Mu Qianxi's time goes back to a time period when she had the strength of the ninth level spiritual sect, and at the same time, her physical strength could withstand the attack of the spiritual sect.

Unless Liu Guang has the strength of the Ghost Emperor, he can't even think of hurting her!

How is that possible? They all looked at Mu Qianxi as if they were monsters.

It was really weird that she could block such a terrifying blow.

They didn't know that Mu Qianxi blocked it with only his physical body without any spiritual power. If they knew, they would be even more surprised.

Mu Qianxi was fine and not injured, which reassured Mu Wushuang.

Next, Mu Wushuang devoted himself to dealing with his opponent, and this time his opponent was miserable.

He wants to rush to the top as quickly as possible and get the inheritance, so that Xi'er can play fewer games.

Time was about to recover, and Mu Qianxi couldn't help but waste time. She poured all her spiritual power into the Flame Dragon Soul-killing Sword.

Burn the sky and kill!

Terrifying flames erupt and destroy!

Ah! Liu Guang's entire body was wrapped in the flames, wailing in pain.

Bang! Mu Qianxi directly kicked him off the competition platform after he had turned into a fireball.

Immediately afterwards, the light green light disappeared, the normal timeline returned, and the spiritual power disappeared again.

They looked at Mu Qianxi who was acting strangely. She pretended to be a weakling with no strength, but in reality she was fierce as hell. This little girl was simply too perverted.

The next opponent, Mu Qianxi, has another lifetime!

Yisheng, who was catching up again, used one move after another to catch up with his speed. This time Yisheng gave in to Mu Qianxi again.

At this time, there is the last stone platform on the suspended stone platform where Mu Qianxi is located. From that one, you can get close to the inheritance stone pillar.

Now, Mu Qianxi is waiting for a rival.

On the competition stage on the next level, Mu Wushuang was fighting a very difficult opponent. He was the strongest person in the team of Evil Prison this time.

Xie Jing Zhan Que is a master who is about to break through to the Ghost Emperor level. Violent ghost energy erupts from his body, Your Highness Wushuang, you are here to seek death! Because I will be here to kill you!

Were all the previous waves of people sent by you? Mu Wushuang said coldly.

None of them came back alive, which really surprised me. I underestimated you before, but now I will kill you, Your Highness Wushuang, at all costs! Zhanque looked at Mu Wushuang coldly, thinking about what he had done There was nothing he could not admit about what he had done. Anyway, His Highness Wushuang would immediately become a dead man.

Our Highness Evil and His Highness Yi are brothers from the same mother and father. You took away his Yi territory. As an elder brother, I naturally want to avenge my younger brother! So suffer death! Your Highness Wushuang!

Mu Qianxi was stunned, So that's it! It seems that the previous domain lord is a guy who needs to be dealt with, and the evil domain lord cannot let him go in the future.

Boom! The ghost energy spread, and the surrounding space became distorted under this pressure.

Mu Wushuang said coldly: How could I lose to you?

Mu Wushuang also burst out with the strongest strength to resist, he was serious.

Everyone could clearly feel the power of blood coming from Mu Wushuang that was extremely suppressive to them. Everyone was slightly startled and said: This is what is rumored to be, except for Lord Ghost Lord, who has the most powerful person in the ghost world. The power of strong bloodline

? The power of this bloodline is really strong!

So what if you have a strong bloodline? Haven't you been living outside for so long? You missed the best opportunity to practice, so now His Highness Wushuang only has so little strength.

Zhan Que said: No matter how strong your bloodline is, you are destined to die! Go to hell!

A pitch-black sword fell from the air, the shadow of the sword flashed past, and it directly collided with the sword light.

Boom, boom, boom! Violent sounds erupted from the floating stone platform in space.

With every impact, the stone platform shook and seemed to be broken.

The two figures were getting faster and faster, and in the end, they could no longer see clearly who was who in the rich ghostly aura. Who has the upper hand?

After the terrifying ghostly aura disappeared, everyone saw Zhan Que retreating dozens of steps with a pale face. He had a fatal wound on his body.

They were all stunned and said in shock: It turns out that Zhan Que loses.

Zhan Que was also surprised. He knew that he was no match for His Highness Wushuang. He could not complete the task assigned to him by His Highness, so he ran away first!

