The main city of Wushuang Domain, Wushuang City.

At this time, the domain lord's mansion was in a mess, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. It didn't look like the mansion of a domain lord at all!

A cold light flashed under Mu Wu's eyes, and he said coldly: What is going on?

Bang bang bang! The servants from the Domain Lord's Mansion filed out and knelt in front of Mu Wushuang.

Your Highness Wushuang, your subordinates deserve to die!

Your Highness Wushuang, His Highness Yi brought people here. He was in a very bad mood, so... so he accidentally destroyed the Domain Lord's Mansion like this.

Please forgive me, Your Highness Wushuang!

They didn't dare to stop You Yueyi, and they didn't want to offend him, which would lead to the destruction of the Domain Lord's Mansion, so they didn't dare to stop him.

His Highness Wushuang has a gentle temperament, and they know that as long as they admit their mistake, His Highness Wushuang will never blame them, which is better than disobeying His Highness Yi and being killed by His Highness Yi.

Mu Wushuang originally wanted Xi'er to have a good rest in his territory, but he didn't expect that his territory would be ruined like this, which would definitely disappoint Xi'er.

Mu Wushuang's gentle eyes were burning with anger, and his aura was overwhelming.

He said coldly: Is this the explanation you gave me? If you neglect your duty, you have to pay the price! Come on, put them in the dungeon and deal with them according to the rules! Let the foreign enemies enter the Domain Lord's Mansion, I think you should know that you What will happen?

For a moment, the faces of the people in the Territory Lord's Mansion turned pale. His Highness Wushuang was so cruel to them!

Your Highness Wushuang, my subordinates are incompetent. Please give us a chance, Your Highness Wushuang!

Your Highness Wushuang...

Mu Wushuang looked indifferent and said, Take him down!

There were already a lot of people loyal to You Yue Yi in this Domain Lord's Mansion, but this time they were all cleaned up to prevent them from continuing to eat and drink.


Mu Wushuang felt sorry for Qian Xi and needed a comfortable place for Xi'er to rest. He knew that Xi'er was in poor health and it must be very hard to travel all the way to the Wushuang Domain!

The entire Wushuang Domain is his territory, and it is not difficult to find a place to rest temporarily.

Of course, the Domain Lord's Mansion must be repaired, as this is a symbol of status.

Mu Qianxi said: Little uncle, you might as well renovate it, so that you can build a Domain Lord's Mansion that suits your wishes. The previous Domain Lord's Mansion was completely in your You Yueyi style, and it was not comfortable for me to live in.

Mu Wushuang nodded slightly and said, Xi'er is right. What kind of Domain Lord's Mansion Xi'er likes? Let's discuss it together after you have rested!

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, Okay!

You Yueyi got the news and said with a smile: Hahaha! Mu Wushuang is angry, that's good! I just made him angry. He was angry that I destroyed his Domain Lord's Mansion, so that he could only find a small shabby house to stay in. , so what? Could he still come to my door to settle a score with me? With his few manpower, would he dare to come?

You Yueyi wished that Mu Wushuang would take the initiative to kill him, so that he could use his name to kill Mu Wushuang without being blamed by his father.

But this trivial matter will not make him take the initiative to die. Let's find out how to make Mu Wushuang angry? You Yue Yi said.

Mu Wushuang is definitely the gentlest His Highness in the ghost world. No matter how provocative they were before, Mu Wushuang did not take them seriously. This is the rare time You Yueyi heard someone say that Mu Wushuang was angry.

I heard that Mu Wushuang brought a beauty from nowhere this time. She's so precious! If His Highness Yi is right,

If that little beauty takes action, she might make His Highness Wushuang furious and become a beauty! A confidant of You Yueyi said.

That makes sense. Once you get the information, take action! Now that You Yue Wushuang is busy rebuilding his Domain Lord's Mansion, he will definitely neglect the beauty. You Yue Yi's lips curved into an evil smile.

The former domain lord of Wushuang Prison, You Yue Yi, was a squandering and unrestrained lord who only entered and exited.

What the little uncle picked up was a mess. If they wanted to build a Domain Lord's Mansion that satisfied them, funds were indispensable.

However, in the current Territory Lord's Mansion, even if the uncle has worked hard for so long, the big hole caused by You Yueyi is not so easy to fill, so that the Territory Lord's Mansion cannot make ends meet. ??

Mu Qianxi was angry, That You Yue Yi is simply seeking death!

Mu Wushuang said: Xi'er, don't be angry because of an insignificant person, You Yueyi is just a straw bag.

They didn't want to talk to You Yueyi for the time being, but You Yueyi didn't stop his attempt to commit suicide.

The small courtyard where Mu Wushuang stayed temporarily was heavily guarded, and You Yueyi's people were noticed as soon as they arrived.


The two sides met hand to hand and started fighting for a while, which also woke up Mu Qianxi who was resting.

The slender figure leaned against the door and said, Baby, it's just some little bugs that came in. Just have a good rest! It will be sorted out soon.

I think it's better to go take a look! Find out which house is looking for death. Mu Qianxi opened the door and walked out.

When she walked out, a figure suddenly appeared and wanted to capture Mu Qianxi alive.

A cold light flashed across Yi Sheng's eyes. Do you really think he doesn't exist? He actually had delusions

He caught the owner of his little baby in front of him.

Boom! A storm appeared, directly injuring anyone who dared to attack Mu Qianxi.

Ah! the man screamed. His concealment ability has always been amazing, and he has always performed some special tasks without fail. Now he was discovered by someone and was subdued with one move!

There were people one after another who broke through the layers of defense and rushed to Mu Qianxi's side, but none of these people could touch the hem of Mu Qianxi's clothes.

The people sent by You Yueyi were not weak, but he never expected that there would be such a powerful person guarding Mu Qianxi.

Bang bang bang!

The people he sent were either dead or half-dead.

The living ones naturally stayed for interrogation. The interrogation went very smoothly. You Yueyi also found out about the importance of Mu Qianxi to Mu Wushuang. She was not prepared to arrest him and wanted Mu Wushuang to come to his door to cause trouble for him. In that case, even if He killed people, and it was not his fault!

At this time, Mu Wushuang arrived and was naturally very angry when he learned about this.

He is simply looking for death!

Mu Qianxi said: Yes! You Yueyi is completely impatient. Uncle, doesn't he want us to take the initiative to kill him? He has taken the initiative so many times, it's time for us to take action again , I'm going to collect debts by the way! He smashed your Domain Lord's Mansion, so he has to pay compensation, but we can't let him go so easy.

If you don't take You Yueyi seriously, he will be more and more happy, so you should deal with him first to prevent him from continuing to annoy you.

Do you really think your uncle is afraid of him?

Mu Wushuang naturally had no objection to Xi'er's opinion. If You Yueyi dared to put his idea on Xi'er's head, he would naturally want to avenge Xi'er and would not let him go no matter what!

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