Mu Qianxi said: Go and take a look first.

Okay! Yisheng swept over with Mu Qianxi. Even if Mu Qianxi had no cultivation, Yisheng was enough to hide Mu Qianxi's aura from being discovered.

When she got close to the fighting side, Mu Qianxi was completely stunned when she saw the figure in the battle, Little uncle!

The silver hair was flying, the snow-white robe was stained with blood, and that face that was as flawless as jade was something Mu Qianxi could never forget.

At this moment, his warm, jade-like eyes faced the opponent in front of him, revealing a cold killing intent.

Mu Qianxi did not expect that the encounter with her uncle would happen so quickly! .??.

Mu Wushuang knew that today would be a fierce battle, and he might even die in this forbidden area.

He was definitely not willing to die because of this. He didn't want to never see Xi'er and his family again.

When Mu Wushuang was determined to fight these people and try his best to defeat them, he heard a familiar voice.

Little uncle!

At this moment, Mu Wushuang was stunned.

He even wondered if he had lost too much blood? Hallucinations?

He stared at that familiar figure with wide eyes. He had never forgotten every detail of that beautiful little face. This was his Xi'er.

She seemed to be thinner than before they separated, and his figure was reflected in her eyes as bright as stars...

This is a forbidden place in the ghost world. No one can enter except those who are qualified to enter for trial.

He knew very well that Xi'er could not appear here, but seeing such a real Xi'er, he couldn't control himself at all.

Your Highness Wushuang, at this time, you are still in the mood to be distracted! The group of people surrounding Mu Wushuang said with a ferocious smile.

A lifetime! Mu Qianxi said coldly.

r\u003e I understand! My precious master. The corners of Yisheng's mouth curled up slightly.

Boom! Just when these people's attacks were about to destroy Mu Wushuang, a wind barrier suddenly appeared around Mu Wushuang, blocking all their attacks.

Mu Wushuang was stunned. Those people were a little surprised. They didn't take Mu Qianxi seriously before, but now they had to face up to the two people who suddenly did bad things.

Which ghost realm are you from? How dare you ruin our good deeds? they said angrily.

At this time, Mu Wushuang's pupils shrank suddenly. It was not an illusion. He rushed towards Mu Qianxi as quickly as possible, wanting to confirm this incredible thing.

A mocking smile appeared on the lips of those people, I didn't expect that Your Highness Wushuang would be so anxious to ask for help from others. It's completely unlike your usual style!

They were sure that the man in white was very strong and not someone to be trifled with. Mu Wushuang was probably asking for trouble by approaching them so rashly to ask for help.

However, they were wrong. When Mu Wushuang approached them, the powerful man did not take action.

They almost widened their eyes when they saw His Highness Wushuang, who had never been a womanizer, actually holding the hand of a beautiful girl in purple.

Xi'er! Mu Wushuang's voice became hoarse with excitement.

Mu Qianxi said: Uncle, I'm here to find you.

Looking at her little uncle, Mu Qianxi's dark eyes were full of warmth. When she turned to look at her little uncle's enemies, she said coldly: Little uncle, do these people need to be kept alive?

At this time they also understood that these two people

He would not save His Highness Wushuang for no reason, obviously they knew each other.

They said: It turns out that His Highness Wushuang has an old sweetheart! He has hidden it so deeply that no one knows about it. But little girl, you are a little too arrogant. It's not that easy to kill us!

Go! After all, they had so many people here, how could they not be able to deal with them, so they took the initiative to attack Mu Qianxi.

A white figure flashed, and the figure of a lifetime stood in front of them.

Yisheng said coldly: My little baby just got together with his uncle, and I don't want anyone to disturb him.

Mu Wushuang replied: There is no need to keep him alive!

Mu Qianxi said: Kill them all in my lifetime!

Yes, my master! Yisheng's romantic eyes were a bit chilly, and the surrounding wind became chilly.

Mu Qianxi said: Little uncle, let me heal your wounds!

Those people were enough to be dealt with in a lifetime. Mu Qianxi took out various healing potions and elixirs from the Divine Water Dragon Ring to treat her little uncle.

Mu Wushuang wanted to say that he was fine and could continue to deal with those people, but he heard bursts of screams.

You...who are you? Those people looked at him in horror.

This man was very, very strong, so powerful that they had no power to fight back against him.

Such a person would definitely not be an unknown person in the ghost world, but they had never heard of it.

Who am I? You are not qualified to know yet!

The wind became chilly, and all the lives of these people were harvested cleanly by the whole life. From the beginning to the end, the clothes of the whole life were not messed up.

After Yisheng came back, he said to Mu Qianxi: Little baby, this

Some odds and ends, all have been sorted out.

Mu Qianxi had just taken care of Mu Wushuang's injury. She said, Let's move to a different place and let my uncle recover from his injuries quietly.

Yisheng said: Okay!

After they left, another group of people appeared here, and they were a little surprised to see those people who died in extremely miserable conditions.

This is not the work of His Highness Wushuang. A more powerful master saved him. We know nothing except that the other party uses wind elements to attack. Don't act rashly for the time being. Let's retreat! The face of the leader showed a smile. A solemn look.


Being able to see Xi'er in the ghost world was definitely the most exciting thing for Mu Wushuang since he came to the ghost world.

When Mu Wushuang calmed down a little, he naturally discovered something was wrong with Xi'er!

Xi'er! Mu Wushuang grabbed Mu Qianxi's hand. He finally knew why there was something wrong?

Xi'er, where is your spiritual power? When he left Xi'er and was forced to return to the ghost world, although Xi'er's strength was not strong at that time, it was not such that he could not feel any spiritual power at all.

Now Xi'er not only had no spiritual power at all, but his body also gave him an extremely weak feeling.

Xi'er like this makes Mu Wushuang feel heartbroken.

Xi'er, what's going on? Mu Wushuang asked.

Mu Qianxi said helplessly: I originally planned to find my uncle in the ghost world, and I wanted to find a way to hide him in the meantime. I didn't expect to meet my uncle so soon. I didn't even have time to think of a way!

Shengsheng said: Baby, I didn't think carefully!

Mu Wushuang said: Xi'er, don't interrupt! I want to know the reason.

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