Okay! Mo Se said.

No, my range of perception is limited. My soul power has not been restored. I can only detect a distance of a hundred miles around. There is no holy plant here.

A hundred miles in radius is not the deepest place in the Xilian Mountains. It would be strange to have a holy plant. If the soul power is not enough, then...

Mu Qianxi was its owner, and soon she directly shared part of her soul power with Mo Se.

Mo Se was stunned for a moment. The powerful soul power was so terrifying, as boundless as the vast starry sky.

It can sense a wider area, but as the soul power given by Mu Qianxi becomes stronger and stronger, Mo Se, a holy plant who has lived for who knows how many thousands of years, is about to burst.

Master, please don't be too fierce. Mo Se said weakly.

Mu Qianxi said: You are really useless.

Mo Se is simply full of bitterness. It's because your soul power is so frightening, okay?

It is impossible to continue to improve Mo Se's perception, but Mo Se has an extremely strong desire to survive, and she is really afraid that Mu Qianxi will kill him if she thinks he is of little use.

He discovered that there were indeed similar species in this forest.

I sensed it, it's in the east. Mo Se took a deep breath and said.

The consequence of using too much force is that it feels that its soul power is about to fall apart. At this moment, an extremely powerful force of darkness envelopes it.

As a dark sacred plant, its nourishment is not ordinary spiritual power, but requires the power of darkness.

Mu Qianxi's dark spiritual power comes from the Tower of Eternity, the Lord of Dark Power, and is definitely the most perfect nourishment for Mo Se.

Compared to this power of darkness, what the Demonic Death Tree had given it was completely rubbish. This was definitely the most satisfying meal he had ever had.

Mo Se was so excited that she wanted to hug Mu Qianxi's thigh, Master, this is great. You are definitely the most perfect master in this world. I am so happy.

I hope your judgment is correct and you didn't lie to me on purpose. Otherwise, how happy you are now will be how painful you will be later. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Master, how dare I? Even if you gave me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to lie to you. Mo Se said flatteringly.

Yun Ji said in a low voice: To the east?

Is there anything special on the east side of the Xilian Mountains? Mu Qianxi asked.

The Great Rift Valley of Heavenly Meteor.

The Tianyun Great Rift Valley is located to the east of the Xilian Mountains and to the west of the Donghuang Dynasty. It is a great rift valley that is as deep as a giant axe.

Yin Sizhan said: It is rumored that there is a Xuantian Beast King in the Tianyun Great Rift Valley. As long as it can recognize its master, it can control the entire Xilian Mountains. Our major mercenary groups have visited once before, but failed to return.

What's the reason? Mu Qianxi asked.

There are many powerful beasts on that side, and it's impossible to get close to the Great Rift Valley.

This time, let's explore again.

Yun Ji and Yin Sizhan said: Of course, there is a possibility of Shengzhi, so we must go there.

In order to prevent our purpose of going here from being discovered, we will take on a few more missions on the road. As the strategist of the Twilight Mercenary Group, he carefully calculated every step he took and did not allow any mistakes.

You arrange this matter, and I'll choose the people. Yun Ji said.

Oh! So if I want to keep this wilted little flower full of energy, do I still need him to lead the way? Mu Qianxi looked at Mo Se


Little flower! His Dark Sacred Plant became a little flower in the mouth of his tough master. He really felt extremely wronged. The dignity of the Dark Sacred Plant was gone!

What is dignity? Can't eat, can't save my life.

Mo Se said: Master, as long as you water the power of darkness, I guarantee that it will quickly recover and help you locate the location of the sacred plant.

Captain. Members of the Guiye Mercenary Group came to report.

Mu Qianxi said: I will go to the Great Rift Valley with the Twilight Mercenary Group. During this period, you will stay here to rest. When we come back after finishing our work, we will leave the Xilian Mountains and return to the city to formally register and recruit members. ,expansion.

Now there are three major mercenary groups standing together, and if they want to become the newly rising fourth mercenary group to rival them, even if she can defeat ten with one, the Guiye Mercenary Group cannot be of this size.

During this period, you can help me find team members. They don't need to have top abilities, but character, perseverance, and diligence are indispensable. Mu Qianxi said.

Yes, leader! Lin Yuan and the others said.

