Mu Qianxi said bluntly: You must be the guardian of the third level, right?

No! I'm not. He denied it directly.

Mu Qianxi brought out a plate of food and said: This abyss is very desolate. I haven't seen anything delicious since I've been here for so long. I just happened to have a friend show his hand. Even if you are not the guardian of the third level, It's fate that we meet each other. How about treating you to a meal?

The guardian on the third floor turned pale looking at the excellent-looking food. He thought of his naive self, but wasn't he deceived by this good-looking appearance?

He will definitely not be fooled now.

This looks like it was made by that guy. How dare he eat it?

He said: I don't think it's necessary, I don't think so...

Mu Qianxi replied: You know that this food is inedible, so you still deny that you are not a third-level guardian. The second-level guardians must have such crazy cooking skills that only you guardians know!

Mu Qianxi's purpose was not to let him eat, but to make him unable to deny that he was the third-level guardian.

Sure enough, he stopped struggling and said: I did lie to you just now. I am the guardian of the third level. You have the food he made in your hand, and you must have been forced to eat the food he made. , he would be willing to send you to the third floor! It’s not easy for you two children!”

He thought it was amazing that they were alive now, after all, what that guy cooked was not something humans could eat.

But he didn't know that Mu Qianxi and the others had nothing wrong with them, and it was the guardians on the second level who really wanted to cause trouble.

You are looking for me because you want me to lead you to the fourth floor? he asked.

Is that true? Mu Qianxi replied.

The third level is already very dangerous. The Abyss Demons have been rioting recently, and none of them are easy to deal with. It is not the right time for you to choose to come to the Abyss at this time. So be it! If you can stay safe and sound on the third level Last month, how about I guide you and send you to the fourth floor? he said.

One month, isn't it a little too long? Mu Qianxi asked.

Jiuye is here, the curse is suppressed to death, and the power cannot make a monster. This is good, but he can't stay for too long. He doesn't know what changes will happen outside, and even if the curse is quiet, it can't stay there for a long time. My body is not feeling well either, so I need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

It's been a month since I've been despised for a long time. You young people can't be so reckless! Being too conceited can be fatal. Don't blame me for not warning you. The abyss demons here are much stronger than those on the first and second levels. The guardian of the third floor said earnestly.

If I help you clear out all the abyssal demons on the third level in less than a month, can you not only guide me, but also help me find the guardians of the fourth level? Mu Qianxi said to him .

Could it be that those two guys were lazy and asked you to help? I like to fight alone and don't need your help! Even if I work day and night, I can't solve it in a month! He road.

You just need to tell me whether you agree or not! If you agree, if you don't like us to act together, I will act separately from you. Although I don't have a ball cage to put away those abyss demons, I will Trap them so that they lose their fighting power, and then wait for you to collect them. Mu Qianxi replied


He had already said what he said, but this little girl still refused to give up. She was so stubborn, which made the guardian of the third floor helpless.

Okay! I promise you, as long as you can do it. He felt that this little girl and this boy would definitely not be able to do it.

After he finished speaking, he left.

Okay! I'm going to continue my work! There are too many abyss demons coming to my third floor, and it will probably take half a year to clean them up. His figure disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi said to Jiuye: Jiuye, let's start working too!

Bang, bang, bang! Mu Qianxi met a not-so-powerful Abyss Demon. After letting her defeat it, she used it to conduct an experiment, and then refined a poison that was effective against them. .

This poisoning can make them lose their strength and let people slaughter them.

The effect of this poison was good, and after several experiments, there were no problems.

Mu Qianxi poisoned the eliminated abyss demons and piled them in a more conspicuous place, so that the guardians of the third floor could encounter them if they passed by.

Then he didn't need to use his hands. He just waved his hand and received these abyss demons into the space. It was very easy.

A few days passed like this. The guardian of the third floor was a road fool. He would get lost even in his own territory. He found a place and found a pile of motionless abyss demons lying on the roadside.

He sneered and said: These abyss demons don't think that I will let them go by pretending to be dead! This is too naive!

When he got closer, he saw the angry Abyss Demons, but these Abyss Demons couldn't move at all. He was stunned, How could this happen? What happened to them?

Someone did it!

He remembered what that little girl said, she was serious, she really did it.

But this is just to deal with some abyss demons. If he wants to help him deal with all the abyss demons in one month, it is still far away!

When he thought like this, he ended up harvesting a lot of abyss demons along the way, all of which he picked up ready-made, but he didn't even do this?

Hey! Those two little guys are pretty good! No wonder they have such abilities. He muttered.

At this time, a familiar voice came, You are wrong, Lao Gao, it's not the two of them who are good, it's that little girl who is good! If I guessed right, it's that little girl who is good. Cleaned up by one person.”

The guardian on the third floor looked at the guardian on the second floor and said: This... this is impossible! A person, that little girl who has not even reached the level of spiritual saint, are you sure you are not kidding me?

Of course I won't joke with you about such a thing! They are on the third floor and have not yet encountered the abyss demons that would put that little girl in danger, so it is not the boy's turn to take action yet. That boy is very powerful. , The cooking skills are stronger than mine, and the taste is even weirder than mine. The second-level guardian sighed.

What? There are still people like this in this world, it's impossible!

Nothing is impossible! He made this. If you don't believe it, just give it a try! Come on! said the guardian on the second floor, taking out a few plates of food.

He had no choice but to harm himself, and he couldn't help but want to harm others. Mu Qianxi said bluntly: You must be the guardian of the third level, right?

