains, they were particularly shocked to receive such a treasure as the Holy Plant.

Captain Yunji, please wait a moment! I will send the most powerful appraiser over right away.

What other identification is needed! If I say it myself, it can prove that I am Shengzhi!

The manager of the exchange was stunned, Who? Who is talking?

The fiery red light dyed the entire exchange red, and a proud red-haired boy appeared in front of them. This was the fiery red sacred plant.

It's... it's really Shengzhi! He can also transform, transform...

Even if Little Moon says she is Shengzhi, the procedure still has to go.

This was serious, the major alchemists rushed over as quickly as possible.

They consulted many classics and finally determined that this was indeed a sacred plant, a fire attribute with the power of purification.

The year! It's about 80,000 years!

My old eyes are dim, I'm obviously already 85,000 years old. Little Moon said dissatisfied.

Lord Wan Lun, I am disrespectful and disrespectful! These appraisers completely regarded him as a living ancestor and served him carefully one by one.

But Lord Wan Lun, you are already a metamorphosis, and you have at least the strength of a spiritual master. Why are you willing to be sent to the task by Captain Yunji? Someone asked curiously.

With the strength of this Shengzhi, if he wants to run away, no one can stop him!

Now everyone became nervous and directly hired Captain Yun Ji to wait here for the financial owner to come.

Hurry up and notify the sponsor and ask her to come over quickly. If something goes wrong, they can't afford to pay for it.

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