Upon hearing the words of Ye Chu, Luo Luo suddenly felt in his heart, smiling at the face, and was about to hand the iron cage in his hand to the young man鈥檚 stall:

“The stall owner, the demon beast, you have sold it to me, and you have collected my treasure, how come out now?”

When Luo Luo鈥檚 words came out, the old face of the stall owner suddenly became a stagnation and became very ugly. Immediately he angered Luo Luo and said:

“This young lady, you look at the nine-life demon cat for a long time, you have no treasure to trade, the old child finally waited for someone to buy, but now you have to sell it but you are here to disrupt, the heart to disturb the order of Heavenly Immortal City ?”

“Why is the old child receiving your treasure? This nine-life demon cat needs a Great Demon God Realm treasure, how much do you take it?”

The old man is very angry in the discourse, and the tone is even more savage and ruthless. It is said to be black, and the ability to reverse the right and wrong is just as easy.

“You! You have clearly collected my treasure, and said that only nine life demon cats need only three Demon God treasures, you just sell this talent to such a high price.”

Luo Luo heard the words immediately and was anxious. He did not think that there were such shameless people in the world, but Luo Luo鈥檚 head turned faster, and the name was brought in by the words.

Little respected to live in the family environment of Zhong Ming Ding, who would remember the price of some small things?

For the little respect of Heavenly Immortal City, let alone the Great Demon God Realm treasure, the Great Demon Immortal treasure is just a noun.

Although the treasure is not in the less respect, this kind of deceived feeling will not be like as long as it is normal.

Aloof and remote’s less respect is naturally, he heard that immediately the face is a sinking, without the mood to get treasure before, cold:

“Can this thing be sold?”

Less respect for a question, simple and direct, did not give up because of the sale of this thing to Luo Luo, but did not give up because of the careful thinking of the stall owner.

After all, the less respect is the birth force, and the world of knowledge is naturally many, although he can be rude directly.

But after all, he is a small esteem here, and many things can be done but not in the public.

If he did not wait for other people to come, his father must educate him first, not to mention that he still relies on these small people to maintain the operation of Xiancheng?

If you want to force it, you have to have a head, a reason to stand on the heel, even if the reason is far-fetched, it doesn’t matter.

Because he is the less respected here, is the future city lord of Heavenly Immortal City!

After all, it was a cultivator who had lived for thousands of years, and he also learned some techniques of conspiracy.

“Can, absolutely, less respect.”

The owner of the stall heard that the meaning of the little respect was said quickly, and turned to Luo Luo’s face with anger:

“The young lady can’t afford to buy it and go in. I don’t bother the business of the old man here. Otherwise, there are naturally guards in the city to educate you. Don’t know what to do.”

When I said this sentence, the owner鈥檚 enthusiasm was very sufficient. Now he and the younger are a line of people. The guards in the city are naturally on his side.

If you want to face less, you have to be credible. The stall owner said that this discourse is not to really let Luo Luo go, but to stimulate Luo Luo.

As long as he cooperates with less respect, less respect will naturally not help the sick woman. Once there is an excuse to be guarded, it is natural that there is no possibility of life.

Luo Luo Where are these flowers and intestines? Although she is already pure, she already knows that the outside cultivators are very deep-minded. When they come out, they meet, and in addition to their disappointment with the world, they only want to protect their own interests.

Luo Luo is agile, and he doesn’t panic when he is in trouble.

“Do you dare to take out the storage ring and check it out? There are three pieces of Demon God treasure that I have given you, three of which have already been my Nascent Soul imprint!”

“Jokes, the storage ring of the immortal can be seen casually? That is personal privacy, is the personal life-saving cultivation fundamental, can you let outsiders look at it? Is that the closest person can not see it!”

“This kind of reason still needs old children to teach you? Old man sees that you are desperately trying to find the old man. It must be because I don’t want to sell the nine-life demon cat to you at low prices, so you hate it, play here. Chaos my business.”

The stall owner heard a sigh of relief, and secretly Nascent Soul sneaked into the ring of the Qiankun to savour the three Great Demon God Realm treasures.

The stall owner does not blame the old fox. The more he talks, the more excited he is. The old face is full of resentment, and he seems to be the biggest victim.

Luo Luo’s body trembled, and the big eyes in the bright big eyes were all manifested, but she finally resisted, pointing to the lively stalls around:

“Nature, we all hear about our transactions, don’t trust them.”

Hearing Luo Luo’s words, the stall owner’s heart was tight, and he quickly swept to the surrounding stall owners. The scorpion was full of warnings, and the eyes were swept away from time to time.

Immediately all the stall owners shook their heads, did not speak, and directly picked up their own items and carefully looked at them. One thing did not matter if they hang high and hang up.

