The Evil King Addicts to Pets: Ghost Doctor and Mad Concubine

Chapter 2582 Even the principal and interest

Ahhh! Soon the shrill scream of the Dark Demon Prisoner came out, and he knew very well that his future days would be even more miserable.

Mu Qianxi was still very heartbroken when thinking about the previous memories. What she saw was what Jiuye had survived alone, alone...

Xi! Jiuye called softly, finding that Mu Qianxi still couldn't control her tears when she turned around.

Only after seeing it with her own eyes did she know how cruel things happened in this cell specially built by the Dark Demon Prison Master. Now that Mu Qianxi is taking revenge, she feels that it is not enough...

Mu Qianxi hugged Jiuye tightly and kissed her. Jiuye felt that her heart was trembling.

The two of them were in a passionate relationship, but when that force emerged again, Mu Qianxi felt something was wrong and said, Jing Jingying, go to the Abyss!

Yes, Xi'er!

Mu Qianxi and Jiuye left like this, and Fusheng was left behind.

Fusheng's face was full of sorrow, Master, you abandoned me when you became Lord of Nine Nights.


Controlling the Dark Demon Prison means controlling all prisons. This is a big project with many things to do. Fu Sheng will not forget to find some elites to deal with the Dark Demon Prison Master.

These elites were all created because of the cruel rules set by the Dark Demon Prison Lord. Everyone is cruel to the extreme. They are the people the Dark Demon Prison Lord is most satisfied with, but they did not expect that the people he once satisfied would be abused. The object will become himself.

The Dark Demon Prisoner lives in pain and despair every day. Even so, he cannot die.

He could only endure everything, not knowing when it would end.

Mu Qianxi and Jiuye returned to the Abyss, and the guardians at all levels of the Abyss breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that Lord Xi has returned safely from the Dark Demon Prison.

You must know that Master Xi is not here, but they have been enduring the terrifying low pressure here, which is almost scary to death.

When Mu Qianxi and Jiuye came back, they didn't care about anything else. They continued what they had not finished in the Dark Demon Prison.

Jiuye had never asked before, just doing things.

After Mu Qianxi became weak, he continued to tease her, and the real questioning was about to begin.

Mu Qianxi had no choice but to confess honestly: I went back to the past, and it doesn't count as going back to the past. It was Wuya who made me see what happened in the past. It wasn't just about seeing, I saw what happened to you in the Dark Demon Prison on Jiuye It's so real, and I can still participate in it. I'm very heartbroken and sad. This time I tried my best to break through the barrier of time, but in fact...

I still can't be by your side.

Well... Under the overwhelming kiss, he used such passion to soothe the pain in her heart. It was all because of him, because of him...

Jiuye hated Wuya so much that he actually let Xi see those things back then.

The lips parted and Jiuye said: I didn't take it to heart at all, and Xi doesn't take it to heart either.

Mu Qianxi replied: How can I not take it to heart? You are very important to me. If it were you...

If it were him, he would probably be even crazier.

Crazy and passionate, the feeling is so strong, it seems that it is never enough, never enough...

Originally, Jiuye planned to let Mu Qianxi go, but Mu Qianxi mentioned that he was quite cute when he was a child, and Jiuye became jealous.

Yes, this guy was even jealous of his childhood self, and he has never been jealous

Passed violently.

Now Jiuye is better, better looking, more manly...well... Mu Qianxi praised Jiuye in a hoarse voice and hurriedly smoothed her hair, but it was of no use at all.

After all the madness in the Abyss, Jiuye tried his best to make Mu Qianxi forget all that.

Mu Qianxi hugged Jiuye tightly and said, Well! I don't want to, I don't want to, okay! Please let me go...

Well! Do Xi really want me to let you go? Jiuye said hoarsely.

She can't keep brooding about what has passed. Now the person she loves is by his side, fine and strong. When she helps him lift the curse, he will be even better.

All the guardians of the Abyss felt the strong aura of love, which made them so single that they were tortured.

Jiuye was finally willing to let him go. If he didn't let him go, he would definitely lose control.

After the curse is lifted, he will get back what he owed and endured with interest.

Mu Qianxi did not expect that Jiuye wanted to let people go with this intention. Wuya said that the four towers gathered and the Tower of Eternity was about to be born.

She had to go back and prepare. Once the Tower of Eternity was born, he had to know it immediately.

When Mu Qianxi returned to the Blood Prison, she saw an increasingly haggard Ziyou. Fu Sheng was still busy working in the Dark Demon Prison and had not returned!

When Ziyou saw Mu Qianxi coming back, she was so excited that she wanted to give her a big hug.

However, he felt that Jiuye's dangerous aura was all over Mu Qianxi's body, and he still gave up.

Wow! Little beauty, you are finally back. Is everything going well? Ziyou asked.

Mu Qianxi said: It's pretty smooth, Dark Demon Prison has taken

After coming down, the next task is to make the prison world monolithic, and then inquire about the information about the Tower of Eternity. The Tower of Eternity is about to appear. This is the news from Wu Ya.

It's really great! When you get the Tower of Eternity, little beauty, let's see how arrogant the Abyss Kirin dares to be? Zi You said.

The prison world has completely become a whole, which means that there will definitely be no less things to deal with, and it will be even busier in the future.

Ghost doctor buildings from all walks of life have developed very well, and of course they are guaranteed by their strength. After all, Mu Qianxi has dug out many capable people from various prisons.

Those people can survive in harsh prisons. Needless to say, they have strong fighting ability. They have been held in prison for too long and now they want to fight in all walks of life. They are the kind of people who are particularly motivated and will never be passive in their work.

The news about the lords of the major prisons has also spread completely. That person is the lord of the Blood Thorn City, a powerful god-level alien plant.

The owner of this god-level alien plant is the princess of the prison world.

Now, whether it is the Lord of Nine Nights or the princess, their status in the entire prison world is unshakable, and it has also alarmed all walks of life, especially the gods who once controlled the prison.

A bunch of trash! An angry voice came out from the Eternal Temple at the top of the God Realm.

Go to Tianyu Tower!

The Heavenly Language Tower is the place where you can listen to the Heavenly Language. This is also the place where Master Wuya, the first prophet of the God Clan, lives.

Wuya, every time he sent everyone to the prison world, he got rid of all the people. Now the entire prison world is under his control. It's even harder to do it. People must be sent down now. A deep voice came.

His Royal Highness Jiuye is in the Abyss, are you sure you want to send someone there? Even if you send someone there, you are just wasting your manpower. Wuya's indifferent voice came out.

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