Are you sure you feel delicious food instead of fear? It seems like you are already a ferocious beast suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Mu Qianxi said.

Alzheimer's disease?

How could a ferocious beast get such a common human disease? This human being is simply too damned.

The sharp horns of the black rhinoceros instantly absorbed the surging death energy around it, obviously preparing to enlarge the attack.

Mu Qianxi didn't intend to give it a chance to enlarge its attack. Her soul power burst out instantly, absolutely suppressing it.

Bang! The black rhino's dead soul body suspended in the air fell from the air to the ground instantly.

The whole soul seemed to be flattened, in close contact with the ground.

Did that powerful soul let her know what the fear she was talking about was? It's really terrible.

Apart from the God of Death, it had never seen such a powerful soul power, and the black rhinoceros was trembling.

Even Xuantian Beast King was shocked,

That ferocious beast was miserable. If it had a body, it wouldn't have been easily beaten down by Mu Qianxi, a mysterious saint. Who could have left it with a soul?

Not to mention that its soul is very weak now, even at its peak, it could only suffer under Mu Qianxi's soul power.

What kind of monster are you? A human being... a human being cannot have such a huge soul power, unless it is a god... a god...

Mu Qianxi is not a god, she just happens to be the soul of destiny, and she has become the Lord of the Three Realms. Her soul power is immeasurably strong.

It's enough that your soul has survived for so long. Now I'll let you disappear immediately.

No! No, I won't give in! I haven't waited for the God of Death to come, and I can't disappear.

Under the suppression of Mu Qianxi's powerful soul power, the black rhinoceros exhausted all its strength and tried every means to survive, but in the end it was useless.

Just hard work.

Using the breath of death to plot against her can't hurt her at all. She can purify the breath of death at will, which is simply unbelievable.

The soul of the black rhinoceros is getting weaker and weaker, and the Xuantian Beast King is stunned at this time, feeling like he is in a dream.

The ferocious beast that he had been fighting with for tens of thousands of years was defeated by this young human girl brought in by Little Moon.

Master, wait! At this moment, red flames suddenly swept over.

The black rhino showed excitement on his face, This flame, this flame is the fire that destroys the world! Boss! Boss, save me...

The Xuantian Beast King is waiting, and the boss of the beast must be a beast.

I didn't expect that this guy also had helpers, and I'm afraid he was about to face a fierce battle.

Shut up! came a cold voice.

Xuantian Beast King's eyes widened as he saw a tender pink pig standing in front of Mu Qianxi.

Black Rhino said: Boss...

Xiaohong now felt ready to strangle it to death, and it said: You have recognized the wrong beast.

Master, I didn't, I'm not! Xiaohong said hurriedly.

Pretend to pretend! You just know how to pretend, you are a stupid master! A pure white cat jumped out to cause trouble, making Xiaohong grit her teeth in anger, bastard!

You must be the boss, I won't admit your mistake! Black Rhino said.

You have been with the God of Death for a long time, and you still have the nerve to call me boss! You dare to attack my master, and you want to ask for help. For the sake of your soul being of some use, I am going to deal with you myself.

After encountering this idiot, Xiaohong has now given up treatment. It would be better to admit it as soon as possible.

What? Master, boss, you actually recognize the master! This ferocious beast felt like the sky was about to fall.

You talk too much, I'll send you on your way!

Xiaohong quickly cut through the mess and wiped out this guy's soul, but took the soul power as his own.

That stupid cat keeps eating and eating in order to advance and overwhelm it. It can't be too lazy and must think of ways to advance, lest it advance early and squeal in front of it.

You are destroying the world! Xuantian Beast King said in shock.

There is a memory in its inheritance. There is a beast named Destruction, which controls the fire of Destruction Karma and was born from chaos.

When it comes into the world, it is destined to be the most ferocious beast in the world. No matter how evil or powerful the beast is, it cannot compete with it.

Once such a ferocious beast becomes angry, it means that the entire world will be destroyed. This is the guy that their world-protecting beasts are most afraid of.

At this time, Xuantian Beast King saw this ferocious beast with a terrible reputation in the world. He was looking at a human girl helplessly and said: Master, I am a ferocious beast, and I am the most terrifying ferocious beast. I am afraid of Master. You don’t say anything if you dislike it!”

Actually, I sleep most of the time. I haven't done anything too bad before because I'm too lazy to move. Most of them are those ferocious beasts who come in my name. Master, you have to believe me.

This guy just had it written on his forehead that although I am a ferocious beast, I am innocent and kind-hearted, which made Wudi couldn't help but roll his eyes. Why are you pretending to be a pretty boy at this time? shameless!

Pa! Mu Qianxi patted it on the head.

You've been with me for so long, don't you understand me? No matter you are a ferocious beast or a divine beast, as long as you are truly my partner, how can I

Will care! And you are the leader in the world of ferocious beasts, I have earned it! Mu Qianxi smiled.

Xuantian Beast King also felt that the rumors were wrong. This person didn't look as scary as the rumors at all.

Xiao Hong said: Master, you already know my identity, this's unfair that this guy is hiding it.

Meow! If you were tricked by a stupid little brother, then you tricked me. I...I...

Still refuses to say it. This stupid cat is dishonest.

In an instant, Invincible burst out with powerful pressure.

A pair of cat eyes stared at the other big white tiger and said: Is there me in your inherited memory?

Wouldn't it say that it actually didn't know what kind of beast it was since it was born?

All I know is that it is the most powerful beast, invincible in the world.

Xuantian Beast King is the oldest beast in this land. When it felt the powerful pressure, facing this little white cat, it felt that it was no longer a big white tiger, but a newly born kittens.

You are Tianyuan, Lord Tianyuan Beast. Born from chaos, with more and more spirit beasts in the world, the ferocious beasts are extremely fierce, especially the world-destroying ones. The spirit beasts long to give birth to powerful divine beasts to lead them to defeat the ferocious beasts. Beast. The prayers of all the spiritual beasts are integrated with you to give birth to you. You are born to be the enemy of the world of destruction. Xuantian Beast King really knows a lot, and he has transformed into an encyclopedia of the beast world.

Invincible was born out of the prayers of all the spiritual beasts in the world. It was not the strongest when it was born. Even in its initial state, its combat power was almost zero.

However, it has the ability to swallow the inner elixirs of various levels of spirit beasts and become stronger. As long as there are enough inner elixirs of spirit beasts, becoming the strongest spirit beast is not a problem at all.

Invincible and Xiaohong looked at each other, natural enemies.

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