Crystal Ying said: Okay!

Jing Jingying returned to Mu Qianxi's body and stayed outside for a long time. In order to guard against this inexplicable person, now that Xi'er could finally leave, she also had to go back to rest.

Remember, if you are in trouble, let me help! As long as you are in this hell, I will help you. The black shadow said to Mu Qianxi.

Understand me!

Since you understand, then don't hold on, let's go!

Mu Qianxi stepped into the door and disappeared in front of the black shadow.

He stood in silence at that door for a long time, the flames filled the entire space, and finally he disappeared into the flames.

Coming out of the flame space again, Mu Qianxi returned to the fifth floor.

Her face darkened and she muttered: Are we going to find that blind guy again who is the guardian of the fifth level who refuses to believe that I am a human being?

Mu Qianxi really didn't want to meet that guy. If he did, he would inevitably be hunted down.

She decided to find his location first, then attack him in a sneak attack, and then threaten him to guide her.

To deal with this guy, she didn't want to have a good talk and resolve it peacefully like before.

There are much fewer abyss demons on the fifth floor than last time. It seems that the guardians on the fifth floor have been cleaning up fairly smoothly recently.

When she returned to the fifth floor, Mu Qianxi felt that feeling of being watched again. This guy must be from the Abyss Demon Clan.

Before Mu Qianxi could find a chance to sneak attack on the fifth-level guardian, the fifth-level guardian discovered her. He looked at Mu Qianxi in surprise and said, It's's you...

He ran towards Mu Qianxi, almost bursting into tears with excitement.

God gave him a chance to make amends for his past mistakes, and he must cherish it, especially


He was discovered first. Mu Qianxi's face darkened, so she had to run away first?

Now that she has recovered her spiritual power, moved her body skills, used wind elements, and gained teleportation, Mu Qianxi ran much faster than last time. Even if there were no abyssal demons blocking her way, it would be difficult for the guardians of the fifth floor to catch up with her. Not easy.

Wait! Don't run! I was wrong, I was really wrong. I shouldn't have regarded you as an abyss demon. I sincerely apologize to you. Can you stop! The guard on the fifth floor The speaker said loudly, This is all his own fault!

Mu Qianxi replied: Don't try to lie to me. You are a thief. Do you think you will believe it?

The guardian on the fifth floor was so angry that he vomited blood, What I said is true, really...

It's useless to believe him now. Mu Qianxi didn't believe him, so she ran faster.

The guardian of the fifth floor said: Mu Qianxi, Master Xi, what I said is true! Master Jiuye is looking for you. He has gone to the seventh floor now. The Demon Emperor is a dangerous guy. You Do you really trust him to go and fight the Demon King alone?

Mu Qianxi stopped and said, You actually know about Jiuye. Could it be that you are that Abyss Demon Clan in disguise?

After all, he is pretending to be the guardian of the fourth level when Shan quits. Is it not difficult to pretend to be the guardian of the fifth level this time?

I didn't tell any lies. Master Xi, can you all be more sincere?

You have been sincere to me before, but you don't believe me! Now talk about sincerity with me, go ahead! Mu Qianxi didn't buy this guy's fault at all.

After that, Mu Qianxi ran away smoothly. After running away, Mu Qianxi had determined

Where is the guardian of the fifth floor?

After locking him with her soul power, all she had to do was find the most suitable moment to sneak attack on him.

Ahhh! It's gone. It was so hard to find Master Xi but he's gone. The guardian of the fifth floor said frantically.

The blood you are vomiting now is all the water that got into your brain before. Why didn't you believe it in the first place? Why?

When the fifth-level guardian was going crazy and lost, Mu Qianxi found an opportunity for a sneak attack. She said, Xiaoxue, do it!

Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiaomomo! Attack!

Swish, swish, swish!


For a moment, the guardian of the fifth floor was surrounded by a sudden attack. He knew that bloody thorn, wasn't it Lord Xi's exotic plant?

She must be because I want to beat him up to vent my anger. He can't die anyway, so I'll just let it go!

Lord Xi is the happiest, she should be happy, and then have a good talk with him, and then he can make her believe what he said.

Mu Qianxi found that this guy was letting off steam when he was fighting with her. Unlike Heiying, he was still very careless when it came to his offence, which was the kind of calm way he did it.

Because the guardian of the fifth floor did not try his best when fighting Mu Qianxi, he was wrapped into a big rice dumpling by the bloody thorns.

Pfft! A medicine needle pierced his neck, and Mu Qianxi said calmly: Now we can have a good talk.

You are not the Abyss Demon in disguise, are you the real guardian of the fifth level?

Before, he suspected that she was an Abyss Demon, but now things have turned, and it was his turn to be suspected. The guardian of the fifth floor said helplessly: Yes! I am not an Abyss Demon, how could I be an Abyss Demon!

\u003e Is what you just said true? Have you met Jiuye? Mu Qianxi asked.

Yes, yes! We have met Master Jiuye.

Tell me what happened! In detail, don't let me miss anything?

Absolutely! Please don't worry, Mr. Xi! I will definitely tell you everything.

Based on what he said, Mu Qianxi believed him temporarily, and she also knew that Jiuye was looking for her.

Fortunately, the black shadow gave up in the last battle, otherwise she wouldn't know when she would be able to come out, and she would have to quickly go to the seventh floor to meet Jiuye.

Mu Qianxi said: Lead the way! I'm going to the sixth floor.

Okay! I'll send you there right away. Remember to say something nice in front of Master Jiuye when the time comes. He said in a doggy manner.

Just give up on this! If you dare to chase me and don't believe me, I'm already doing you a favor by not saying bad things about you.

Ho ho ho! The guardian of the fifth floor was about to take Mu Qianxi to the sixth floor, but the abyss demons without eyes attacked them.

Mu Qianxi took out the Flame Dragon Soul-Killing Sword and said with a smile: These guys are here! Just let me take a little time to try. How far has my control over flames reached?

Facing the black shadow, she felt that no matter how bad her control over flames was, her confidence would be destroyed.

Boom! The fire suddenly appeared, and the spiritual skill was still the same. It was the spiritual skill she had used very skillfully before, but the power was no longer the same.

Burn the sky and kill!

Nine Flames Break!

Bang bang bang!

The guardians on the fifth floor were also a little surprised. This little girl was too strong. They were almost chasing her into despair before. That was because her spiritual power was blocked!

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