Yang Tangting rushed out of the encirclement, and various forces continually rolled out, carrying a group of people to the outside world. All kinds of powers vibrate, and the cultivation who is in front of him is given to fly.

The strength of Yang Tangting and Su Banshi is strong, and there is no blockage of the extinction of the birds. It is difficult for others to stop them.

The Mongolian bird looked at this scene and shouted: “The emperors go up and form a big array, trapping them.”

Several emperors rushed up, danced with strength, and all the powers rushed out, trying to completely trap Yang Tangting. However, they still underestimated the strength of the two men. Between the two weapons, the Guanghua skyrocketed, and the forces continued to roll out, shattering their attacks and taking everyone away.

The Mongolian bird looked at this scene and looked very ugly. Wanting to fight against Yang Tangting and others, but Ye Chu is in front of him, can not cross Ye Chu to fight Yang Tangting.

The extermination of birds is also true. Regardless of Yang Tangting, his eyes are staring at Ye Chu: “Your strength is extraordinary. In the Red Dust Domain, there is not much strength. Do you know that you are the holy place?”

Ye Chu swept the other side and said: “What is the difference?”

The extermination of the birds said: “You are better off trouble. They are our masters. The master is a man of heaven. You dare to stop us to be against Tianfu, to persuade you to know or to leave.”

Ye Chu smiled and looked at each other: “Tianfu, a big brand. But you are not afraid!”

In a word, the blindfolded bird suddenly stunned and stared at Ye Chu. The other party actually does not put Tianfu in his eyes. Is it other people with big forces?

Demon Palace? still is……

“Who is it?” The Mongolian bird looked pale and stared at Ye Chu.

“Tell me and tell you!” Ye Chu laughed heartily, don’t say anything. The speed is as fast as lightning, and the quick step jumps out. A fist punches out, every punch is overbearing, and the chaos is rolling, making people feel guilty.

Between the shots, the void was shattered by the bombardment. The Mongolian bird looked at such a terrible strength, and his face changed dramatically. He refused to take care of the body at the moment and danced with his own strength to meet Ye Chu.

Both of them are talented people in the world, and it is hard to find one. At this moment, the two can play, and the battle is extremely fierce. Every time I fight, the emptiness of the hōng lóng lóng.

Without Yang Tangting and others, Ye Chu was completely released. All kinds of magical techniques are constantly exerted, and the horrible power of the heavens is shattered, and every time it is fierce to the extreme.

The extermination of the birds is not bad, as the warlord of Tianfu ‘he’. There are also a variety of wonderful techniques, plus Realm high Ye Chu two levels, strength, and suppressing his injury, the rioting attack makes Ye Chu also chilling, and the power is constantly rolling to Ye Chu.

In the void, the fight between the two is increasingly fierce. Between the power sweeps, the earth is directly cut off, and some hills are directly moved to the ground.

Such a fight is fierce, like a storm, where it passes, a mess.

The two people have a constant confrontation, and between the time of the killing, people are shocked.

Ye Chu hit the end and was also excited. The other party is worthy of the ‘he’ war, the name of the innocent war. Ye Chu had to dodge by the smothering of the atmosphere.

But in the same way, Ye Chu’s suffocation and fist dancing, the extinction of the birds will also retreat. Ye Chu’s chaotic gas and suffocation are too horrible, and every time he hits, he beats his blood.

This battle, I did not know how long it took, only know that within a ten-mile radius, they were razed to the ground by two people, and the wind blew up the infinite sand.

At the end of the game, the two were in the wind and sand.

“Hahahaha … happy!” Ye Chu laughed heartily, this is the first time I have encountered such a handsome figure.

I am constantly doing my best, and the other side is also doing a good job. Every time Ye Chu casts a variety of aggressive attacks, the other party can also be deployed not weaker than his attack.

It is worthy of the people who have left Tianfu, and there are countless secrets.

If the other party is with Realm, Ye Chu can win him. But the other party is two levels higher than him. The gap between the two levels is enormous. Under the advantage of the other party’s strength, he can’t help him.

Of course, the other party can’t help themselves.

The more the birds are stunned, the more powerful they are, the strength of this boy is beyond his expectations. Every time he performs at the moment, it is a wonderful technique, and every attack has a heart-wrenching spirit. These secret laws are not from Tianfu or the extinction of other ethnic groups. That’s it, still can’t help each other.

What is the character of the extinct bird, among the emperors, almost invincible. But such an invincible person was blocked by a weak person at several levels.

“Who is he from?” The Mongolian bird trembled in the heart, and only a big force like Tianfu could cultivate such a person.

The most important thing is that the Mongolian bird feels that Ye Chu’s heaven and earth are more pure than he is, and that he can do this, only the forces above the holy land.

The Mengmeng bird thought of this and the shot was more fierce. He can be left to be fierce and unable to defeat Ye Chu.

The two hit the end, the blood was beaten, the two arms trembled, and a collision, Ye Chu was shocked by the corner of his mouth, and the figure exploded.

The same is true for the extinct bird, the blood flowing from the corner of the mouth, standing in the distance, the arm fluttering away.

The two opposing people are staring at each other. Let the wind flutter in the wind and the air between the clothes and the air.

“Your strength makes me unexpected!” said Meng Meng, staring at Ye Chu. “I can’t beat you today, you can’t win me. Do you want to continue playing?”

Ye Chu licked the arm of the numbness that was shocked and looked at the annihilation of the bird with a smile: “You can’t tell the difference between you and me. You can do whatever you want, but you can do whatever you want.” No, I can’t.”

“Oh!” The Mongolian bird did not refute the words of Ye Chu, staring at Ye Chu. “No matter what your identity is, blocking the way of the master, you must die.”

“You have the ability to take it!” Ye Chu stared at each other. “I am not too scared. Although Tianfu is tough, I am not afraid. Moreover, Tianfu is not ‘he’ at the moment.”

Ye Chu is not afraid of Tianfu, after all, Zhong Wei is still there. What you have to face is just ‘he’. As for the behemoths like Tianfu, they are not looking for trouble.

‘He’ is strong, but Ye Chu is not afraid. People from Heartless Peak are not afraid of breaking a ‘Son of Heaven’.

The Mongolian bird stared at Ye Chu for a long time. After a long time, he arched his hand: “You are good at it!”

After that, he also had no intention of fighting Ye Chu again, his figure leaping and flicking away in the distance.


Yesterday I promised the 6 chapter, and there are still two chapters that have not been written. Sorry, I will send out a chapter written last night. Look at it today and write more… I am too wasteful, the codeword speed is too slow…

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