We Yuan Jue and Qing Cang are actually working together to do something. They discovered an ancient relic of the gods in Nanyu Forest. There must be many rare treasures. I exchanged this information for my life. It should be Is that okay? Zhou Yang said.

Second Captain, how could you be in trouble if the captain knew about this? This relic of God was found only by the two mercenary groups working together. Because the inner circle was too dangerous, they had to act together to let the other mercenary groups work together. A mercenary group gets a share of the pie.

You know? Who else do you think can survive besides me? After hearing this, Zhou Yang said gloomily.

The faces of Yuan Jue's guys changed drastically. The second captain was only trying to save his own life and ignore them.

Zhou Yang, you bastard, it was you who told me that I could definitely take down the Twilight Mercenary Group before I agreed to take action. Now you want to save your life by holding your trump card alone. Master Chang said extremely angrily.

If you don't take care of yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth. Who told you that you can't even defeat Yun Ji? What does it have to do with me now that you are dead? Zhou Yang said with unusual indifference.

Then I will pull you to die together, and you will not survive. Master Chang was angered by Zhou Yang and rushed towards him.

Peng! Zhou Yang was so disgraced that he had difficulty breathing.

Captain Yunji, save me. Zhou Yang shouted.

Since you have told me this secret, there is no use keeping you. Yun Ji said coldly.

Without me leading the way, you may not be able to find the whereabouts of the ruins in the huge Southern Rain Forest even if you search for half a month. He dared to tell Yunji this secret, so naturally he would not completely lose his value.

They couldn't waste time and searched aimlessly in the Nanyu Forest. Even if they found their destination, it was estimated that the two mercenary groups had already emptied out the ruins.

Okay, I won't kill you, but you can lead the way! Yun Ji said.

Then, deal with them quickly.

This is all something you Yuan Jue De people have to solve. Of course you have to solve it yourself. Yun Ji said.

Zhou Yang, you despicable villain. Yuan Jue and others hated Zhou Yang for his cruelty.

If you don't die, I will die and I can only sacrifice you.

They were at the end of their strength, so they could only watch helplessly as Zhou Yang attacked them without being able to fight back, including Mr. Chang.

He said angrily: Zhou Yang, you will definitely die a bad death.

Poof! Blood sprayed three feet, and the small team led by Zhou Yang of the Yuan Jue mercenary group had been completely wiped out.

Captain Yunji, I've taken care of the people. You can set off. I promise to guide you well and won't play any tricks. Zhou Yang was as calm as a rabbit now.

Captain, Nanyu Forest is very dangerous. What we have to face are two large mercenary groups. This situation is very unfavorable for us. Do we need to mobilize more manpower? Everyone knows Zhou Yang. This guy has bad intentions, so be cautious.

Seeking wealth in danger, now that you, Captain Yunji, have broken through to the first-level spiritual master, what are you still afraid of? Zhou Yang wanted them to go to the ruins, and then he would be able to cooperate with Yuan Jing.

You may have missed the opportunity when you went to move reinforcements. Could it be that your commander Yunji is still afraid?

Zhou Yang couldn't lie unless he didn't want to live anymore. Wouldn't it be a good thing if Yuan Jue and Qing Cang benefited and their strength increased?

Even if you don't go back

To move reinforcements, we also have to find allies, one against two, which is very disadvantageous for us.

Allies, Nanyu Forest cannot find other powerful mercenaries in a short time.

Mu Qianxi said: We do need allies. What do you think of our Guiye mercenary group?

Ghostly night! Both sides looked at Mu Qianxi dumbfounded.

Their Twilight Mercenary Group has never formed an alliance with the One-Star Mercenary Group, and Lin Yuan and the others feel that their first alliance in Guiye is with the Twilight Mercenary Group, the strongest mercenary group. This starting point is really too high. .

Zhou Yang wished that Gui Ye and the others would also go there, so that the group leader could take care of them together.

Yun Ji asked: You? He knew that Mu Qianxi's strength should not be underestimated, but forming an alliance was no child's play.

You also know what is the most terrifying thing about Nanyu Forest? It's poison. With me here, you don't need to be afraid of this. As for my combat power, it's not bad, right? Mu Qianxi said.

