The whole book &nbp;., the fastest update of the latest chapter of the peerless evil spirit!


After an action, the middle-aged man was violent, and as soon as he came, hundreds of rules chains emerged, each of which exuded amazing fluctuations.


The sound of the regular chain is endless, and it sounds in the void, like hundreds of giant snakes, flocking wildly to the white gold.


On time, there was a green mangling in the void, and then there was a rule chain that appeared and entangled the chain of rules that came to kill.

“Rules chain! Xian array!”

The middle-aged man saw the shape, the pupil was violently contracted, and the dignified color appeared in the scorpion. There was no small sputum before, and his hands were printed and the mouth was low:

“Breaking the sky!”

As the words fell, hundreds of regular god chains in the void trembled, bursting out of the shackles, the voids were broken, carrying the power of terror to the blue light curtain!


The cyan light curtain suddenly shattered, and the cyan rule chain was also smashed, and the flashing disappeared. It was actually hit by a middle-aged man!


The middle-aged man did not show the slightest joy of color when he saw it. Some of them were just a condensate, and the fairy squad had such a good break?

The presence of a fairy in the fairy tales is enough to prove the power of the fairy tales, which will definitely kill the existence of the half celestial!

Moreover, the fairy tales of the rule chain are born, absolutely horrible, that is, he must also be treated with caution!

But how can it be so simple now? Is there a post trick?


A scream came from the channel, and the array was activated. You couldn’t see what happened outside.

Only a piece of green glory shrouded in the use of special shackles and could not be worn, which made the middle-aged man frown.

He looked back at the old man who was half black and half white at the back, and saw his nod, and he also smashed his scorpion and rushed in directly!

I will not go in and break, I am afraid that I will be dragged by a Great Demon Immortal, and I will lose one second and a half cents. This can be unaffordable.

“The thief will die for me!”

As soon as I entered the middle age, I saw that the Qingpao man had to throw a fist to patrol the old man’s eyebrows. He would smash the old man’s Immortal Spirit and directly kill him.

The strange patrol old man turned out to be motionless, as if the magical general, let the middle-aged man subconsciously think that it is the thief’s damage.

The situation is critical, and he is not allowed to think about it. Immediately, he screams, and the sword of the rule of the rule chain in his hands suddenly slams.

When I was awkward, I was shocked by the sky. Like a lightning strike straight to the Qingpao people, the void becomes heavy under the sword, to see the Qingpao people banned, killed and killed!

“call out!”

It seems that the speed of the word glow is too fast, and it seems that the Qingpao people did not expect that the middle-aged man would suddenly break in, even if he was directly split into two by a middle-aged man!

A scream rang, suddenly bloody rain, and there was a thick bloody suffocation in the void, which smelled disgusting.

The middle-aged man saw that he was so fast that he killed a fairy sect, and he had some doubts in his heart. However, the bloody taste was not like a fake, and he immediately suppressed the doubts in his heart.

“Not awake!”

The middle-aged man went to the patrol old man, and was loudly shouted. The old man’s nephew gradually recovered from the clear, and he was relieved.

Turning around to check the body of the Qingpao people, after all, there are always doubts in the heart to see what is different.

Just as the middle-aged man turned around, he smacked in the patrolling old man’s nephew behind him, and shot it!

In his pupils, sometimes the light is flowing, and sometimes the light fragments are flying, flying directly to the middle-aged man, and fixing the middle-aged man’s figure!

Time is still!

Immediately after seeing him pull in the void, suddenly a green lotus sword emerged. He held the sword in both hands, and there was an illusory Qinglian floating under his feet. The figure suddenly overlapped.

Time to take pictures!

“call out!”

When you are in the sky, there are endless green awns in the void, and a sacred sword of the Emperor of Heaven is made out, and the ten is turned into one, and the sword of the most peak is thrown!


There are endless green awns appearing in the same place, if there is a round of blue sun rising here, shining Nine Heavens!

Qingmang directly to the middle-aged man, the void is turned into nothingness under the sword, and the middle-aged man must be split in two!


The middle-aged man perceives the same, roaring, the void is trembled, and the chain of rules is oscillating, to break away from the shackles of time debris.


In the end, the middle-aged man broke free from the bondage, and at the same time he felt that there was an ultimate danger, letting his heart sigh and not being scornful.

Almost one breaks the bondage, he flashes the Immortal Spirit, and his body screams away, to avoid the awkward blow!

“pū! ”

Although the middle-aged man is fast, but it is too late in time, when the blue-sword glow flashes, the middle-aged man almost slammed his arm on the left arm and almost cut his arm!

At the same time, the reaction speed of middle-aged men can not be said to be unpleasant, almost no movements have stopped, the right hand has already thrown a fist, directly squatting in the patrol old man holding the Qinglian sword.


At the time of the squad, the patrolling old man turned into nothingness, and the swaying of the swaying into the green mansions dissipated.

