Jiuye's terrifying pressure almost scared the guardian of the third floor out of his wits. He inexplicably felt that this pressure was somewhat familiar! very familiar!

He remembered it, he remembered it, why hadn't he noticed it before?

You...you are...you are... The strong man who fought with Master Qilin of the Abyss and caused a sensation in the Abyss.

He never thought that he would be that person?

He was seriously injured by Master Qilin of the Abyss, but he recovered in such a short period of time, and re-entered the Abyss. It was not as high-profile as the last time, but such a low-key discovery.

He didn't use much power to deal with the Abyss Demons before, so the guardian on the third level didn't even think about it.

But Qian Xi was taken away, Jiuye became angry, and naturally could not control his power.

The guardians of the third level were scared out of their wits. This was a terrifying guy who could compete with their overlord of the Abyss, Lord Abyss Kirin!

His mind was running rapidly, and then he said: Sir, I understand! The one just now is not the guardian of the fourth level at all. Some of the abyss demons on the fourth level are very good at disguise, and they can even disguise themselves perfectly. Become anyone you want to pretend to be. So...

No wonder I thought he was a little different from before. I thought he had just changed a little after not seeing each other for so many years. I didn't expect him to be an impostor! My lord, I was wrong. I didn't realize that he was a fake...

He is really afraid! This powerful man can wipe out all the demons in the abyss, so he can also destroy the immortal guardian who exists in this abyss with the wave of his hand.

Jiuye also remembered what the Abyss Demon Clan said, and he said coldly: Where is the Demon Emperor of the Abyss Demon Clan?

What? What? The Demon King ran out, this is terrible! Ahhh! The guardian on the third floor was so shocked that he almost jumped up. This matter is even bigger.

However, the initiator of such a thing in the Abyss was actually the person in front of him!

Jiuye said coldly: Answer my question.

The guardian of the third level said: If the Demon King runs out! He must be on the seventh level!

Seventh floor! Jiuye's eyes darkened.

Even going to the fifth floor was in trouble, so he said coldly: Open the passage on the fifth floor first.

I'm not the guardian of the fourth level. I can't do it! I really can't do it.

Can't do it! Do you want to die?

Those ice-blue eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice. The guardian on the third floor was sure that this person really wanted to kill him.

I...we can find the real guardian of the fourth floor! If we find him, he will definitely open the passage.

Look! I won't give you too much time. If you don't find it, you and the layers of this hell will be destroyed.

The guardian on the third floor felt a very ferocious aura, so he tried his best to find someone, and finally dug out the guardian on the fourth floor in a cemetery.

However, this guy was seriously injured and he didn’t know when he would wake up. How could he dare to tell Master Jiuye like this?

This man was in a very bad mood, like a rampaging ferocious beast that could tear apart all the creatures in front of him at any time.

Bang bang bang! Jiuye Congkong

He took out some potions from the room. These were some potions that Xi had left here for him. Obviously, he didn't need any of them and there were a lot of them.

Seeing these potions, Jiuye's cold eyes flashed with a hint of tenderness.

Of course, it was only a moment, and soon his ice-blue eyes became more terrifying. The other party captured Xi, but the target was him.

As long as you find the Demon King and deal with it, you will know where Xi is?

Seeing these potions, the third-level guardian's eyes widened. These potions were very different from those given to them by Mu Qianxi, that is, the life force was so strong that it almost overflowed the potion bottle.

The potion that Mu Qianxi gave to her man was naturally different from others, which gave the fourth-level guardian an advantage.

After feeding a few potions and pills, the effect was miraculous. The guardian on the fourth floor woke up and saw a familiar person. Before he could ask what was going on, he felt a terrifying aura that made his hair stand on end. .

What's going on? The Demon Emperor has run out. Even if the Demon Emperor runs out, it won't be a big deal.

He was so startled that he jumped up immediately, and finally felt that the aura was not the Demon King, but more like...

