Between the cities is a long and dangerous stretch of road, with all kinds of unexpected dangers coming one after another.

This is definitely a fatal danger for prisoners who want to cross the city, but Mu Qianxi still managed to get through easily with a wounded person at this time and reached their destination.

Newcomers! The guard at the city gate noticed that there were newcomers, so why not take them to register.

As soon as they walked into the city, they found that it was a lively day. The prison guards said: There are still two places. Who is willing to come up for the two places left?

Everyone seems to be very bored today! No one is participating.

Mu Qianxi looked over. Just like the previous city, another boring killing game was going on here.

This time she didn't even care about watching, and she and Fusheng were ready to leave directly.

Even so, they were noticed.

The prison envoy said: Since no one is interested today, then I will pick two people at random! The two people over there are you. You look like you are new here! Come quickly Experience life in the new city.”

Mu Qianxi and Fusheng were named, and they stopped as they didn't want to join in the fun.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, Okay! If you want to participate, just participate.

Everyone found that the two newcomers in their city were surprisingly good-looking, and everyone was stunned for a while.

It seemed like it would be very interesting for these two beauties to punish the guilty, and everyone had a look of anticipation on their faces.

Mu Qianxi and Fusheng knew each other so well that the prison commander smiled with satisfaction and said: You are very good!

The number of people is now here, so everyone can start! This is a tool, you can choose it at will, or the old rules! Let the sinners suffer without dying. The longer it lasts, who will be the winner? said the prison envoy.

The other eight people all

They chose a familiar tool one after another.

However, Mu Qianxi Fusheng did not take it, and the prison officer asked: Aren't you going to choose a tool?

Mu Qianxi replied: Isn't it necessary to go to such trouble?

Could it be that you are planning to do it with your bare hands? This will definitely not be as effective as tools. You will lose! said the prison envoy.

Losing? A cold light flashed in Mu Qianxi's eyes.

Ten medicine needles flew out and pierced the necks of the ten people.

Soon they twitched all over and fell to the ground stiffly.

Isn't this the solution? The pain is only for a moment, and then...

What Mu Qianxi did shocked them, She...she killed someone!

She actually killed someone like this in front of the prison envoy.

How dare she?

The jailers were also angry. This woman was completely provoking them in public.

They said: What do you mean? Didn't the city you stayed in teach you the rules before? Who asked you to kill people directly? This is too easy for them.

Mu Qianxi originally wanted to enter a new city, rest for a while, and understand the situation before taking action.

However, soon after entering, Bi was involved in this incident, and she found that she could not endure it for a moment in such a city.

Since you can't bear it anymore, there's no need to bear it anymore, just take action.

The level of the cities ranked more than 300 is not high. Last time they picked a city. If they continue to be aggressive this time, they can just pick another city.


Mu Qianxi said: I can kill if I want. After all, it was you who called me up! It's over now, can we leave?

It was the first time that the prison guards had seen such an arrogant prisoner. All the prisoners here could not use spiritual power. They were like ants that they could crush to death at will. Whoever treated him was not cautious and groveling. How could they meet such a master who was not afraid of death? ?

Who said you can leave! Stop! You have to pay the price for offending us, but you two are good-looking, we will not kill you. The leading prison messenger waved his hand, and his men Moving forward, Mu Qianxi was surrounded.

Fu Sheng hid behind Mu Qianxi and said, Master, the war is about to start again! I'm so scared! You must protect me.

The corners of Mu Qianxi's mouth twitched wildly and she said, Fusheng, you have been acting more and more recently.

These two guys were surrounded by them, and they were still in the mood to joke. The prison guards were so angry that they said in a cold voice: You are so brave, do it!

Bang! Mu Qianxi made a move faster than them, and the power of the move shocked the prison guards.

What a strong force, this woman is very weird!

Mu Qianxi did not seem to be a powerful person. They could not imagine how a weak woman could have such power.

Boohoo! Mu Qianxi's medicine needle flew out!


For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

Fusheng stood aside and didn't take any action. He could only help his master and didn't show any concern.

In a city without a superior lord, the master will never be in danger. In a place with a superior lord's city and monarch, there will be some trouble.

unable to

With the use of spiritual power, Mu Qianxi used her powerful body, strange poisoning methods and terrifying poison to make these prisoners helpless.

Of course, the jailer in this city is not as easy to deal with as the previous one, and this battle is still going on.

They found that the woman seemed to have endless potions, so no matter how long the fight lasted, she was still energetic and physically strong. On the other hand, they were much worse off.

Where did this woman get so many elixirs? But no matter what the origin of her elixir is? Now that she has arrived in their city, everything on her will belong to them.


This group of prison guards were still very conceited. Although they could not do anything to Mu Qianxi for a while, they were confident that they could capture her, so they did not let the citizens take action.

They felt that these city residents couldn't use spiritual power, and doing so would only be in the way. After all, if they couldn't even deal with them for a while, how could this group of trash deal with them?

Bang bang bang!

Fu Sheng did not expect that the group of prison guards who fought well with his master would end up targeting him in his weak stage.

Catch that man first! The prison envoy felt that this was not the solution.

Catching one first and distracting that woman is the best strategy.

If a grown man needs to be protected by a woman, he must not be very strong?

Fusheng was surrounded by people, he said: Master, help me!

Boohoo! Countless medicine needles rained out, and Mu Qianxi threw out some medicinal powder.

The figure flew to Fusheng's side like lightning and took Fusheng away from the dangerous area!

Fusheng, let's go!

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