No! I'm not. He denied it directly.

Mu Qianxi brought out a plate of food and said: This abyss is very desolate. I haven't seen anything delicious since I've been here for so long. I just happened to have a friend show his hand. Even if you are not the guardian of the third level, It's fate that we meet each other. How about treating you to a meal?

The guardian on the third floor turned pale as he looked at the excellent-looking food. He thought of his naive self, but wasn't he deceived by this good-looking appearance? .??.

He will definitely not be fooled now.

This looks like it was made by that guy. How dare he eat it?

He said: I don't think it's necessary, I don't think so...

Mu Qianxi replied: You know this food is inedible, so you still deny that you are not a third-level guardian. The second-level guardians must have such crazy cooking skills. I guess only you guardians know about it!

Mu Qianxi's purpose was not to let him eat, but to make him unable to deny that he was the third-level guardian.

Sure enough, he stopped struggling and said: I did lie to you just now. I am the guardian of the third level. You have the food he made in your hand, and you must have been forced to eat the food he made. , he would be willing to send you to the third floor! It’s not easy for you two children!”

He thought it was amazing that they were alive now, after all, what that guy cooked was not something humans could eat.

But he didn't know that Mu Qianxi and the others had nothing wrong with them, and it was the guardians on the second level who really wanted to cause trouble.

You are looking for me because you want me to lead you to the fourth floor? he asked.

Is that true? Mu Qianxi replied.

The third level is already very dangerous. The Abyss Demons have been rioting recently, and none of them are easy to deal with. It is not the right time for you to choose to come to the Abyss at this time. So be it! If you can stay safe and sound on the third level Last month, how about I guide you and send you to the fourth floor? he said.

One month, isn't it a little too long? Mu Qianxi asked.

Jiuye is here, the curse is suppressed to death, and the power cannot make a monster. This is good, but he can't stay for too long. He doesn't know what changes will happen outside, and even if the curse is quiet, it can't stay there for a long time. My body is not feeling well either, so I need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

It's been a month since I've been despised for a long time. You young people can't be so reckless! Being too conceited can be fatal. Don't blame me for not warning you. The abyss demons here are much stronger than those on the first and second levels. The guardian of the third floor said earnestly.

If I help you clear out all the abyssal demons on the third level in less than a month, can you not only guide me, but also help me find the guardians of the fourth level? Mu Qianxi said to him .

Are those two guys lazy enough to let you help? I like to fight alone and don't need your help! Even if I work day and night, I can't solve it in a month! He road.

You just need to tell me whether you agree or not! If you agree, if you don't like us to act together, I will act separately from you. Although I don't have a ball cage to put away those abyss demons, I will Trap them so that they lose their fighting power, and then wait for you to collect them. Mu Qianxi replied


He had already said what he said, but this little girl still refused to give up. She was so stubborn, which made the guardian of the third floor helpless.

Okay! I promise you, as long as you can do it. He felt that this little girl and this boy would definitely not be able to do it.

After he finished speaking, he left.

Okay! I'm going to continue my work! There are too many abyss demons coming to my third floor, and it will probably take half a year to clean them up. His figure disappeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi said to Jiuye: Jiuye, let's start working too!

Bang, bang, bang! Mu Qianxi met a not-so-powerful Abyss Demon. After letting her defeat it, she used it to conduct an experiment, and then refined a poison that was effective against them. .

This poisoning can make them lose their strength and let people slaughter them.

The effect of this poison was good, and after several experiments, there were no problems.

Mu Qianxi poisoned the eliminated abyss demons and piled them in a more conspicuous place, so that the guardians of the third floor could encounter them if they passed by.

Then he didn't need to use his hands. He just waved his hand and received these abyss demons into the space. It was very easy.

A few days passed like this. The guardian of the third floor was a road fool. He would get lost even in his own territory. He found a place and found a pile of motionless abyss demons lying on the roadside.

He sneered and said: These abyss demons don't think that I will let them go by pretending to be dead! This is too naive!

When he got closer, he saw the angry Abyss Demons, but these Abyss Demons couldn't move at all. He was stunned, How could this happen? What happened to them?

Someone did it!

He remembered what that little girl said, she was serious, she really did it.

But this is just to deal with some abyss demons. If he wants to help him deal with all the abyss demons in one month, it is still far away!

When he thought like this, he ended up harvesting a lot of abyss demons along the way, all of which he picked up ready-made, but he didn't even do this?

Hey! Those two little guys are pretty good! No wonder they have such abilities. He muttered.

At this time, a familiar voice came, You're wrong, Lao Gao, it's not the two of them who are good, it's that little girl who's good! If my guess is right, it's that little girl who's good. Cleaned up by one person.”

The guardian on the third floor looked at the guardian on the second floor and said: This... this is impossible! A person, that little girl who has not even reached the level of spiritual saint, are you sure you are not kidding me?

Of course I won't joke with you about such a thing! They are on the third floor and have not yet encountered the abyss demons that would put that little girl in danger, so it is not the boy's turn to take action yet. That boy is very powerful. , The cooking skills are stronger than mine, and the taste is even weirder than mine. The second-level guardian sighed.

What? There are still people like this in this world, it's impossible!

Nothing is impossible! He made this. If you don't believe it, just give it a try! Come on! said the guardian on the second floor, taking out a few plates of food.

He had no choice but to harm himself, and he couldn't help but want to harm others.

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