After leaving the clothing store to buy clothes, Ye Chu and Luo Luo came to a place that was obviously a scattered place to buy and sell.

Because there are no shops here, it is a stall in a small alley to buy and sell.

Although it is inconspicuous, but the flow of people is not bad, after all, the many items that are sold and sold are more diverse, and the price is approachable and attracts many cultivations.

At this time, Luo Luo also took Ye Chu in. Luo Luo seems to be, and these new objects have not been seen. Almost every booth will have a few eyes.

After asking Dong to ask the West, he did not buy the intention, causing the stall owner to directly rush, not to waste his mouth, but also delayed the business.

Luo Luo didn’t mind this. He jumped away like a child and went to see the next stall. Ye Chu smiled and shook his head and didn’t pay much attention to it.

“help me.”

Suddenly, the look was light, and the voice of Ye Chu Nascent Soul, which was indifferent, sounded extremely weak and weak to an almost inaudible level.

The sound is a very tender appearance, just like a child just learning to talk, yelling, so the voice that Ye Chu hears is also vague.

If Ye Chu Nascent Soul didn’t really catch the faint sound, just to surprise Ye Chu, he didn’t even find out where it came from!

Ye Chu did not change, but the scorpion picked up slightly and looked at the alley. At the same time, many cultivators fell into the eyes of Ye Chu.

The cultivator here is just the level of Demon God or Demon Immortal. As for Great Demon Immortal, it is extremely rare. After all, Great Demon Immortal is also a big man. The chances of appearing here are rare.

The fact that Ye Chu can appear here is just Luo Luo, otherwise Ye Chu will not come.

So for Ye Chu’s review, the cultivation here can’t be found, but after Ye Chu looked at it, he didn’t find the source of the sound, and there was nothing wrong with it here.

After the sound of the first sound, it never sounded again. If the average person would think it was his own illusion.

However, Ye Chu Nascent Soul is strong and solid, and there is no illusion.

It’s just that Ye Chu hasn’t found any strangeness in the third look, and he’s not insisting on it.

At this time, Luo Luo has already walked to a stall selling the cubs of the demon beast, where the coffin cubs of this head are held in an iron cage.

Each of the demon beasts is just in its infancy, and some of them have not even opened their eyes, and they are extremely young and extremely cute.

Almost all kinds of varieties, different colors, flying, walking, swimming, drilling, more exotic, look like it is not ordinary.

Luo Luo As soon as he saw the young and savage beast, the scorpion was bright and brilliant, and it was obviously very fond of it.

In particular, seeing that the head and the beast are turning the awkward scorpion, innocent and innocent, makes Luo Luo feel very intimate.

Seeing that these monsters are being held in cages and losing their freedom, Luo Luo has this kind of empathy.

Seeing Luo Luo’s appearance, the stall owner stroked his goat’s beard and did not rush to speak. Instead, he looked at Luo Luo with a scorpion.

Looking at Luo Luo’s appearance of yellow, the stall owner does not care, the appearance of the guest is not considered by the stall owner, he cares about the behavior of Luo Luo.

Looking at Luo Luo’s appearance is not a deep-looking appearance, it is like a rich family deep hidden, and its cultivation base is the Great Demon Immortal level.

This makes the stall owner even more surprised, but also knows how much opportunity it takes for the average person to cultivate to Great Demon Immortal, and how much life and death is needed.

And the people in front of this are obviously not such people, but they are certainly women of great powers, and only their daughters can be cultivated into a very high cultivation base without any worries.

And the appearance of this young lady is not embarrassing, but the clothing out of the ordinary, faintly flashing Baoguang, obviously not ordinary clothing, but a treasure!

“The world is not deep, resources are not lacking, and I like this little cub, fat sheep, fat sheep destined to be slaughtered by me!”

The stall owner took back his eyes and Nascent Soul almost jumped up and cheered, but after all, he was struggling at the bottom of the field, and his experience was extremely rich, and his face was hard to get home.

The stall owner stroked his goat’s beard, a look of grace and embarrassment, whispered:

“Young lady is a monster cub who likes old man?”


Luo Luo did not return to the words, and continued to tease the beasts.

The stall owner smiled even more vigorously, he said with a smile :

“Young lady I don’t know how to look at the monster of the demon? Old man looks at the young lady. It feels special… If you value the old man, buy it with you at half price.”

The stall owner almost uttered a word that he used to whisper in the past: a look at the young lady feels like a dream man in the old man.

However, when I saw Luo Luo’s pathological yellow skin, and the ordinary appearance, suddenly swallowed back.

“All of them like it.” Luo Luo tells the truth.

When the words came out, the stall owner smiled, if it wasn’t because Luo Luo was not deeply involved, he thought that the enemy would come to the scene.

