Yisheng took Mu Qianxi into her room in the Bloody Thorn City and began to use holy plants to extend her life.

Tiandao is no longer a demon! Everything went well.

Ziyou managed to rescue Jiuye with great difficulty. He muttered, Fortunately, the little beauty has a lot of stock. Otherwise, if you were seriously injured like this, no one in the entire prison world could treat you.

Oh! There is one, the Eternal Cauldron, but it's a good thing he didn't kill you now.

Three days later, Jiuye's situation improved a little. He asked, Where did they take Xi?

Ziyou said: The little beauty is in the Blood Thorn City now. The Eternal Cauldron is using the flowers of the Silver Purple Holy Lotus to renew the little beauty's life. The others are guarding, so it's not easy to inquire about the situation. The little beauty will be fine.

Unable to control his thoughts, he wanted to go to the Bloody Thorn City to see her immediately.

But when he thought of his approach, Xi's situation would become even worse, and he couldn't do anything.

At this time, in the Bloody Thorn City, Yisheng walked out with Mu Qianxi in his arms, and A Ting asked, How is she?

Yisheng shook his head and said: It's still not enough! That bastard is really cruel. Jing Ying, send us to the Temple of Life. To the Sacred Tree of Life.

Jing Jingying nodded and said: Okay!

Before leaving, Shuilong made arrangements for the Bloody Thorn City.

As a qualified steward for the master, even if he is worried about the master, he must arrange everything for the master properly.

Fusheng was left to guard the Bloody Thorn City. He looked at their disappearing figures and whispered: My lovely master, all of your contractors are so tough. I believe you will be fine! Me and ours The Bloody Thorn City is waiting for you to return as good as before.

Ziyou went to report the situation, Ye, they took the little beauty to the Temple of Life.

Bang! At this time, a man was thrown out, and he said in surprise: Master!

He was the one who was left in the living space to take care of the sacred tree of life. In the blink of an eye, a group of extremely powerful people appeared. He seemed to see the princess, but before he could see clearly, he was unceremoniously killed by a gentle woman. Throw it out.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at the Blood Hell Emperor Palace.

Ziyou said: It seems that they really went to the Temple of Life.

Jing Jingying and the others dislike Jiuye very much now, and naturally they feel bad when they see Jiuye's men.

They didn't kill people but just threw them out. This was considered very sensible of them.

In the Temple of Life, the Divine Tree of Life has grown, but of course it is far worse than what it once was.

Yisheng said: Xiao Tingzi, come here and help! This sacred tree of life is of no use to the baby in this state. Please let it grow quickly.

Ah Ting said: I understand.

This time A Ting tried his best to make the sacred tree of life grow quickly. Of course, just giving it more time to grow was not enough.

Yisheng waved his hand and said: Water Dragon, come and give it some water!

The powerful pure water element with the power of the water dragon irrigated the sacred tree of life, and throughout his life he began to refine elixirs to enhance its power.

With the help of the three eternal artifacts, it would be strange if the Divine Tree of Life did not grow.

The sacred tree of life woke up in the chaos, and its memory still remained at the time when it was about to die, and the woman was still unwilling to let go of its leaves.

It is not dead. It is still full of life force. Although it is far from its peak, this is definitely a surprise!

It also felt the power of eternal artifacts, and there were more than one...

His senses became clearer and clearer, and he discovered a familiar person, that woman.

But she was so weak that her life was about to disappear. It was frightened and said, How could she become like this? Who hurt her like this?

Yisheng said: You have finally recovered a little, Divine Tree of Life! Save her!

Yisheng put Mu Qianxi under the tree and said, Hurry!

Who is it! I want to kill him and avenge her! A tree can be angry.

The Divine Tree of Life knows that the emotions of heartache, worry, and anger do not belong to it.

It's not your turn to take revenge. We will take revenge! Your task now is to treat her. Yisheng said to the Shenmu of Life.

The sacred tree of life calmed down and complained: You saved me, but in the end you made me do hard work.

Although it complained, it did not stop working. It poured the strength it had finally recovered into Mu Qianxi's body without hesitation, allowing her weak vitality to slowly recover!

Yisheng said: This should be no problem. Everyone is tired. It's relatively quiet here. Let's rest here for a while! There are still many things to do in the future!

Yisheng lay down under the tree, but was pushed away by the water dragon, Yi Yisheng, stay away from the master!

Do you think that a beast like me would eat my master's tofu while he's unconscious? Yisheng said angrily.

Ah Ting glanced at him and said, You are such a beast, there is no doubt about it!

Soul Killer squatted next to Mu Qianxi and looked at her and said, Little kitten, you need to wake up quickly! This look is really not cute at all.

An An leaned against the trunk of the sacred tree of life, staring silently at the sleeping person.

Life space, life sacred tree

Below, the six of them quietly guarded the sleeping person, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

After all the life sacred tree had been exhausted, there was not much power left, and Mu Qianxi's life was no longer in danger.

After worrying for so long, they fell asleep on this piece of grass full of vitality, and the breeze blew slowly.

Time passed, Mu Qianxi's eyelashes flickered slightly, she opened her eyes, her body was soft, as if she had been sleeping for a long time.

She was slightly startled, the familiar power of life, she...she was in the life space!

Looking up, she saw the familiar sacred tree of life. Now it had grown very big, with lush branches and leaves.

Her eyes widened, as if in a dream, it really recovered.

Mu Qianxi wanted to pinch herself to make sure this was not a dream, but the Divine Tree of Life spoke.

It's true. Just don't mess with your broken body.

Mu Qianxi felt the long light blue hair crossing her face. She saw a woman as gentle and beautiful as water lying next to her. Looking over, she saw a young man as perfect as an elf.

Crystal Ying, Ah Ting!

Shengsheng was lying on the other side with a piece of grass in his mouth. The water dragon was very close to him, as if he was still on guard against him even if he fell asleep.

She sat up and saw An, dressed in black, leaning against a tree with his eyes closed, and there was a touch of enchanting red on the sacred tree of life, where Soul Killer was leaning there, eyes closed.

A flame dragon was lying on his lap and snoring!

Mu Qianxi whispered: Jing Ying, A Ting, Yi Sheng, Shui Long, An, and Killing Soul, you are all awake.

They woke up at the same time. Mu Qianxi felt like she had forgotten something?

Why is she here?

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