The heart is sigh, with whom is not good, partial and less respectful, is this not a toilet lanterning courting death?

There are also some who are not accustomed to the less respect, or who have a hatred with the stall owner, and kindly conveyed to Luo Luo, telling Luo Luo what is the benefit of the matter.

At this moment, less respected, he was a little impatient to throw a Demon Immortal treasure to the stall owner, directly:

“Your kindness and resentment have nothing to do with me. Since the nine-life demon cat wants to sell, then take it.”

The stall owner also stopped talking to Luo Luo and nodded and said:

“Yes, this is the nine-death cat, and please accept it.”

When talking about the stall owner, he put his hands in the cage, and his look was very pleased, with joy and humility.


Young and young, nodded lightly, and raised his hand to get the iron cage. He was still looking for more than half of Xiancheng to find such a head.

However, the younger and younger hands were stiff, because he found that the cage in front of the banquet disappeared abruptly, and his hand caught an empty hand!

Young and young face was gloomy at the time, and turned to look at the sick yellow woman standing in the hand holding a cage, said solemnly:

鈥淗ow? Want to grab a strong one in Heavenly Immortal City?鈥?/p>


As the words of young and younger ones fell, a group of guards behind him suddenly recovered, and the spear in his hand pointed to Luo Luo.

Their eyes are extremely cold, and they contain this cold murder, and there is a tragic atmosphere, like the Shura that comes out of the blood of the corpse.

These guards are not ordinary Guardians of the Immortals, but guards of the city lord, and their strength is even stronger. Every guard has a Demon Immortal atmosphere, which is extremely terrifying.

These dozens of Demon Immortal breaths condensed into one, and the suppression of the pressure to Luo Luo, to suppress the Luo Luo breath.

If it is a general cultivator, in the face of such fine escorts, it will surely be Blood Qi rolling, Nascent Soul is unstable, and the strength is not four or five.

However, Luo Luo had no fear in his heart. When he shot and rescued the beast, he was not impulsive.

Rather, she found that it was impossible to tell the truth to these people, and some of the stall owners also rumored to her, let Luo Luo understand this.

Since the truth doesn’t make sense, use your fist to talk!

This was told by Ye Chu in the mining area, and Luo Luo encountered this situation at the same time.

As for why her big brother Ye did not take the trouble directly, she also knew that it was to test her.

Luo Luo doesn’t want to always bother Ye Chu. He wants to grow up quickly and can help Ye Da Ge. Her belief is more firm.

She was born with a different innate talent, and her roots far surpassed those of her class. In the face of this pressure, although she still feels uncomfortable, the impact is not great.

Affected by Luo Luo, the scorpion is naturally manifested, and a pair of bright scorpions shimmer, obscuring the gaze of the people, and at the same time unloading the killing scent, and reversing it back!

鈥滃櫦P膩! 鈥?/p>

At the time of the emptiness, there was a subtle thunder, and the electric snake was swimming. It was the vision of Luo Luo’s heavy temperament and the collision of dozens of city lord guards.

But in terms of momentum, the two sides are equal, so no one can help who!

“Oh? It’s a bit of a skill, but in the early days of a Great Demon Immortal, can you still get through the sky? Give me the slut who dared to provoke the city lord in Heavenly Immortal City. If you dare to resist, kill it on the ground!”

The little scorpion squatted slightly, but the words were coldly ordered, and obviously did not do these things.


Dozens of guards sang in unison, and thousands of steps, the spears lifted straight to Luo Luo, and the violent Nascent Soul suddenly broke out!

Although this shot was awkward, the surrounding stall owners and some cultivators who had already prepared for it were far away in an instant, leaving a vacancy for them, very wise.

Many of the guards who plunged into Luo Luo, and one of the guards, were only behind the ones, and did not act, but they held an irregular stone in their hands.

The stone is the shadow stone, which can record a certain range of scenes, and the stone in the guard’s hand records the picture from the few treasures to the present.

If the picture is released, no matter how you look at it, you can only see that the younger ones are selling and buying things, but they are robbed of the goods. The morality is naturally less.

This is also a common means of less respect, black and white plus some so-called evidence, natural perfection, even if the sick woman is executed, the world will praise him, not roar him.

If you get what you want, you can earn some fame, so that you can pave the way for your future city lord. Such a wonderful thing makes the less respectful and happy, and looks at this good play with a slight squint.

Luo Luo in the field was even more furious. I didn’t think that the people here were so rogue, and it was reasonable to buy and sell.

Since Luo Luo is not afraid to do so, these Demon Immortal are not sturdy, but they are not taken care of by Luo Luo, the Great Demon Immortal.

Immediately, Luo Luo’s scorpion flickered, and suddenly spurred two brilliant dragons, exuding the scent of destruction, and roared into the guard group!

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