Let's go quickly! Maybe there is a sacred plant in the ruins of the gods? We can't let others get there first. Yuan Jue and Qing Cang joined forces and she also wanted to see how powerful they were? See how difficult it is to meet Yunji's requirements?

What are you going to do if we don't form an alliance? Yun Ji asked.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qianxi appeared in front of Zhou Yang, and several medicinal needles penetrated his vital points, making him miserable.

Then I have no choice but to rob people from you. Who made me very interested in the relic of God that requires two mercenary groups to join forces to conquer it?

Antidote, antidote... Zhou Yang roared.

Promise to lead me the way and save you some pain now, how about that?

Okay. He agreed without thinking.

He felt that this woman was crazy. She really thought that if she defeated them, she could snatch food from Yuan Jue's hands. She was really arrogant.

Lead the way! If we form an alliance, we will form an alliance. You will be responsible for the consequences. Yun Ji said calmly.

Zhou Yang's pain disappeared, he could walk freely, and his injuries were recovering well.

You still have a lot of poison in your body. You'd better not play any tricks so that you can live longer. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Zhou Yang's body trembled and he obediently led them.

After going deep into the Nanyu Forest, dangerous poisons appeared one after another, but Mu Qianxi killed them all with one medicine needle after another.

In the past, they had to be careful and not dare to take it lightly, but now there are people who specially clear the way for them, without being threatened by poisons.

Zhou Yang was shocked. Before the group leader set off, he heard that he had hired several powerful alchemists for help, but this woman did it all easily.

The poison in Nanyu Forest is not a dangerous place for her, but more like her poison harvesting ground.

There are some interesting poisons that Mu Qianxi will collect and refine into poisons, and she will gain quite a lot along the way.

They rushed to their destination quickly and found that there was indeed a huge ruin here, and there were also traces of human activity.

Mu Qianxi's soul power covered this ruins, and she felt that the greatest power here came from the ground.

The situation here is not simple. Lin Yuan, please stay. As for Commander Yunji, you choose your own people. There are no longer many people, but the essence is the essence. This way, we can minimize the losses when encountering unexpected situations. As for Yuan Jue and Those people in Qingcang are not the most dangerous enemies. Mu Qianxi said. We Yuan Jue and Qing Cang are actually working together to do something. They discovered an ancient relic of the gods in Nanyu Forest. There must be many rare treasures. I exchanged this information for my life. It should be Is that okay? Zhou Yang said.

Second Captain, how could you be in trouble if the captain knew about this? This relic of God was found only by the two mercenary groups working together. Because the inner circle was too dangerous, they had to act together to let the other mercenary groups work together. A mercenary group gets a share of the pie.

You know? Who else do you think can survive besides me? After hearing this, Zhou Yang said gloomily.

The faces of Yuan Jue's guys changed drastically. The second captain was only trying to save his own life and ignore them.

Zhou Yang, you bastard, it was you who told me that I could definitely take down the Twilight Mercenary Group before I agreed to take action. Now you want to save your life by holding your trump card alone. Master Chang said extremely angrily.

If you don't take care of yourself, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth. Who told you that you can't even defeat Yun Ji? What does it have to do with me now that you are dead? Zhou Yang said with unusual indifference.

Then I will pull you to die together, and you will not survive. Master Chang was angered by Zhou Yang and rushed towards him. ??

Peng! Zhou Yang was so disgraced that he had difficulty breathing.

Captain Yunji, save me. Zhou Yang shouted.

Since you have told me this secret, there is no use keeping you. Yun Ji said coldly.

Without me leading the way, you may not be able to find the whereabouts of the ruins in the huge Southern Rain Forest even if you search for half a month. He dared to tell Yunji this secret, so naturally he would not completely lose his value.

They couldn't waste time and searched aimlessly in the Nanyu Forest. Even if they found their destination, it was estimated that the two mercenary groups had already emptied out the ruins.

Okay, I won't kill you, but you can lead the way! Yun Ji said.

Then, deal with them quickly.

This is all something you Yuan Jue De people have to solve. Of course you have to solve it yourself. Yun Ji said.

Zhou Yang, you despicable villain. Yuan Jue and others hated Zhou Yang for his cruelty.

If you don't die, I will die and I can only sacrifice you.

They were at the end of their strength, so they could only watch helplessly as Zhou Yang attacked them without being able to fight back, including Mr. Chang.

