The first big problem she encountered before was naturally the curse of Jiuye.

Mu Wushuang nodded and said, Okay!

Jing Jingying's decision was correct. She sent Mu Qianxi to her relatives as quickly as possible, which made Mu Qianxi feel much better and super motivated, even though she was separated from Huang Jiuye.

Mu Qianxi decided to deal with her uncle's matter first and search for the origin of the ghost world.

She naturally misses Jiuye, and Jiuye must miss her too.

But he was able to control his thoughts for nine nights and didn't use the crystal fragments to find him. He must not have wanted her to suffer, and she would naturally have to get used to it.

If she ran over to see her now, they wouldn't agree unless she told her her whole life, and she didn't want Jiuye's hard work and persistence to be in vain.

After finding the origin of the ghost world, the situation improved a lot, and then I met Jiuye again.

Mu Qianxi didn't even know that Jingying Ying had taken back her fourth fragment. Even if Jiuye wanted to come to him immediately, where was she now? He can't come either.

Ye, I've searched everywhere. I've sent people to all the worlds, including the world of gods and demons, and there's no news about the little beauty yet! Ziyou said.

The search force is extremely powerful, and the leaders of the ghost doctor buildings from all walks of life are also very cooperative. After all, they are all worried about their landlord.

Even if they send people to the ghost world now and Mu Qianxi is in the forbidden area of ​​the ghost world, no one can find her.

Jiuye frowned slightly and asked, How is the development of the Ghost Doctor Building in all walks of life now?

He hoped that when Xi came back, he could see how powerful the Ghost Doctor Building was.

Ziyou said: All the human planes in the lower planes have been established and are developing very well! Except for some chaotic planes, the middle planes have not started, except for the ghost world, the demon world, and the demon world. The plane is not settled because it is difficult to intervene.

As for the higher planes, there is only one higher plane, and that is the vast and vast God

Realm, now is not the time to enter the divine realm.

Jiuye said: Have you found a way to block the way of heaven?

Jiuye thought clearly, even if he found Xi, where would he be? He didn't want to get her hurt again when he saw her again, so he had to think of a countermeasure.

Heaven controls everything, but that does not mean it is omnipotent.

What it does not allow is absolutely not allowed. There are still some people with great wisdom and special abilities in the world.

Ziyou replied: I have inquired about it. There is a weapon refiner in the world called Mie Tian. I heard that the things he created have the ability to block the way of heaven. But I don't know where that person is. ?”

Item Refiner? Jiuye thought of a person, Black Shadow!

He disappeared in front of Ziyou in an instant, and Ziyou muttered, Ye is so anxious. Does he know where the weapon refiner named Mie Tian is?

The Lord of Nine Nights came to the Abyss again, and the guardians on each level were a little surprised. He asked: Where is the black shadow?

Where is Master Black Shadow? Isn't it something we can know? the guardians replied.

Jiuye didn't make things difficult for them. He looked for it himself. He must be in this hell anyway.

Heiying would give Mu Qianxi face, but he would not give Jiuye face. Moreover, he was indeed asleep, so Jiuye would naturally not be able to find him.

In the end, Jiuye could only leave the Abyss and go back!

Ah! Ye, you're back again! Ziyou said in surprise.

No matter what, we must find the weapon refiner named Mie Tian! Jiuye said coldly.

Okay! For your happiness, even if the weapon refiner named Mie Tian has entered the grave

, I want to dig him out too! Ziyou replied.

The forbidden land of the ghost world contains the power left by the strong men in the ghost world. Mu Wushuang participated in this experience in order to obtain this power and sprint to a higher level.

The levels in the ghost world are Ghost Attendant, Ghost King, Ghost Emperor, Ghost Emperor, and Ghost Lord!

The Ghost King is equivalent to the spiritual sect of the spiritual sect. Everyone below the level of the spiritual sect is a ghost attendant!

The level of ghost king is the most common strength in the ghost world. If you don't even have the strength of ghost king, you can only be a slave for the rest of your life.

The Ghost Emperor is equivalent to the strength of the Spiritual Saint, the Ghost Emperor is equivalent to the Spiritual Lord, and the Ghost Lord is naturally equivalent to the strength of the Spiritual God.

Now that Mu Wushuang's strength has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Ghost Emperor, he needs to use external force to reach the Ghost Emperor level, so he came to the Ghost Realm Forbidden Land in order to obtain a breakthrough in inherited power.

After all, the sons of the Supreme Lord of the Ghost Realm are all powerful above the Ghost Emperor, and they are not ordinary Ghost Emperors. If he doesn't break through quickly, he will be very passive without strong strength.

He had no choice but to return to the ghost world. Now that he is back, he must avenge his original revenge. He wants to be stronger.

He also wanted the highest position in the ghost world. He had promised Xi'er at the beginning that he would control the ghost world and let Xi'er be a dandy second generation ancestor who was not afraid of anything.

There is also the Donghuang Dynasty. The eldest brother is seeking revenge alone, and he also wants to contribute.

If you want to contribute, you are just a ghost realm lord and have no say at all.

Now, Xi'er wants to find the origin of the ghost world. Only by becoming the supreme master of the ghost world can he know more secrets of the ghost world. Maybe he can get clues to the origin of the ghost world. This is what the Eternal Cauldron told him.

It is certain in life that becoming the master of this world will definitely have a certain connection with the origin of the ghost world.

In the current situation where there is no clue, the only thing that can be done is to let one of his people become the master of the ghost world.


br\u003e Mu Qianxi naturally had no objection to their decision. She said: My uncle has become the master of the ghost world. Who dares to deal with my uncle?

Mu Qianxi and the others searched for the power of inheritance in this forbidden area of ​​the ghost world, and they found several places.

Yisheng said: No, it's too weak!

This won't work either!


He has a very high vision in life. After all, Mu Wushuang wants to become the supreme person in the ghost world, so he cannot be too vague about the power of inheritance.

Mu Wushuang also agreed very much. This was a power that would help him cross a level, so he couldn't be careless.

The forbidden area of ​​​​the ghost world is huge. Since they eliminated that group of enemies last time, they have not encountered anyone from other domains.

At this time, a group of people approached from the front. Those people saw Mu Wushuang and said, It turns out to be His Highness Wushuang! Your Highness Wushuang, have you and your men been separated? But even if you are separated from others, you still have such a beauty by your side. Your Highness Wushuang is so blessed!

A coldness flashed across Mu Wu's eyes, and he warned: Be careful what you say.

It's rare to see His Highness Wushuang so angry, I know! Hello girl, I am Ghost Xiao from the Evil Prison. This man smiled gently and deliberately wanted to get close to Mu Qianxi.

He had investigated the people brought by His Highness Wushuang, and had no idea that His Highness Wushuang had also brought in such a beauty.

Could it be that His Highness Wushuang used some method? It was brought in secretly, avoiding their eyes and ears.

This girl looks very young, probably no more than twenty years old.

What surprised him even more was that besides being pretty, this girl was very weak and had no strength at all.

What would His Highness Wushuang do with such a person? Is it specifically a hindrance?

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