Yun Ji and the others quickly rested and set out for the Great Rift Valley together. Just after setting off, they learned that the two mercenary groups Yuan Jue and Qing Cang were on their way and wanted to compete with them for tasks.

When collecting Tianwu spiritual liquid, the Twilight mercenary group and the Yuanjue mercenary group met again on a narrow road.

You Twilight Mercenary Group are also lucky. That ruins erupted with so much death energy, and you still came back alive. Zhan Yuan said.

They left in a hurry that time because they were disappointed not to get the treasure. However, when they discovered such a powerful aura of death and the spies reported to them that there was an extremely terrifying death evil thing there, they were glad to escape.

I thought Yunji and his party would be wiped out, but in the end they came back safely.

Mu Qianxi said: You didn't get beaten enough last time, but you actually want to come and beat me again this time!

Last time we underestimated the enemy. This time there are many guests in our team. If we really take action, don't think we are afraid of you because you have three contracted beasts? Zhan Yuan snorted coldly.

There are several spiritual master-level auras hidden in their team. Yun Ji said: We, the Twilight Mercenary Group, want this mission target. If you want it, let's see who is faster.

Yun Ji's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out, and Zhan Yuan was not to be outdone.

Bang! He was about to sneak attack Yun Ji, because he also broke through and became a spiritual master.

Yun Ji did not dare to take it lightly even against his former defeated generals, and quickly counterattacked fiercely.

Boom! The two sides retreated back. At this moment, a person in Yuan Jue's team took action instantly. His purpose was not to snatch the spiritual liquid, but to destroy it.

Even if we destroy the mission target, we will never let you get it. Let's see what your Twilight Mercenary Group can do to us? the other party provoked.

A gust of wind element burst out, and a pungent smell came out. Mu Qianxi said: This kind of smell is the medicine powder that attracts divine beasts. This time they have learned to be smart and no longer fight head-on.

Yin Sizhan said coldly: Guys like Yuan Jue have really challenged our tolerance again and again!

Do it! We must let them shed a layer of skin, otherwise we will never give up.

Yes! The members of the Twilight Mercenary Group took action fiercely one by one, but Yuan Jue did not face the challenge directly.

Their leader said: Withdraw! Okay! Mo Se said.

No, my range of perception is limited. My soul power has not been restored. I can only detect a distance of a hundred miles around. There is no holy plant here.

A hundred miles in radius is not the deepest place in the Xilian Mountains. It would be strange to have a holy plant. If the soul power is not enough, then...

Mu Qianxi was its owner, and soon she directly shared part of her soul power with Mo Se.

Mo Se was stunned for a moment. The powerful soul power was so terrifying, as boundless as the vast starry sky.

It can sense a wider area, but as the soul power given by Mu Qianxi becomes stronger and stronger, Mo Se, a holy plant who has lived for who knows how many thousands of years, is about to burst.

Master, please don't be too fierce. Mo Se said weakly.

Mu Qianxi said: You are really useless.

Mo Se is simply full of bitterness. It's because your soul power is so frightening, okay?

It is impossible to continue to improve Mo Se's perception, but Mo Se has an extremely strong desire to survive, and she is really afraid that Mu Qianxi will kill him if she thinks he is of little use.

He discovered that there were indeed similar species in this forest.

I sensed it, it's in the east. Mo Se took a deep breath and said.

The consequence of using too much force is that it feels that its soul power is about to fall apart. At this moment, an extremely powerful force of darkness envelopes it.

As a dark sacred plant, its nourishment is not ordinary spiritual power, but requires the power of darkness.

Mu Qianxi's dark spiritual power comes from the Tower of Eternity, the Lord of Dark Power, and is definitely the most perfect nourishment for Mo Se.

Compared to this power of darkness, what the Demonic Death Tree had given it was completely rubbish. This was definitely the most satisfying meal he had ever had.

Mo Se was so excited that she wanted to hug Mu Qianxi's thigh, Master, this is great. You are definitely the most perfect master in this world. I am so happy.

I hope your judgment is correct and you didn't lie to me on purpose. Otherwise, how happy you are now will be how painful you will be later. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Master, how dare I? Even if you gave me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to lie to you. Mo Se said flatteringly.

Yun Ji said in a low voice: To the east?

Is there anything special on the east side of the Xilian Mountains? Mu Qianxi asked.