He wanted to escape for his life, but Mu Wushuang would not give him a chance to escape. He said coldly: Since you want to kill me here, you must also keep your life.

Mu Wushuang's spiritual power sucked him in like a whirlpool, making it impossible for him to leave the competition stage.

Countless sounds pierced the air, and Zhan Que's body instantly became riddled with holes!

Puff puff!

He knelt on the ground on one knee and looked at Mu Wushuang unwillingly. He said: You are not our Highness's opponent, absolutely not! I am waiting for His Highness to kill you and bury you with me!

Dream! Mu Wushuang said coldly.

Zhan Que was solved, and the next person he had to face was Mu Qianxi.

Everyone knows that Mu Qianxi came here with His Highness Wushuang. Even if the two have a good relationship, they should still fight for it in the face of such a powerful inheritance.

They were looking forward to a fight between these two people. One was His Highness Wushuang, whose bloodline was so strong that he was invincible under the Ghost Emperor.

One is a very weird monster who can leapfrog and fight without any pressure.

Their expectations are destined to be disappointed, because it is impossible for Mu Qianxi to fight with her uncle, okay? It's useless for her to want that inheritance from the ghost world.

Not to mention that she is not from the ghost world, even if she is, she has no cultivation at all now.

Mu Qianxi simply abstained from voting. Everyone was in disbelief that she just abstained from voting. That was a super powerful inheritance! This woman refused without blinking an eye.

Mu Qianxi fell from the sky, stood guard in front, and said coldly: I know what you are planning? While my little uncle is accepting the inheritance, no one can stop him, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

After witnessing the strength of Mu Qianxi and Yisheng, anyone who dared to charge forward would undoubtedly be seeking death.

At this time, Mu Wushuang stepped onto the last stone platform and moved towards the inheritance stone pillar.

When he touched this inheritance stone pillar, Mu Qianxi asked: Uncle, how about this inheritance? If it doesn't work, let's keep looking!

The corners of the others' mouths twitched slightly. This kind of inheritance is not enough. What kind of inheritance does His Highness Wushuang want?

At this time, Yisheng said to Mu Qianxi: This person has reached a high-level ghost master in his life, and his strength is not bad, let him absorb it as he pleases! Mu Qianxi's time goes back to a time period, and in this time period, she With the strength of the ninth-level spiritual sect, his physical strength can already withstand the attack of the spiritual sect.

Unless Liu Guang has the strength of the Ghost Emperor, he can't even think of hurting her!

How is that possible? They all looked at Mu Qianxi as if they were monsters.

It was really weird that she could block such a terrifying blow.

They didn't know that Mu Qianxi blocked it with only his physical body without any spiritual power. If they knew, they would be even more surprised.

Mu Qianxi was fine and not injured, which reassured Mu Wushuang.

Next, Mu Wushuang devoted himself to dealing with his opponent, and this time his opponent was miserable.

He wants to rush to the top as quickly as possible and get the inheritance, so that Xi'er can play fewer games.

Time was about to recover, and Mu Qianxi couldn't help but waste time. She poured all her spiritual power into the Flame Dragon Soul-killing Sword.

Burn the sky and kill!

Terrifying flames erupt and destroy!

Ah! Liu Guang's entire body was wrapped in the flames, wailing in pain.

Bang! Mu Qianxi directly kicked him off the competition platform after he had turned into a fireball.

Immediately afterwards, the light green light disappeared, the normal timeline returned, and the spiritual power disappeared again.

They looked at Mu Qianxi who was acting strangely. She pretended to be a weakling with no strength, but in reality she was fierce as hell. This little girl was simply too perverted.

The next opponent, Mu Qianxi, has another lifetime!

Yisheng, who was catching up again, used one move after another to catch up with his speed. This time Yisheng gave in to Mu Qianxi again.

At this time, there is the last stone platform on the suspended stone platform where Mu Qianxi is located. From that one, you can get close to the inheritance stone pillar.

Now, Mu Qianxi is waiting for a rival.

On the competition stage on the next level, Mu Wushuang was fighting a very difficult opponent. He was the strongest person in the team of Evil Prison this time.

Xie Jing Zhan Que is a master who is about to break through to the Ghost Emperor level. Violent ghost energy erupts from his body, Your Highness Wushuang, you are here to seek death! Because I will be here to kill you!

Were all the previous waves of people sent by you? Mu Wushuang said coldly.