His eyes were wide open, and he stared at the dark and slender figure in front of him in stunned silence, You...you...

The third-level guardian said: Do you recognize it?

Jiuye examined the person in front of him. His appearance and aura were exactly the same as the previous one. It had to be said that the demon with that special ability was indeed perfectly disguised.

He said coldly: Open the passage to the fourth floor. I am going to the fifth floor.

Yes! The little one will be opened for you right away. The guardian of the fourth floor said very doggedly.

reject! Even if you give him 10,000 courages!

He didn't even dare to put forward conditions!

All he has to do is obey the orders obediently. This is a pervert who has fought countless rounds with the Abyss and returned to the Abyss unharmed!

The guardian of the fourth floor obediently opened the passage. He carefully guided Jiuye, and Jiuye successfully reached the fifth floor.

The guardian on the fourth floor said: Sir, do you need me to find someone for you...

The black shadow disappeared in front of them in an instant. Jiuye didn't need him to lead the way because he knew that this person was completely useless.

Bang bang bang! When Jiuye's breath was completely gone, they fell to the ground exhausted.

The guardian of the fourth floor said: Why...why is this pervert back? And he also passed by my fourth floor, my God! The earth! The sky! The earth!

Stop howling. You are lucky to be alive. I was really afraid that Master Jiuye would tear you apart just now! I really envy those two guys above! They must not know Master Jiuye's identity. , there is no need to suffer such stimulation like us. The guardian of the third floor said.

What happened? he asked.

The abyss demon with special abilities transformed into his appearance and captured the adult's sweetheart. For a moment, the guardian of the fourth floor felt a chill on his neck.

Mu Qianxi was kidnapped by an abyssal demon, and soon the abyssal demon revealed his true colors. He was not the guardian of the fourth level.

He wasn't ugly in his original appearance. He was much better looking than the abyss demons they had hunted before. Mu Qianxi said: Hey! What are you trying to do to catch me? Jiuye's terrifying pressure was almost to the point of killing him. The guardian on the third floor was scared out of his wits. He felt that this pressure was somewhat familiar! very familiar!

He remembered it, he remembered it, why hadn't he noticed it before?

You...you are...you are... The strong man who fought with Master Qilin of the Abyss and caused a sensation in the Abyss.

He never thought that he would be that person?

He was seriously injured by Master Qilin of the Abyss, but he recovered in such a short period of time, and re-entered the Abyss. It was not as high-profile as the last time, but such a low-key discovery.

He didn't use much power to deal with the Abyss Demons before, so the guardian on the third level didn't even think about it.

But Qian Xi was taken away, Jiuye became angry, and naturally could not control his power.

The guardians of the third level were scared out of their wits. This was a terrifying guy who could compete with their overlord of the Abyss, Lord Abyss Kirin!

His mind was running rapidly, and then he said: Sir, I understand! The one just now is not the guardian of the fourth level at all. Some of the abyss demons on the fourth level are very good at disguise, and they can even disguise themselves perfectly. Become anyone you want to pretend to be. So...

No wonder I thought he was a little different from before. I thought he had just changed a little after not seeing each other for so many years. I didn't expect him to be an impostor! My lord, I was wrong. I didn't realize that he was a fake...

He is really afraid! This powerful man can wipe out all the demons in the abyss, so he can also destroy the immortal guardian who exists in this abyss with the wave of his hand.

Jiuye also remembered what the Abyss Demon Clan said, and he said coldly: Where is the Demon Emperor of the Abyss Demon Clan?

What? What? The Demon King ran out, this is terrible! Ahhh! The guardian on the third floor was so shocked that he almost jumped up. This matter is even bigger.

However, the initiator of such a thing in the Abyss was actually the person in front of him!

Jiuye said coldly: Answer my question.

The guardian of the third level said: If the Demon King runs out! He must be on the seventh level!

Seventh floor! Jiuye's eyes darkened.

