The young man in black was angry, Who are you calling useless?

Who is it that answered? You jumped out without even naming me. You are definitely the stupidest Shengzhi I have ever seen. Mu Qianxi said jokingly.


There was a look of astonishment on everyone's faces, this was Shengzhi.

They naturally knew that Shengzhi could transform into a human being, but they did not expect that a transformed Shengzhi would actually stand in front of them.

His face froze slightly, and he stared at Mu Qianxi gloomily and said, How did you see that?

Because I am an alchemist! Of course I can tell. Mu Qianxi replied.

Even the alchemist may not be able to tell. He felt very unhappy but did not dare to attack a human woman rashly.

Because the miserable fate of the previous group of people told him that this was not a master who was easy to mess with, .??.

Captain Yunji, let's go! It's best not to stay here too long, Mu Qianxi said.

Yeah! Yun Ji looked at the holy plant. Although he didn't understand why Mu Qianxi, who was interested in elixirs, would leave a holy plant alone, the previous cooperation made Yun Ji extremely trust this ally.

They really planned to leave like this. A member of the Twilight Mercenary Group said: Captain, that's Shengzhi. Aren't we looking for Shengzhi? Why not capture it?

Yun Ji looked at Mu Qianxi. He was so lucky to meet Shengzhi that he shouldn't give up.

Mu Qianxi said: This Shengzhi is not weak. He didn't act rashly to attack us. It doesn't mean he can't defeat us. If we want to capture it, it is very likely that the whole army will be annihilated.

Second, this Shengzhi is not for saving people. If you use him to hand in tasks or want to use him to save people, it will be useless. So, do you still need to fight desperately to win it?

No need, let's go! Leave immediately! Yun Ji said coldly.



They strictly abide by discipline and obey the orders of the group leader.

Even if an extremely rare treasure like a holy plant is in front of them, they will not violate the discipline of the mercenary group.

They really turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Na Shengzhi said: Stop! This is not a place where you can come or leave whenever you want. You have only two choices. The first is to enter that door, and the second is to become my nourishment.

The surroundings suddenly overflowed with the dark air of death, and the air became extremely eerie and terrifying.

The expressions of the others changed drastically. Not all Shengzhi was good for people.

This kind of suffocating breath of death, no wonder Miss Mu is not interested in it.

Mu Qianxi stopped and said, Are you sure you want to do this? It's best to stop now, otherwise I will make you regret it.

Your ability is indeed very special, but your tone is a bit too loud. I am not the trash like before.

For a moment, the surrounding dark death gas turned into spiral vines and rushed towards Mu Qianxi and the others.

Ah! A scream came out.

The worst thing was the completely forgotten second captain of the Yuan Jue mercenary group. He was entangled by this force, and his life was drained out in an instant, and he fell to the ground.

The mercenaries of the Twilight Mercenary Group were shocked, The evil Sheng Zhi.

There are too few holy plants in the entire Xuantian Realm, so they don't even know that holy plants have such an attribute.

Mu Qianxi said: You

Let's go back! I'll deal with this thing.

Xiaohong, Wuwei, Xiao Momo, let's join forces together. This Shengzhi is even more powerful than the spiritual masters of the two previous mercenary groups. She is difficult to deal with alone, and with Wuwei and the others, he can't do it. Somewhat climate.

Invincible in the world, I am the only one who dominates. You still want us to be your nourishment. Crushing you to become my master's flower fertilizer is enough. Invincible's aura is overwhelming.

The flames of Xiaohong and Xiao Momo were attacking him. Even if it was a holy plant, he was a plant himself, and fire was definitely his nemesis.

He was enveloped in flames, obscuring his sight and perception.

Your flames are indeed powerful, but I'm not weak either! It's impossible to hurt me. A ghastly death aura erupted from his body to resist the flames, preventing Xiao Momo and Xiao Hong's flames from harming him at all.

Captain, do we need help? someone asked.

Back off, don't get caught up in the aura of death, adjust your breath immediately to heal the injury, and recover as soon as possible. If something happens to her, take action. Yun Ji looked at the place where the forces were mixed and there was a fierce collision. .??.

He noticed, but she hadn't done anything yet.

Mu Qianxi didn't take action. Now it was time for her three contracted beasts to take the lead in attracting the guy's attention.

Once she takes action, she will subdue this guy instantly.

That Shengzhi thought that Mu Qianxi didn't take action because he was too weak. After all, no matter how powerful he was, he was only a first-level spiritual saint.

Boom! The terrifying power burst out, and the three beasts and one holy plant fought fiercely.

Shengzhi was very angry and said: I am not in peak condition now, otherwise...otherwise I would have taken you down long ago.

Wudi snorted coldly: Do you think I will do it now?

Is it peak condition? If I were at my peak, you would be completely blown to pieces.

A little fire can burn you to ashes, but you still dare to be arrogant in front of me. Xiao Hong also said contemptuously.

These two beasts simply looked down on him. Shengzhi was furious, and the terrifying power of death and darkness attacked them with open teeth and claws.

Bang bang bang!

Mu Qianxi's figure is like a ghost, making people unpredictable. Suddenly, countless medicine needles flew out of her hand.

She prepared an enhanced version of the concentrated life force potion on the spot. As long as this guy got a little bit of it, it was enough to make his life worse than death.


Countless piercing sounds struck him, and he was slightly startled, Hidden weapon!

It would be too naive for a human being to want to hurt him with a hidden weapon if he is not strong enough.

He released his power to form a barrier of death power, thinking that it was enough to stop the small hidden weapon.

In fact, his thoughts were so beautiful that the medicine needle easily tore through his barrier and approached him like lightning.

He felt a dangerous force, his face changed drastically, and he had to avoid it quickly.

Puff, puff, puff! He reacted too slowly. He was hit by several needles, and for a while, black veins all over his body popped out like vines.

Human! Human, you are so despicable. He glared at Mu Qianxi angrily.

A force opposite to his own destroyed his body, making him worse than death. He was stunned, no...

The power of life, how can this human being possess the power of life!

Boom! Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, the Invincibles also seized this opportunity and used their moves to hit this sacred plant.

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