None of them came back alive, which really surprised me. I underestimated you before, but now I will kill you, Your Highness Wushuang, at all costs! Zhanque looked at Mu Wushuang coldly, thinking about what he had done There was nothing he could not admit about what he had done. Anyway, His Highness Wushuang would immediately become a dead man.

Our Highness Evil and His Highness Yi are brothers from the same mother and father. You took away his Yi territory. As an elder brother, I naturally want to avenge my younger brother! So suffer death! Your Highness Wushuang!

Mu Qianxi was stunned, So that's it! It seems that the previous domain lord is a guy who needs to be dealt with, and the evil domain lord cannot let him go in the future.

Boom! The ghost energy spread, and the surrounding space became distorted under this pressure.

Mu Wushuang said coldly: How could I lose to you?

Mu Wushuang also burst out with the strongest strength to resist, he was serious.

Everyone could clearly feel the power of blood coming from Mu Wushuang that was extremely suppressive to them. Everyone was slightly startled and said: This is what is rumored to be, except for Lord Ghost Lord, who has the most powerful person in the ghost world. The power of strong bloodline

? The power of this bloodline is really strong!

So what if you have a strong bloodline? Haven't you been living outside for so long? You missed the best opportunity to practice, so now His Highness Wushuang only has so little strength.

Zhan Que said: No matter how strong your bloodline is, you are destined to die! Go to hell!

A pitch-black sword fell from the air, the shadow of the sword flashed past, and it directly collided with the sword light.

Boom, boom, boom! Violent sounds erupted from the floating stone platform in space.

With every impact, the stone platform shook and seemed to be broken.

The two figures were getting faster and faster, and in the end, they could no longer see clearly who was who in the rich ghostly aura. Who has the upper hand?

After the terrifying ghostly aura disappeared, everyone saw Zhan Que retreating dozens of steps with a pale face. He had a fatal wound on his body.

They were all stunned and said in shock: It turns out that Zhan Que loses.

Zhan Que was also surprised. He knew that he was no match for His Highness Wushuang. He could not complete the task assigned to him by His Highness, so he ran away first!

He wanted to escape for his life, but Mu Wushuang would not give him a chance to escape. He said coldly: Since you want to kill me here, you must also keep your life.

Mu Wushuang's spiritual power sucked him in like a whirlpool, making it impossible for him to leave the competition stage.

Countless sounds pierced the air, and Zhan Que's body instantly became riddled with holes!

Puff puff!

He knelt on the ground on one knee and looked at Mu Wushuang unwillingly. He said: You are not our Highness's opponent, absolutely not! I am waiting for His Highness to kill you and bury you with me!

Dream! Mu Wushuang said coldly.

Zhan Que was solved, and the next person he had to face was Mu Qianxi.

Everyone knows that Mu Qianxi came here with His Highness Wushuang. Even if the two have a good relationship, they should still compete for each other in the face of such a powerful inheritance.

They were looking forward to a fight between these two people. One was His Highness Wushuang, whose bloodline was so strong that he was invincible under the Ghost Emperor.

One is a very weird monster who can leapfrog and fight without any pressure.

Their expectations are destined to be disappointed, because it is impossible for Mu Qianxi to fight with her uncle, okay? It's useless for her to want that inheritance from the ghost world.

Not to mention that she is not from the ghost world, even if she is, she has no cultivation at all now.

Mu Qianxi simply abstained from voting. Everyone was in disbelief that she just abstained from voting. That was a super powerful inheritance! This woman refused without blinking an eye.

Mu Qianxi fell from the sky, stood guard in front, and said coldly: I know what you are planning? While my little uncle is accepting the inheritance, no one can stop him, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

After witnessing the strength of Mu Qianxi and Yisheng, anyone who dared to charge forward would undoubtedly be seeking death.

At this time, Mu Wushuang stepped onto the last stone platform and moved towards the inheritance stone pillar.

When he touched this inheritance stone pillar, Mu Qianxi asked: Uncle, how about this inheritance? If it doesn't work, let's keep looking!

The corners of the others' mouths twitched slightly. This kind of inheritance is not enough. What kind of inheritance does His Highness Wushuang want?

At this time, Yisheng said to Mu Qianxi: This person has reached a high-level ghost master in life, and his strength is not bad, let him absorb it as he can!

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