Mu Qianxi and Yisheng joined forces, and the two had a very good understanding in refining medicine.

Even though I had just woken up, I had to refine the elixir for most of the night, which made me feel a little distressed all my life.

He said: Baby, leave the rest to me!

No! I want to refine it myself, this is my wish!

Baby, who is that guy? I'm a little jealous.

A person who I respect, like and care about very much is just like my younger uncle and my second uncle. Mu Qianxi smiled.

Hey! I'm a little disappointed! Seeing that you care so much about someone, in fact, I wish there was someone who could replace Huang Jiuye in your heart. I would make him so angry. Yisheng sighed.

No one can replace my position. Stop dreaming. Jiuye's cold voice came.

You are so noisy! Don't you know that no one can disturb the alchemist's refining of medicine? If you fail, can you bear this responsibility? Yisheng said.

If you fail if you are disturbed, are you still the strongest alchemist? Jiuye glanced at Yisheng with no warmth in his eyes.

Mu Qianxi knew that they would not like Jiuye for the rest of their lives, the kind of people who were naturally at odds with each other.

As for the younger uncle and the others who don't like Huang Jiuye, that's just the way the father-in-law looks at his son-in-law and doesn't like him no matter what.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, Okay, it will be fine in a while.

Jiuye frowned slightly. In fact, Xi was very special to that man.

He also cared about it in his heart, but he also knew very well that Xi regarded him as a relative.

After the elixir was refined, Mu Qianxi handed it to Suzaku, Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, please go there in person. This batch of medicine is more useful. Tell him to take good care of himself and wait for me.

Suzaku naturally knows that this batch of elixirs is very good. Is it okay if the Eternal Cauldron, the Eternal Soul Cauldron, and the Ghost Doctor work together to refine the elixirs?

Mu Qianxi said: Senior brother.

I know that junior sister is going to find the fragments of the Nine-layer Hongmeng Lotus. We need to find all her fragments quickly so that no one can hurt you. Just go and I should continue to fall into a deep sleep. Mo Li road.

Senior brother, you can't be so lazy. I still need to ask you for something?

What's up?

Mu Qianxi handed the prepared elixir to her senior brother and said, Senior brother, you won't be confused anymore. You have to go see Master Chu! You can help me bring the gift by the way.

Hey! Seeing how powerful you are, Master Chu will probably be shocked to death.

Mo Li thought of the man who raised Chu Li, and nodded slightly: Okay!

Junior sister asked me to do something, so please promise me to do something before I leave! Mo Li said.

What's going on? Mu Qianxi asked.

Junior sister will know tomorrow.

Okay! Since her senior brother would not harm her, Mu Qianxi naturally agreed.

Soon Mo Li issued a series of orders, and before dawn the next day, all the top ten city lords in the demon world and all the masters gathered outside Yunmeng City.

Mu Qianxi followed Mo Li to the tallest tower in Yunmeng City. She looked at the group of demons in the Demon Realm and said, Brother, do you want to personally lead troops to attack the God Realm?

Mo Li said: No, I just want to officially announce something.

When Mo Li showed up, all the thousands of demons underground knelt down and said, See your Majesty the Demon Ancestor!

See His Majesty the Demon Ancestor!


Mo Li said: Today I announce something, that is Mu Qianxi, my junior sister Mo Li

, and from then on became the second master of the demon world. When you see her, you see me. Her orders are my orders, Mo Li.

The deep voice struck straight into their souls, leaving them without the slightest doubt.

They could only accept this thing happily, that is, the ghost doctor Mu Qianxi would be their second master in the demon world from now on.

This matter seemed normal to the top ten city lords who knew about it, but other demons were still a little surprised because His Majesty the Demon Ancestor’s junior sister was a human!

Let humans be the second masters of the demon world.

No one is qualified to object to His Majesty the Demon Ancestor’s words. Lazy and the other ten city lords saluted first, “See Your Highness Qian Xi.”

The ten city lords were all convinced, and naturally they dared not have any objections.

All of them said with great affection and respect: See Your Highness Qian Xi! I will obey the orders of His Majesty the Demon Ancestor.

Mu Qianxi was a little stunned. She didn't expect that what her senior brother said was actually this.

Actually, it doesn't need to be like this. Anyway, it's fine that you and I know.

This is a fact. Naturally, we have to tell the entire demon world. And can't we let senior brother show it off?

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled. Is the senior brother showing off to the entire demon world that he has a junior sister, and is his junior sister still a ghost doctor?

A smile appeared on her face and she said: Okay, okay! Senior brother, you can show off as you like, who wants me to be your junior sister? But senior brother, you asked me to be the second master of the demon world, you don't want to be a hands-off shopkeeper. Are you awake?

She has experience with this kind of thing.

Of course you have to sleep, but junior sister doesn't have to deal with other matters. The seven city lords on the first level are responsible for protecting the demon world, and the three city lords on the second level are responsible for dealing with the divine world.

But think about it, it’s true. Even if senior brother wakes up, no one dares to hand over anything.

Let him handle it.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, It's really easy for you to be the Demon Ancestor! My uncle and Suzaku are probably super jealous of you. They are not so relaxed and comfortable as a Ghost Lord or a Demon Emperor.

If they were as strong as me and lived as long as me, they could do the same.

No matter what, it's good to know that the senior brother doesn't want to be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave things to her.

After Mo Li announced Mu Qianxi's identity, he took Mu Qianxi and left.

Afterwards, there was a farewell banquet prepared by Mo Li. Mo Li rarely filled a glass of wine. He was actually not very interested in wine.

He stared at Mu Qianxi and said, Junior sister, you must walk step by step on your own. But when you have something you can't solve, don't forget to come to my place to bring in reinforcements.

The city lords looked at their Demon Ancestor in horror. After all, it was rare for His Majesty to offer to help others.

Jiuye replied: I don't need you.

Killing Soul said: That's right! Mo Li, are you looking down on me by saying this? Do you want to make some gestures before leaving?

Mu Wushuang looked at Mu Qianxi and said, Xi'er, the ghost world is your backing!

Mo Li was right, Xi'er was not ordinary, it was destined from birth.

There will be many obstacles in her way, and she has to do things that many people can't even imagine, and she has to do it herself.

Even though they are the masters of a realm, there is not much they can do to help. They can only support in their own way.

Suzaku said: Sister Xi'er, under the encouragement of the origin of the demon world, I will definitely become a qualified demon emperor as soon as possible, and then I will help you and your adoptive father.

After the meal was over, everything that needed to be said was said. Mu Wushuang, Mo Li and the others sent Mu Qianxi off.

Mu Qianxi asked: Jingshu Ying, can you still sense it now?

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