The Evil King Addicts to Pets: Ghost Doctor and Mad Concubine

Chapter 2981 Four Elements Spiritual Master

The two teams, Yuan Jue and Qing Cang, all looked at the Twilight Mercenary Group. Even though most of these people were elites among the mercenaries, the scale was really too small.

If the two mercenary groups of this size join forces, they can give Yun Ji a serious fall.

Oh! We're all here now. The young man in black said.

Each of your teams must choose the strongest person, and you cannot give up without fighting. Here, all your previous identities and statuses will be reset to zero, and everything will be determined by personal strength. Only the strongest people are qualified to inherit The relics of my god.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed a beautiful human girl looking at him with a half-smile.

Those eyes were extremely bright, like bright stars, making him unable to hide in the darkness, as if he could see through everything.

Yun Ji said: I give up. Our Twilight Mercenary Group will never do anything to our brothers.

Yun Ji said so categorically that he was so hesitant that the young man in black was stunned. He said: The treasures of the God's Relics exceed your imagination as a human being. Are you sure you want to give up?

Mu Qianxi said: Let's go! Is there nothing good here?

The face of the young man in black froze slightly, there was nothing...anything...good!

Yun Ji nodded and said: Okay!

Yun Ji didn't have the slightest favorable impression of this guy who claimed to be the owner of the God's Relics, but made his mercenary group fight among themselves.

Twilight's cheerful exit made others wary. They didn't want to kill each other and then let Twilight's mercenary group pick up the slack.

Naturally, they didn't want to give up. Zhan Yuan said: We are a group, we are all brothers, and we will never fight among ourselves. So we can only reject your proposal.

The young man in black said: Actually, I'm just testing your character. I'll betray you.

Human beings are not qualified to obtain the treasure of this god's relic. Since you teams are extremely united, then I decide which team is the strongest? You will be eligible to obtain the treasures of God’s Relics.

The previous plan was rejected by the three major mercenary groups, but he was not angry and made another request, which he said was high-sounding.

Yun Ji said: Even so, I'm not interested, let's go!

Yunji wanted to leave, but the other two mercenary groups were unwilling.

Zhan Yuan said: Yunji, this gentleman said that there is a holy plant here. Are you sure you want to give up?

Yun Ji stopped. Sheng Zhi was indeed something that moved his heart, but he didn't want to be plotted against. The young man in black was obviously not normal.

Yunji, you are really moved. Because you don't have enough manpower, you pretend to quit and prepare to wait until Yuan Jue and Qing Cang are both injured before taking action. Don't think that I can't guess your plan! Brother Cang, let's work together to solve it first How about defeating the Twilight Mercenary Group and having another showdown? Zhan Yuan said.

The Twilight Mercenary Group has always been at odds with these two major mercenary groups, so Captain Cang naturally agreed.

He replied: No problem, Yunji is a difficult enemy to deal with after all. Dealing with him first will really make us feel more at ease.

Two against one, this kind of opportunity is rare. Usually, if you want to deal with the Twilight Mercenary Group, you don't have such a good opportunity.

Even if Yunji chooses to give up, they won't allow it.

Countless figures were attacking Yun Ji. The first target of attack by the two captains and the spirit master of their mercenary group was Yun Ji.

Once Yun Ji was defeated, others naturally didn't need to take him seriously.


This battle was just what the young man in black expected.

A melee broke out.

The violent spiritual power spread out, and even the spiritual master took action, but Yun Ji was not hurt at all. They were all shocked.

Yunji, you actually broke through to the Spirit Master.

They were crazy with jealousy towards Yun Ji. After all, they were two or three times as old as Yun Ji but they had not made a breakthrough, yet this kid actually made a breakthrough.

Captain, there are two Spirit Masters on our side. Plus you, are you afraid that we can't deal with Yun Ji, who has just broken through to the Spirit Master level? The Spirit Masters of the two mercenary groups are still full of confidence.

That's right, let's do it together.

The mercenaries from the Twilight Mercenary Group who came here with them could each fight one against three. They dispatched some people to deal with them, and they were evenly matched.

But there was no other way. They wanted to deal with Yunji as quickly as possible and hit Yunji's side with the greatest firepower.

Boom! Two spiritual masters and so many spiritual saints besieged one Yunji. No matter how powerful Yunji was in combat, he would still suffer. ??

Those two mercenary groups are too despicable.

Captain, be careful!

The mercenaries of the Twilight Mercenary Group were very worried about their leader and wanted to rush to help, but they were unable to do anything.

Yunji, who was under siege, was very calm. She had not taken action yet, so their Twilight Mercenary Group had not lost yet.

The majestic power of darkness shrouded down, and the young man in black said in shock: How is it possible that there is such a powerful power of darkness?

The battle situation on Yunji's side was extremely dangerous, and a girl in purple suddenly broke into such a dangerous place, and she was only a first-level spiritual saint.

How dare you break through with such rubbish strength? It's completely asking for death and wanting to be cannon fodder.

They could predict that under their violent spiritual power, this girl would still...

Crushed into powder like a fragile leaf.

However, Mu Qianxi didn't have any trouble at all, and she avoided those dangerous forces calmly.

She said: Yunji, you deal with those two spiritual master-level old guys, and I'll do the rest.

Yun Ji was slightly startled, You are the only one?

Even though I know this woman is very strong, she is still too strong!

Our mercenary group has formed an alliance with you, and I am the only one who comes down, so I will naturally help you deal with one of the two mercenary groups so that you will not underestimate me as an ally!

Mu Qianxi had a confident smile on her face, and for a moment, it wasn't just the dark elemental spiritual power that burst out around her.

The young man in black said in disbelief: There are four kinds of dark elemental spiritual power, water elemental spiritual power, fire elemental spiritual power and wind elemental spiritual power! He actually has four kinds of elemental spiritual power, each of which is pure. The strongest...

Darkness falls!

The water dragon is coming!

The wind falls, the stars break!

Burn the sky and kill!

Mu Qianxi not only displayed four elemental spiritual powers, but also used four dangerous spiritual skills to attack the strong men of the two mercenary groups.

At this moment, everyone present was actually dumbfounded.

They know that there are single-element and dual-element elemental spiritual masters. Even though there are very few of the three-element elements, there will not be more than three in the entire Xuantian Realm. At least they have heard of them.

But the fourth elemental spiritual master seems to have never been seen in the entire history of Xuantian Realm, and is unheard of.

Is that human being? Is this really normal?

Boom! Loud noises came out.

Mu Qianxi's terrifying attack directly shattered their formation surrounding Yunji and injured many people.

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