The middle-aged man was relieved, and there was no one in the void, and there was a bloody corpse on the ground. Now the green robe is gone, it is the patrol old man!

“Ah! The thief old man won’t let you go!”

The middle-aged man screamed, his voice was like an angry behemoth roaring, horrible and embarrassing, and even more murderous.

He was dubbed by a Great Demon Immortal, and he killed his own doorman. How does he feel angry in his heart?

The anger is going to rush out of the Tianling cover and burn the entire mine area!

“I am here, why don’t you let me go?”

Ye Chu, a Turkic robe, appeared in the void, standing quietly and looking at the middle-aged man who was angry and rushing to the crown, lighted with a smile.

“courting death !”

“call out!”

In the middle-aged man, a regular chain of gods emerged, like a whip, and the rapid rush to Ye Chu, to kill Ye Chu whip!


When the time came, the whip flashed past, and the void was turned into pieces in that whip. Ye Chu was directly dissipated, and it turned out to be a ghost!


At the same time, the void purple red appeared a blue shadow, but it is a regular chain of gods, like a long gun, straight to the middle-aged man to wear it!

On the other side, another Ye Chu emerges, holding a cyan long sword in his hand, and the heavenly sword is with the slightest hesitation, to kill the middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man had already suffered a big loss when he first came in. At this time, it was naturally a cautious form. While guarding himself, it also shattered the figure that Ye Chu continued to illusion.

In a time field, the roaring sounds, and the more horrible turbulence swayed around, making the whole place tremble, like the root of destruction!

This is the scene in the array, but it is not visible outside, and the misty fog blocks the line of sight, making it difficult to see through!

The old man with half-black and half-white hair looked at the law slightly, and he couldn’t see the mystery of the array. He couldn’t see the pattern, but it was different from the general pattern.

This made the old man amazed and faintly felt that this method was extraordinary. At this time, he saw that the two had not yet come out. He was also impatient, and immediately said to the yellow-faced man around him:

“Let’s go in and see.”

The yellow-faced man immediately claimed to be, and his body swayed directly into the blue fog, and he had to enter and kill the green robe!

When the yellow-faced man came in, he heard endless roars, among which Nascent Soul and Immortal Spirit, and the rich Immortal Spirit, were very violent.

There are singular rules of the god chain in the vertical and horizontal, there are also a thick chain of green and Zhan Zhan flying, the horrible atmosphere blooms in it.

There are also a number of Qing robes, and a middle-aged man is fighting in it.

In the eyes of the yellow-faced man, the atmosphere of the several robes of the Qing dynasty was not weak, and there was a fluctuation of half a sensation. Among them, there was an extremely fierce Qing robes who pressed the middle-aged man to fight!

This made the yellow-faced man, Pupils shrank, and he also saw that the middle-aged man was going to talk a few times, but there was no word coming from him, which made him feel a glimpse of it. It is estimated that it is the reason of the formation.

Perhaps he has touched some clues of this fairy squad, so he wants to tell himself, but he is blocked by the formation. If he is certain, he will rush to the middle-aged man.

It was at this time that the Qingpao man discovered that he was rushing, and immediately let the middle-aged man go straight to him to kill him!

Although this Qingpao man looked a bit strange in his yellow-faced man, but at this time it was not a time to think about it. At the moment, he was embarrassed, and his eyebrows spurred a sly word glow.

“call out!”

Sword glow sprints, straight to the eyebrows of the Qingpao people, the Qingpao people are not to be outdone, the chain of speed is going to wipe out the sword glow!

At the same time, the middle-aged man also sprinted up, a long sword until the Qingpao!


Almost instantaneously, a sword glow penetrated the shoulders of the Qing robes, and several long horrible rules of the chain of the gods made the yellow-faced man penetrate the chest.

At the same time, there are several rules of the chain guarded by the Qingpao people to prevent the middle-aged man from killing.

However, at the last moment, the middle-aged man did not kill the Qingpao, but instead showed a strange smile, and the speed was almost a flash of unsuspecting yellow-faced man.

“pū! ”

When he was squatting, an arm flew directly, and the blood flowed like a note. After the pain, the yellow-faced man’s fist in the other hand burst into a fierce awn, and the anger slammed into the middle-aged man.


However, the middle-aged man directly dissipated after a hit, which made the yellow-faced man fall in the air, and the void directly turned into nothingness under the punch of the yellow-faced man!

“Is the Senior Brother?”

At this moment, the Qingpao man with one hand on his shoulder shouted at the yellow-faced man.

“What? You!”

The yellow-faced man heard the words and suddenly became shocked. He carefully looked at the Qingpao people in front of him. Finally, after his horrible Immortal Spirit broke out, he finally saw the true identity of the Qingpao people. He was the middle-aged man!

“Little thief, old man will kill you!” The yellow-faced man saw it, and he still didn’t know that he was being played, and immediately screamed at the sky.

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