Even going to the fifth floor was in trouble, so he said coldly: Open the passage on the fifth floor first.

I'm not the guardian of the fourth level. I can't do it! I really can't do it.

Can't do it! Do you want to die?

Those ice-blue eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice. The guardian on the third floor was sure that this person really wanted to kill him.

I...we can find the real guardian of the fourth floor! If we find him, he will definitely open the passage.

Look! I won't give you too much time. If you don't find it, you and the layers of this hell will be destroyed.

The guardian on the third floor felt a very ferocious aura, so he tried his best to find someone, and finally dug out the guardian on the fourth floor in a cemetery.

However, this guy was seriously injured and he didn’t know when he would wake up. How could he dare to tell Master Jiuye like this?

This man was in a very bad mood, like a rampaging ferocious beast that could tear apart all the creatures in front of him at any time.

Bang bang bang! Jiuye Congkong

He took out some potions from the room. These were some potions that Xi had left here for him. Obviously, he didn't need any of them and there were a lot of them.

Seeing these potions, Jiuye's cold eyes flashed with a hint of tenderness.

Of course, it was only a moment, and soon his ice-blue eyes became more terrifying. The other party captured Xi, but the target was him.

As long as you find the Demon King and deal with it, you will know where Xi is?

Seeing these potions, the third-level guardian's eyes widened. These potions were very different from those given to them by Mu Qianxi, that is, the life force was so strong that it almost overflowed the potion bottle.

The potion that Mu Qianxi gave to her man was naturally different from others, which gave the fourth-level guardian an advantage.

After feeding a few potions and pills, the effect was miraculous. The guardian on the fourth floor woke up and saw a familiar person. Before he could ask what was going on, he felt a terrifying aura that made his hair stand on end. .

What's going on? The Demon Emperor has run out. Even if the Demon Emperor runs out, it won't be a big deal.

He was so startled that he jumped up immediately, but he felt that the aura was not that of the Demon King, but more like...

His eyes were wide open, and he stared at the dark and slender figure in front of him in stunned silence, You...you...

The third-level guardian said: Do you recognize it?

Jiuye examined the person in front of him. His appearance and aura were exactly the same as the previous one. It had to be said that the demon with that special ability was indeed perfectly disguised.

He said coldly: Open the passage to the fourth floor. I am going to the fifth floor.

Yes! The little one will be opened for you right away. The guardian of the fourth floor said very doggedly.

reject! Even if you give him 10,000 courages!

He didn't even dare to put forward conditions!

All he needs to do is obey the orders obediently. This is a pervert who has fought countless rounds with the Abyss and returned to the Abyss unharmed!

The guardian of the fourth floor obediently opened the passage. He carefully guided Jiuye, and Jiuye successfully reached the fifth floor.

The guardian on the fourth floor said: Sir, do you need me to find someone for you...

The black shadow disappeared in front of them in an instant. Jiuye didn't need him to lead the way because he knew that this person was completely useless.

Bang bang bang! When Jiuye's breath was completely gone, they fell to the ground exhausted.

The guardian of the fourth floor said: Why...why is this pervert back? And he also passed by my fourth floor, my God! The earth! The sky! The earth!

Stop howling. You are lucky to be alive. I was really afraid that Lord Jiuye would tear you apart just now! I really envy those two guys above! They must not know Lord Jiuye's identity. , there is no need to suffer such stimulation like us. The guardian of the third floor said.

What happened? he asked.

The abyss demon with special abilities transformed into his appearance and captured the adult's sweetheart. For a moment, the guardian of the fourth floor felt a chill on his neck.

Mu Qianxi was kidnapped by an abyssal demon, and soon the abyssal demon revealed his true colors. He was not the guardian of the fourth level.

He wasn't ugly in his original appearance. He was much better looking than the abyss demons they had hunted before. Mu Qianxi said, Hey! What are you trying to do to catch me?

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