The Great Rift Valley of Heavenly Meteor.

The Tianyun Great Rift Valley is located to the east of the Xilian Mountains and to the west of the Donghuang Dynasty. It is a great rift valley that is as deep as a giant axe.

Yin Sizhan said: It is rumored that there is a Xuantian Beast King in the Tianyun Great Rift Valley. As long as it can recognize its master, it can control the entire Xilian Mountains. Our major mercenary groups have visited once before, but failed to return.

What's the reason? Mu Qianxi asked.

There are many powerful beasts on that side, and it's impossible to get close to the Great Rift Valley.

This time, let's explore again.

Yun Ji and Yin Sizhan said: Of course, there is a possibility of Shengzhi, so we must go there.

In order to prevent our purpose of going here from being discovered, we will take on a few more missions on the road. As the strategist of the Twilight Mercenary Group, he carefully calculated every step he took and did not allow any mistakes.

You arrange this matter, and I'll choose the people. Yun Ji said.

Oh! So if I want to keep this wilted little flower full of energy, do I still need him to lead the way? Mu Qianxi looked at Mo Se


Little flower! His Dark Sacred Plant became a little flower in the mouth of his tough master. He really felt extremely wronged. The dignity of the Dark Sacred Plant was gone!

What is dignity? Can't eat, can't save my life.

Mo Se said: Master, as long as you water the power of darkness, I guarantee that it will quickly recover and help you locate the location of the sacred plant.

Captain. Members of the Guiye Mercenary Group came to report.

Mu Qianxi said: I will go to the Great Rift Valley with the Twilight Mercenary Group. During this period, you will stay here to rest. When we come back after finishing our work, we will leave the Xilian Mountains and return to the city to formally register and recruit members. ,expansion.

Now there are three major mercenary groups standing together, and if they want to become the newly rising fourth mercenary group to rival them, even if she can defeat ten with one, the Guiye Mercenary Group cannot be of this size.

During this period, you can help me find team members. They don't need to have top abilities, but character, perseverance, and diligence are indispensable. Mu Qianxi said.

Yes, leader! Lin Yuan and the others said.

Yun Ji and the others quickly rested and set out for the Great Rift Valley together. Just after setting off, they learned that the two mercenary groups Yuan Jue and Qing Cang were on their way and wanted to compete with them for tasks.

When collecting Tianwu spiritual liquid, the Twilight mercenary group and the Yuanjue mercenary group met again on a narrow road.

You Twilight Mercenary Group are also lucky. That ruins erupted with so much death energy, and you still came back alive. Zhan Yuan said.

They left in a hurry that time because they were disappointed not to get the treasure. However, when they discovered such a powerful aura of death and the spies reported to them that there was an extremely terrifying death evil thing there, they were glad to escape.

I thought Yunji and his party would be wiped out, but in the end they came back safely.

Mu Qianxi said: You didn't get beaten enough last time, but you actually want to come and beat me again this time!

Last time we underestimated the enemy. This time there are many guests in our team. If we really take action, don't think we are afraid of you because you have three contracted beasts? Zhan Yuan snorted coldly.

There are several spiritual master-level auras hidden in their team. Yun Ji said: We, the Twilight Mercenary Group, want this mission target. If you want it, let's see who is faster.

Yun Ji's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out, and Zhan Yuan was not to be outdone.

Bang! He was about to sneak attack Yun Ji, because he also broke through and became a spiritual master.

Yun Ji did not dare to take it lightly even against his former defeated generals, and quickly counterattacked fiercely.

Boom! The two sides retreated back. At this moment, a person in Yuan Jue's team took action instantly. His purpose was not to snatch the spiritual liquid, but to destroy it.

Even if we destroy the mission target, we will never let you get it. Let's see what your Twilight Mercenary Group can do to us? the other party provoked.

A gust of wind element burst out, and a pungent smell came out. Mu Qianxi said: This kind of smell is the medicine powder that attracts divine beasts. This time they have learned to be smart and no longer fight head-on.

Yin Sizhan said coldly: Guys like Yuan Jue have really challenged our tolerance again and again!

Do it! We must let them shed a layer of skin, otherwise we will never give up.

Yes! The members of the Twilight Mercenary Group took action fiercely one by one, but Yuan Jue did not face the challenge directly.

Their leader said: Withdraw!

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