He said angrily: Zhou Yang, you will definitely die a bad death.

Poof! Blood sprayed three feet, and the small team led by Zhou Yang of the Yuan Jue mercenary group had been completely wiped out.

Captain Yunji, I've taken care of the people. You can set off. I promise to guide you well and won't play any tricks. Zhou Yang was as calm as a rabbit now.

Captain, Nanyu Forest is very dangerous. What we have to face are two large mercenary groups. This situation is very unfavorable for us. Do we need to mobilize more manpower? Everyone knows Zhou Yang. This guy has bad intentions, so be cautious.

Seeking wealth in danger. Now that you, Captain Yunji, have broken through to the first-level spiritual master, what are you still afraid of? Zhou Yang wanted them to go to the ruins, and then he would be able to cooperate with Yuan Jing.

You may have missed the opportunity when you went to move reinforcements. Could it be that your commander Yunji is still afraid?

Zhou Yang couldn't lie unless he didn't want to live anymore. Wouldn't it be a good thing if Yuan Jue and Qing Cang benefited and their strength increased?

Even if you don't go back

To move reinforcements, we also have to find allies, one against two, which is very disadvantageous for us.

Allies, Nanyu Forest cannot find other powerful mercenaries in a short time.

Mu Qianxi said: We do need allies. What do you think of our Guiye mercenary group?

Ghostly night! Both sides looked at Mu Qianxi dumbfounded.

Their Twilight Mercenary Group has never formed an alliance with the One-Star Mercenary Group, and Lin Yuan and the others feel that their first alliance in Guiye is with the Twilight Mercenary Group, the strongest mercenary group. This starting point is really too high. .

Zhou Yang wished that Gui Ye and the others would also go there, so that the group leader could take care of them together.

Yun Ji asked: You? He knew that Mu Qianxi's strength should not be underestimated, but forming an alliance was no child's play.

You also know what is the most terrifying thing about Nanyu Forest? It's poison. With me here, you don't need to be afraid of this. As for my combat power, it's not bad, right? Mu Qianxi said.

Let's go quickly! Maybe there is a sacred plant in the ruins of the gods? We can't let others get there first. Yuan Jue and Qing Cang joined forces and she also wanted to see how powerful they were? See how difficult it is to meet Yunji's requirements?

What are you going to do if we don't form an alliance? Yun Ji asked.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qianxi appeared in front of Zhou Yang, and several medicinal needles penetrated his vital points, making him miserable.

Then I have no choice but to rob people from you. Who made me very interested in the relic of God that requires two mercenary groups to join forces to conquer it?

Antidote, antidote... Zhou Yang roared.

Promise to lead the way and save you some pain now, how about that?

Okay. He agreed without thinking.

He felt that this woman was crazy. She really thought that if she defeated them, she could snatch food from Yuan Jue's hands. She was really arrogant.

Lead the way! If we form an alliance, we will form an alliance. You will be responsible for the consequences. Yun Ji said calmly.

Zhou Yang's pain disappeared, he could walk freely, and his injuries were recovering well.

You still have a lot of poison in your body. You'd better not play any tricks so that you can live longer. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Zhou Yang's body trembled and he obediently led them.

After going deep into the Nanyu Forest, dangerous poisons appeared one after another, but Mu Qianxi killed them all with one medicine needle after another.

In the past, they had to be careful and not dare to take it lightly, but now there are people who specially clear the way for them, without being threatened by poisons.

Zhou Yang was shocked. Before the group leader set off, he heard that he had hired several powerful alchemists for help, but this woman did it all easily.

The poison in Nanyu Forest is not a dangerous place for her, but more like her poison harvesting ground.

There are some interesting poisons that Mu Qianxi will collect to refine poisons, and she will gain quite a lot along the way.

They rushed to their destination quickly and found that there was indeed a huge ruin here, and there were also traces of human activity.

Mu Qianxi's soul power covered this ruins, and she felt that the greatest power here came from the ground.

The situation here is not simple. Lin Yuan, please stay. As for Commander Yunji, you choose your own people. There are no longer many people, but the essence is the essence. This way, we can minimize the losses when encountering unexpected situations. As for Yuan Jue and Those people in Qingcang are not the most dangerous enemies. Mu Qianxi said.

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