Previously, the Demonic Tree of Death was born in Xuantian Realm, and he can be found in the ghost world, demon world, and demon world among the three realms.

The God of Death, who has disappeared for tens of millions of years, is now constantly making his presence felt, and the shadow of death is getting closer and closer to the Xuantian Realm.

Now in the Three Realms, the ghost king has returned, the demon emperor is growing, and the demon ancestor has woken up from his slumber, and he cannot be tolerated as a demon.

However, the Xuantian Realm is not a piece of iron. The Donghuang Dynasty and the Beigong Dynasty are fighting openly and secretly, and there are countless idiots within the two dynasties.

If the God of Death appears, it will definitely cause a greater catastrophe than when the Death Demon Tree came into the Xuantian Realm.

Now that I know this is a place that provides assistance to the God of Death, I destroyed it conveniently, not just to take away this useful dark sacred plant.

I'll go with you. Yun Ji said.

Don't you know how dangerous it is inside? Mu Qianxi said.

Since we are allies, and the alliance has not been dissolved yet, we naturally have to act together. And I don't want you to die with so many sacred plants on your body. Yun Ji said to her. .??.

You want the sacred plant in my hand, but I won't give it to you. I may not be able to snatch it from you.

I know, but that won't let you die inside.

It's okay if Yunji insists on going to Mu Qianxi, and it would be nice to have another powerful helper.

Although the power of life is the nemesis of all evil things of death, I don’t know what is in it?

Okay, let's go then!

Only Mu Qianxi and Yun Ji went in, while the others stayed outside.

Dark Shengzhi muttered: It seems that I am still of some use. This human being is willing to take risks for me. You must come out alive! My dignified Shengzhi asked me to be a watchdog. Even the God of Death is too insulting. Holy shit.

As soon as Yun Ji stepped into the door, he felt an extremely gloomy aura covering his whole body, and his limbs and bones were extremely cold.


Order potions and elixirs! Mu Qianxi threw out several bottles and jars.

Since Yun Ji is willing to help, Mu Qianxi will naturally not treat him badly.

Yunji took the elixir and potion, feeling a warmth that instantly dispelled the cold air, and looked at the surrounding environment.

This is an extremely desolate place, with black fog lingering and rows of neatly arranged tombstones in front of it.

It looks like a weird and gloomy place. Mu Qianxi said.

This kind of atmosphere is particularly suitable for shooting supernatural thriller blockbusters, and Agui must be interested in this place.

In a place where death is the main atmosphere, Yunji is wary of his surroundings because he doesn't know when the enemy will appear?

The black mist was getting thicker and thicker, and danger was approaching from above their heads. Yunji heard several sounds piercing the air.

Puff! Something in the air was hit and disappeared into thin air.

They were black crows. They were quite big, but not comparable to ordinary crows.

Mu Qianxi's medicine needles hit them like a rainstorm, giving them no chance to get closer.

The black mist dissipated, and the enemy was dispatched by Mu Qianxi vigorously.

Yun Ji put down his sword, he seemed to have no use for it.

The formation eye that controls this space should be over there where the aura of death is the strongest. Mu Qianxi pointed in one direction.

The two figures flew out, and when they stepped on a piece of grass, the dark grass seemed to come alive and wrapped around their legs.

Not only that, there were countless pairs of skinny hands grabbing at them.

Mu Qian

Xi teleported to avoid it, and Yun Ji slashed at him with his sword.

Bang bang bang! Those death ghost claws were chopped into pieces easily like tender tofu, but they became even more terrifying after being chopped into pieces.

Yunji, get out of the way. These ghost hands were originally born from the power of death. Even if they are killed, they will decompose and become more difficult to deal with.

Bang, bang, bang! As expected, more and more people were killed. Yunji was in jail, and Mu Qianxi threw out a bottle of medicine.

Bang! The medicine bottle cracked, and the transparent medicine stained Yunji's blade.

At this time, Yun Ji gave up killing these ghost hands with his knife and chose to dodge.

Mu Qianxi said: Just chop them down, now you can get rid of them.

That potion could have such an effect. Yunji tried it with his knife, and it was indeed the case.

These ghost hands could not be divided when they touched his knife, but disappeared completely.

The closer they get to the center of the formation, the more powerful these evil creatures of death become.

Of course, Mu Qianxi and Yun Ji were not vegetarians. The potion needles with strong life force and the flame dragon soul-killing sword that burned everything swept away. These evil creatures of death were destroyed like devastation.

Yun Ji's knife was coated with a potion that contained the power of life, making him invincible.

After that, there were even more powerful ones, the invincible Xiaohong and Xiao Momo, who attacked without sparing any effort.

You guys are blocking our master's way, get out of the way.

Ordinary people will inevitably be infected with the aura of death from the moment they enter, and their bodies will become weaker and weaker. If they encounter the evil thing of death again, they will definitely die.

Everyone who comes here will inevitably die here, and there are indeed many corpses on the road.

Now that those who come in here are people with the power of life, then the result will be complete

Totally different.

Killing them all the way was very smooth, and the place where the death energy gathered the strongest was a circular tomb with a radius of one hundred meters long.

Mu Qianxi said: This is it, Yunji, just split it!

I'm afraid there's something inside. Is it dangerous if I just split it open? Yun Ji asked.

If it's in danger, just hit it. Split it first! If you leave it alone, it will be able to run out before long. Mu Qianxi used her soul power to observe that the death aura here had reached a critical point.


Yun Ji swung his broadsword with a rainbow-like momentum, and instantly slashed down from the center of the tomb without even an inch of deviation.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and the terrifying breath of death spurted out from the crack like a fountain, which was particularly scary.

Mu Qianxi had encountered the aura of death countless times more powerful, so she was very calm.

Yun Ji's face showed a solemn look and said: Get out of here quickly.

At this time, the dark Shengzhi outside was stunned. The formation that imprisoned him disappeared. He now felt comfortable all over and experienced what it felt like to be free.

She really did it, and so quickly. He knew that the girl was a strange person, but it was incredible for him to break the formation so quickly.

The moment he gained freedom, he felt the extremely terrifying aura of death. The space was shattered and something dangerous was approaching.

You humans, run away! The power of darkness exploded, and it ran outside and used its own power to protect these humans.

After doing so, it was stunned. As an evil holy plant, what was it doing to protect humans?

Which human must have done something? It made it react like it was taking the wrong medicine.

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