Soon the stall owner re-stacked his smile and whispered, “Is the young lady going to buy it all?”


Luo Luo heard the words, almost to say that I was not coming to buy things, suddenly Luo Luo saw in the many iron cages, in the bottom, the most inconspicuous places, there is a cub, but it is dying Looks like, no spirit.

Luo Luo crouched down and touched the two cubs with his fingers, but there was no response. Luo Luo could not help but ask:

“What happened to this cub? Is it going to die?”

“This young man does not know that it is from a nest of nine dead demon cats, but the other nine-life demon cat cubs are very smart, full of enthusiasm, and the old man is sold out.”

“It is this nine-life demon cat cub who does not know whether it is mutated or how, not only has a tail, but also does not eat or drink, this phenomenon has been full for half a year, and no customers want to buy.”

“If young lady likes it, old man can send you, but the premise is that young lady wants to buy at least one monster in the old man.”

“young lady old man The monsters here are not the best, the worst growing up and the strength of Great Demon God Realm, and even the evolution of the Great Demon Immortal stage, the foundation is definitely not weak.”

The stall owner said incessantly, and later introduced the characteristics of the nine-life demon cat, saying that the nine-life demon cat has nine lives, this cub may still be able to save the life, there is a saying that the nine-life demon cat is so powerful.

Luo Luo teased the dying sick cat for a while, and saw that he still had no reaction. He couldn’t help but frown. He seemed to think about it.

As for the words of the stall owner, Luo Luo did not listen to it at this time. In a short time, Luo Luo looked at Ye Chu, who was standing in the distance and looking at these antiquities:

“Ye Big Brother, can this cub buy it?”

Luo Luo’s discourse was not the first to be Ye Chu, but the stall owner behind Luo Luo. He looked at him at first glance and suddenly saw his big fat brother.

It is a Qingpao man. Although the Qingpao is of a common standard, there is a faint sacredness. If you don’t see anything, as for the early stage of the Great Demon Immortal, you can’t see it.

Immediately spread the heart of the heart is a condensate, and then see that the appearance of the Qing robes is extraordinary, the calmness of the calm, the invisible has a sense of transcendental.

This temperament is not an ordinary scattered repair, it must be the success of that big force!

Look at the person’s nephew’s deep and abnormal, like a starry sky, it seems to be able to reflect his past, let the stall owner look blank, and quickly remove his gaze.

This person is not easy to provoke, this fat sheep’s big brother must be a strong, or the wind and rain of the strong is not easy to fool, then this time is not easy to encounter the fat sheep not slaughtered?

The owner thought about it, but the face was still smiling. Ye Chu smiled and introduced how Luo Luo liked these young cubs. How these cubs are different, just saying that their own beasts are between heaven and earth. The most bizarre monster.

Ye Chu is naturally immune to the words that these stall owners sell and boast. It is said that Ye Chu is only faintly smiled, and he has not answered, and he has no question.

A pair of oil and water does not enter the appearance, but there is no loss of momentum, so that the stall owner who wants to talk feels like a clown performing alone, and he listened.

“Ye’s big brother is very poor, and this is almost dying. Can you buy it?”

Luo Luo Seeed Ye Chu coming, could not help but ask.

Ye Chu still didn’t answer Luo Luo’s words at this time, but looked at the cub. When I saw the cub, Ye Chu’s nephew suddenly jumped.

It’s not Ye Chu’s nephew, but Ye Chu’s Heavenly Dao’s eyes suddenly jump!

This jump is no different, knowing that with the growth of Ye Chu’s cultivation base, with the evolution of Heavenly Dao’s eye, the movement that can cause Heavenly Dao’s eyes is very rare.

The most recent time was when I met Yin Renran, and after Ye Chu got the insights of the time, it made the Heavenly Dao eyes evolve directly!

The vision of a long river in the pupils made Ye Chu play a huge role in the battles that followed.

At this time, let Heavenly Dao be beating, is it a rare thing with a level of time? Or is it something that can directly make Heavenly Dao’s eyes evolve again?

Ye Chu’s thoughts flashed through my mind, and my heart couldn’t help but blaze. It’s true that there is such a difference in the use of this god.

Even this is not the cub of the nine-life demon cat! Of course, it may also be because the cub has gotten something.

Because Ye Chu has met the nine-life demon cat, even if he killed it, Heavenly Dao didn’t have the slightest reaction.

Then the only thing that can cause Heavenly Dao’s eye reaction is the difference between the nine-deviled cat in front of him. Now, Ye Chu wants to open Heavenly Dao and see it carefully.

To see the details of the nine-life demon cat, but Ye Chu stopped the action because there was a Great Demon Immortal staring at it. Ye Chu is worried that it will cause Heavenly Dao’s vision, causing unnecessary trouble, and not looking at it. If you buy it, you can take a closer look.

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